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CC Ricers

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Posts posted by CC Ricers

  1. You can put me down as interested but only for Chicago!

    BlackPanther, that would be cool if you could show up. I've never been to one of these OCR shindigs (thank you east coast bias) but with more interested Midwesterners I may be going this year.

    damn it.. why does nobody go to Acen.... go to Acen you noobulaxes!

    That may work if some other circumstances work in my favor. A friend and I are trying to nab an exhibition spots by Acen so we can DJ for free.

  2. Holy shit, but anyways, who will actually be in the market to buy them? Anyone who knows about anything about OCR will just head on over here, either directly or look up Mega Man songs from OCR on Google.

    Anyone that doesn't and is browsing that site, well they're cheapskates to begin with. The type of people that go to these cheap download sites are the ones that wouldn't want to pay the full 0.99 to 2.49 per song on the legit websites. When push comes to shove they'll Google for "XYZ Song name download" and get to any free links they discover. I don't see them making much of any actual sales from those particular songs.

    But hey, you can probably lash out at them on Facebook.

    Legal Sounds

    the new victorius album is avalible on legalsounds.com

    Joe Ferrara

    fuck you


  3. Chicago is the best for me because I don't have to drive to get there.

    Also I do not have a car :<

    If you're planning something around the Six Flags at Gurnee wait until May, when it opens. The Taste doesn't happen until the end of June.

  4. This is why I take issue with indie games now. People who make a game and it really turns out to be rather bland, mediocre, will say, "Well it's an indie game!" and then the gaming press/gaming world lavish it with praise, and give little to no critical inspection of it. Then again, a large amount of game reviewers don't seem to be doing that anymore anyways.

    I don't find fault in indie developers trying to take shortcuts in order to cope with their limitations in resources, ie. not enough time for fleshing out an idea or more commonly, lacking the artistic talent or access to it. What bothers me is that some fail to see it it as crutch and spin it as a major selling point. A lot of them are advertising "amazing retro graphics" for a game that didn't have a dedicated artist.

  5. Music has always been terrible. Music was terrible back when Mozart was alive. We remember the decent stuff and forget the much more abundant terrible stuff, so it always seems like the present is worse than the past.

    This, pretty much. "Oldies" stations really just play the same 50 to 100 songs on their list and all the non-catchy crap from the past decades is forgotten in obscurity. There's already a filter in place for older music. Current mainstream music is always unfiltered, and we'll only be listening to the best 20% of what plays in today's radio in the oldies stations of the future.

    I guess the Stupid Hoe video is going to make some references that only Minaj fans and pop music fans are going to get, though I feel trolled watching it. But screw anyone if you think the BEAT is terrible. Oh, well to be honest

    but still.
  6. The bass rolls deep with this one. This is only Panther's second mix but I can tell he loves the bass. I also love the beat played right at the start. It's usually played for lighter drum & bass stuff but it still tends to work with the more abrasive synths in here.

    I don't know the original enough to talk about how it fits the mood. I do wish you did more with it, but it's a good ride while it lasts.

  7. Well this is stupid.

    If this is the result of a claim from a games company I will be very disappointed.

    Better hope not. YouTube cares more on who has the most clout there. Also, I've seen channels taken down due to copyright claims by fake companies- which in itself is illegal to do.

  8. Several months ago I was watching Zircon's video demo/tutorial on making dubstep synth patches with Zebra, and I really wanted to hear them piled on with effects, in a completed track. Well, guess I got what I wanted :-D This is a well put-together mix, and it's very dark yet chill at the same time. My only gripe is that I wanted it to go on for 1 or 2 more minutes. But this uses the popular dubstep trend of throwing in a lot of different textures and they flow together nicely.

  9. Most of today's popular dubstep is melodically conservative and harmonically overindulgent. The bass really does just play as an counterpart to the rhythm most of the time.

    However guys in mainland Europe (most artists comes from UK or North America) seem to be changing the dubstep game with more catchy stuff like

    . I think these are definite keepers. If you can get past the wubwubs and random sounds you can hear a better progression in melody through the tracks. The breakdown of Ninur at 2:27 is ace.
  10. People post links to YouTube hosting video game rips, do yep nobody really cares. It really depends on the website for how they handle old video game material.

    One game development website had someone pull down the entire disassembly to the Pac-Man game (basically a ROM dump) since Namco apparently enforces their copyrights aggressively. But the copyright only lasts for 95 years, so in 2075 you can freely post the code and music to Pac-Man :-D

  11. I've always wanted to remix a Super Monkey Ball track, so here I go with Banana Blitz. Volcanic Pools frustrated me to no end, and had the song stuck in my head for days. Now I'm gonna let you have it :P

    Yep, another dubstep remix. Though it's loud it doesn't have any true wobble sounds, trying not to use the bass that way. There's also no real buildup yet, the mix properly starts at 14 seconds in.

    Original source:


    Thanks for listening!

  12. I agree with Emunator on the same things. I listen to a lot of dubstep styles from the deep and chill to the high intensity punch-the-wall kind. I REALLY hate a lot of the fanbase though- it's very divided as far as music fans go.

    Anyways, that's probably why my expectations were high. The synths are mostly basic analog sounds. Usually that's fine when they're layered really well (a lot of dubstep uses plenty of analog goodness), but the production is way too dry and unprocessed, and am surprised this cut the mustard for an OC ReMix.

    To make a comparison to the more oldschool OCR-heads, it's like a dubstep version of Liquid Neon/DJ Pheonix mixes. But if I were to say something good about it, at least the arrangement holds up pretty well and it's not as repetitive. The drums also sound a little better at 1:35 and the wubwubwub rhythms do a good job in complementing the drums. The same applies for 2:37, that part will sound pretty good if I imagine it with more effects. So the passion seems to be there, but it just needed more time in the oven.


    What makes this even stranger to me is that he really is

    , and could've went with something else.
  13. Here's a remix I completed, though just probably not gonna submit it since there's too much source and not enough original stuff. But I'm letting you guys enjoy it at least.

    Jak X Combat Racing only had a few electronic tracks, and this one is pretty standout to me. I just liked hearing it during a replay, or when I'm fixing up my car in the game. The beat was just catchy, and I gave it a harder edge.

    The source track is called "To Be Reborn"


    The remix can be found here



  14. Bad title. You should call it "Scary Monsters and 8-Bit Sprites" :tomatoface: :tomatoface: :tomatoface:

    I like the music box intro, especially that winding sound. Good atmosphere. The mix gets muddy at the busier parts, and the drums don't seem to push through as much as they should. I will echo chthonic about the drums. This is one thing a lot of people don't realize about aggressive dubstep when they listen to it- part of the aggressive effect is that the drums jump out at you.

    isn't very chaotic and has a lot of empty space, but it's hard and loud because of the percussion. I'm not saying you should go in that direction, but making a point that dirty dubstep is more than just abrasive synths.

    Aside from that, the loud sections feel "caved in" listening through headphones. The break down parts are fine, but when it moves into the dirty parts, the whole soundscape feels crammed together. I feel like you could use more of the stereo space here. Expand the wobble sound with a stereo phaser or chorus effect, for instance.

  15. The synth work, when you get to the actual dubby wubby stuff, is actually good. But the mixdown of the whole track feels off. Either the lead instruments needs to be in the center, or stereo-panned enough on the sides. Right now it stays around an awkward in-between area. But Soundcloud's also been known to mess up some bass sounds in its file compression. Fix the bass and you have a real head-nodding tune there.

    I also agree with the others to drop the source tune. It's shrieking too much on the high end, and sounds like a bad recording of it. I like dubstep and glitch hop but that part was grating on the ears.

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