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Posts posted by jmr

  1. Can someone confirm/deny if the Star Battle mode from NSMBDS is in there, with the wrap-around levels?
    I don't think so. The only modes available from the get go (aside from the main game) are Multiplayer Free for All (complete the stage and get ranked) and Coin Battle (whoever collects the most coins wins.)

    I dunno if there are any unlockable modes, but I doubt there are.

  2. My brother and I have played up until W4. So far, I'm blown away by the level design. There are so many little details and rewards and hidden areas to explore, yet if you want you can simply breeze through the levels.

    I was a little skeptical about the simultaneous multiplayer thing at first, but after trying 2-player co-op I must say I'm pretty impressed. It's a surprisingly fun to bounce off each other and throw each other around. I'm REALLY looking forward to trying it with 3 or 4 players.

    Also, the Coin Battle mode has a version of the 'Classic W1-1' level that has a lot of WTF? moments. The good kind of WTF? moments.

  3. I would like to learn how to bake you a cake

    In case it's ever your birthday

    I think it's something everyone should know

    And I would like to learn how to wrap a gift

    In case I'm ever generous

    And don't have access to a store clerk's hand

    And I would like to learn how to bake you a cake

    Hahaha! :nicework:

    o btw hbd shael yr awesome

  4. It's a character encoding issue. The page's character set is Western (ISO-8859-1), but the non-english text uses Unicode characters.

    Here are the corrected phrases in Western encoding. (I'm not sure if this'll display properly, so here goes nothing)

    Información en Español

    L'information en Français


  5. On the chat applet page in the navigation links that appear in under the page title, the link back to the chat info page is broken. It instead links to http://ocremix.org/community/chat/, which 404s.

    The dropdown navigation tabs on the top of the page hide behind the Java applet as well. I've tested it on Chrome 3.0 and Firefox 3.5.4.

    The chat applet also refused to connect, but that's probably because I'm at work right now. :-P

  6. Ahh, I appreciate the explanation. :smile: I'd like to see the max width of forum threads to be a little less than 1300px (like I said, it feels weird reading things spanning the entire width of the screen), but that's just a personal preference and in the end, it's not a big deal at all.

    EDIT: Holy wow I just discovered Stylish.

    @-moz-document url-prefix('http://ocremix.org/forums') {
    div.middle-column-full {max-width:1000px !important}

    ...suits me just fine.

  7. I don't really miss the functionality of the sidebar (never used it much), but I sort of miss the screen real estate it used to occupy. Feels weird reading threads spanning the full width of a wide-screen monitor.

    Hmm... I'm not sure if it's because I'm using a different resolution monitor at school (1680x1050 at school vs. 1280x800 at home), but I like what I'm seeing now. I'll check how it looks at home this evening.

  8. Thanks for the tip :) I'm going to post it there as well I suppose
    Might want to get a mod to merge the two threads for you.


    (Now, after pointing that out, I feel obligated to listen to your remix. )

    First impression: 'tis good.

    The string instruments that come in at 0:30 and 1:35 (and 1:01 to a lesser extent) sound a little fake, but when the other parts come in I didn't notice it as much. Still, tracking down some better sounds (or at least tweaking the ones you're using a little more) might be a good idea.

    The bit at 2:20 kinda caught me off guard at first... until the beat came back two seconds later... man, good stuff. :)

    Not a fan of the snare pattern you start at 2:55 and 5:16. Seems out of place to me.

    I think it might be a good idea to trim the length down a bit too. Some parts began to overstay their welcome, so to speak. I think that if you could somehow remove 1 or 2 minutes or so by trimming some of the more repetitive / redundant parts, your remix would be better for it.

    I can't really comment on your arrangement of the source; I'm not that familiar with the original. :oops:

  9. Heh, that was the first thing I noticed when I saw the new skin.
    Hmm, the headphones are pretty easy to distinguish on my screen.

    I don't really miss the functionality of the sidebar (never used it much), but I sort of miss the screen real estate it used to occupy. Feels weird reading threads spanning the full width of a wide-screen monitor.

    Apart from that, I'm liking the new layout. :nicework:

  10. I wondered the same thing.

    And then I realized that it was xoc (!) covering Super Mario 3 (!!!!), and that there was no way that it could be wrong.

    In all seriousness: he's giving the download away to people who 'donate' money (similar to how people who 'donate' to Metroid Metal get a sponsor CD and access to sponsor-only bonus material). I'm not quite sure if that's the 'legal loophole' you were looking for...

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