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CC Ricers

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Posts posted by CC Ricers

  1. Yes, someone else likes the Super Monkey Ball music. Boiling pot isn't really on my list of favorites from this game but I remember it well and it does feel much like the original.

    You really nailed it with the string pads, and even that modulating bass instrument at the start still sounds fitting, considering the source.

    The first lead instrument sounds too thin, especially when the next one start to play when the key changes at 0:29. The snare feels a bit distant- it gets buried in some parts and it doesn't do much to carry the rhythm. The only exception would be the switch-up at 0:42.

    I'd want to know if you're just planning an instrument swap or if you'll elevate it to remix status. It's a great start for it!

  2. Heh, now I'm curious to know what crits BlackPanther has for me.

    hewhoisiam, I'm not sure if I will make those snares louder. They sound punchy enough as is, at least to me :P The fuzz at 0:40 turned out to be a badly setup distortion plugin. I'll automate that so it turns off in the quieter parts, where it's not really needed. Adding panning effects in the breakdown sounds like a good idea, too.

  3. The other guys are right, this is pretty legit. There are some ideas that feel scatterbrained and could use a bit more coherence to the overall flow and structure, but otherwise I wouldn't mind playing this on in a DJ set. My favorite parts are in the beginning where it's more glitchy and fidget-y.

  4. Thanks for the short crit, it's better than nothing. Yeah I have noticed that the EQ mixdown for this was lacking the bass, but I didn't wanna go again and replace the file to do that.

    I have a tendency to cut a tad on the bass to make things less muddy, even when the music in this style needs it. (maybe some instrument frequency overlaps are making it sound off like you said at 0:56) But I am polishing up the production now so the next version would have a more prominent bassline. Also would serve well for the heavier sounding sections I am adding right now, so they'd still sound clear and clean.

    (edit) I uploaded a new WIP with a brand new section, plus bumped up the bass parts and overall made it fuller sounding.

  5. New version here: http://soundcloud.com/cc-ricers/cc-ricers-big-hands-to-fill-wip-2

    First version

    I'm flexing my dubstep muscles again. This is what I have so far. I'll try my best not to post an update until I get this to 3 minutes. I expect the final version to be around 4 minutes long.

    It's not really dark sounding, considering the source, but it does get loud. Well, take that back, it does get darker at the end. I may add some voice samples, but just not as much as in the source :-o

  6. Listen to it, learn to do its constituents like the aggressive bass, hard beat, and signature side-chaining.

    This especially. When I heard of side-chaining it sounded like some arcane black magic from the DAW world but following a basic tutorial got me started. You could get your mixes loud and proud through some meticulous sidechaining.

    Sidechaining seems to be very different in FL9 and FL8. Zircon has a

    for the new method.
  7. I understood your comments, heiswhoiam. Yeah, it does tend to be a bit all over the place right? It usually happens to my mixes early on in the production process, before they condense towards the finish. I tend to throw a couple small ideas and eliminate some of them as I go along.

    At 1:45 you think it could sound fuller? Well that's what I'm getting at least, but here I actually thought this was one of the main parts of the mix, and haven't really planned to add anything else to it.

    The main harmony (in the source starting at :32) does get underplayed but like you said I still have a ways to go to incorporate it further. I actually placed some of it in 1:24 to 1:34 but with an altered rhythm. Perhaps I should also extend the section at 1:34 to a couple more bars?

    All the effects are also one of those things where I'm just throwing ideas and still testing out what might make the cut and what wouldn't. They'll start to sound more cohesive once I fill out the first break and intro.

    Thanks for the insight, it's been very helpful.

  8. I chose this track because I find it seldom remixed, and also wanted to keep the sense of danger you usually don't get from underwater level music. What style it is, well it's kind of cross-genre. This mix contains elements of drum & bass, dubstep, and a bit of hip hop.

    The breakdown from 0:44 to 1:03 is pretty bare, that needs the most work for now. I plan to add additional effects or ambiance to fill it out.

    Remix: http://soundcloud.com/cc-ricers/lockjaws-saga-wip

    Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdUNrVzT97s

  9. Late to the party, but I just had to comment on this.

    This sounds "big" even before the beats kick in. I definitely feel the Justice influence, and also at 1:53 the organ is very reminiscent of Deadmau5's Ghosts 'n' Stuff. This is very compressed but it still sounds so clean.

  10. You know DDR was the bee's knees when you attracted a dozen or so people to shadow dance with you.

    And although I wasn't really into it, there were a lot of freestyle dancers around the time of DDR USA/4th Mix. Those also drew big crowds. I think the scoring system overhaul on 5th Mix and subsequent versions killed some of the freestyle movement, as everyone just wanted to get as many perfects as possible.

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