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Everything posted by kamoh

  1. UC acceptance: 11% CSU acceptance: 33% Community College Acceptance: 100%
  2. Okay I just put everyone from last tournament in. Atmuh said something about being really really pressed for time, so I will probably take him off the list. There are two changes to the format. The effects are mostly visual. 1) Instead of "losses," the first tiebreaker is "games played." This changes nothing and is simply there for positive reinforcement and appearances. 2) Instead of "points," the second tiebreaker is "percentage." It is simply (fights won)/(fights won + fights lost). The numbers change slightly, to have a more balanced system - you no longer get points for "unplayed" fights. The effect is also mostly visual. I don't think that we've ever gotten to the second tiebreaker to decide a playoff spot, so it's likely inconsequential.
  3. Ok get on AIM real quick there's one more thing...
  4. Tecmo was a bad attempt at getting the tournament to move on. As a result, my head rolled around and I decided to un-flake. This is the result of that.
  5. Oh. everyone needs an AIM screen name. That means you Schwaltzvald (Drack?)
  6. I'm going to post standings a little differently, and I'm in the process of getting that done. Everything will LOOK different, but the whole system will be mathematically the same.
  7. dPaladin won the Mario Kart tournament and choses Super Bomberman 2. Sign up here, details and rules are posted in each standings post. You will need ZSNES 1.36 and Hamachi, as well as the rom. http://easynews.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/zsnes/zsneswv1.36.zip http://www.hamachi.cc http://www.romnation.net/srv/download/rom/42774/snes/Super-Bomberman-2-U.html
  8. Whatever happened to "Day 14?" If the deadline to signup is 14 days from now, when does RR end? Oh, and btw, Epic declared HI-Speed 1 and 90 second rounds.
  9. The other option is to make the deadlines for round robin on Day 14, and Day 21 for the playoffs.
  10. Arek and EasyP, and anyone who's real interested: Since this playoff stage is going by pretty quickly (two matches left), I think we should axe my "staggered schedule" idea and simply go with a few set rules: Day 0: New game declared, tournament begins with Round-Robin stage. Day 10: Registration ends @ 11:59 pm Eastern Time. Day 17: Round-Robin ends @ 11:59 pm Eastern Time. Day 24: Playoffs must be completed by 11:59 pm Eastern Time.
  11. Broken vs. EpicPoster Winner vs. Hemophiliac
  12. Blue: "I heard that, Dugan! You're outta here!"
  13. That one time I forgot about my friends in UPD and didn't beat the shit out of you in the bowling alley.
  14. I personally don't think that VT was inactive about the first shooting. Two people get shot in the room of one of them all the time - it's a domestic dispute, and for them to say so and to say that it was an isolated incident makes sense to me. The cops were called, an investigation had to be started, and that's that. Double homicide is bad, but the impending process by the police is, across the nation, fairly routine and set in stone. They could never have considered that he would come back to kill 30 more people, so they figured that, based on the situation, while tragic, it didn't merit cancelling classes in a school that we know now has a problem with alerting students to danger (my school would be in the same boat). I can even excuse SWAT for an hour. It probably took school officials 20 minutes to figure out what was going on, the police 20 minutes to get there in force, and 20 minutes for SWAT to arrive after the call to bring them in was made. I also believe that the two shootings were only loosely connected. Same shooter, same weapons, same general location, yes. Motive changed. The first two were in pain, for revenge. Then he realized what he had done, that he wasn't going to escape, he couldn't live on the run forever. The massacre was about numbers, IMO. 32-for-1, and that, I hate to admit, makes a lot of sense to me.
  15. They tried that for two months, remember? How do you think I wasn't complaining about the taskbar? NOTE: I AM a Media Studies student (my major is Radio/TV/Film, but a lot of mass communications and journalism issues come into play here), so when I see EVERYONE in a conversation saying the same clichéd statements (like it is for the most part here), I want to shake things up a bit - I'm going to be towing the party line for most of my life, and I personally think that controversy sparks conversation and interest. In essence, I want you to grow a brain, because most of my career is going to be about making sheep out of the masses and I'd like a challenge once in a while. DFK, thanks for calling me out on that one cause I knew I was either right or wrong about American Samoa. Broken, I still have the jaw-drop effect going on (see my earlier posts too), but I think that I've just gone on to one step of tragedy while most everyone else is on a different one.
  16. How? We as a society do NOT condone mass murder in any circumstance. What can we do, in a community that doesn't see this that often, but consider him to be an abberation, a psychotically murderous individual. Maybe the word "demonize" is too tough, but I don't feel any remorse for the shooter. Not only did he bring this on himself and 32 people who are now dead, but also on the entire world and killed our sense of community and security. Western Samoa is NOT leaving the country, btw. *quick tension-relieving LOL for geography - W. Samoa also doesn't exist anymore*
  17. I want to make sure that all of you realize that I feel horrible about this, and have been watching the web and TV and radio for news about this all day. I'm more caring for everyone here though, because I didn't know anyone at VT except for, possibly, OCR people. Broken, especially you, since we've gotten close and talked a few times since the AG tournaments started, I hope you get better emotionally because something like this so close to home is just insane, and I can only imagine if it had been at SJSU. Why NOT demonize the shooter? He did something so mad and horrific that only one in ten million people would think to do AND carry out. If we don't demonize the shooter then I think we condone the actions. His family being in grief is fine, I'm not putting hate on parents or friends of this guy, but HE deserves worse than what he gave to himself. Fifteen minutes to realize what he's done, realize his life is over, and then decide to take down as many other people with him as possible. It just took two hours to go home, reload, stock up, and head out. If YOU were a killer, and you knew this was going to be your fate, wouldn't you try and go out with a bang (sorry the pun) like this? I certainly would, from a statistical standpoint, but I'm also not the person to kill a bunch of innocent students.
  18. Oh I blame everything on the media - that's why I'm going to be a big part of it...it's so LUCRATIVE! Speaking of which I've been broadcasting while posting all of these replies. Hello media!
  19. This has nothing to do with censorship though. The FCC is only concerned with the Imus thing, and they're not able to do anything but fine the hell out of him and Viacom. That was nothing compared to Janet Jackson. You can't really censor people from having guns - you can BAN guns, but there are plenty of people here that would argue that gun control on the VT campus might have been a big part of the problem here (bunk, I say, this would have happened had there been gun owners or not). Of course, that's not a censorship issue, that's more for the ATF and they aren't the FCC.
  20. I'm thinking soup and salad combo.
  21. Naw, he had something wrong in the head. ANYONE who would do this kind of thing does, and the mere fact that he did it is testament to the fact that you are ten million times better than that. Besides, being single is fun, isn't it? GO FOR BROKE! This affected me too - it was a while ago but I started being more aware and sensitive of the lives of people caught up in an event like this. I have to say that the whole Stalinistic perspective still rings true in my head (one death is a tragedy, a million is a statistic), 9/11 being a perfect example, but I think there's a line you have to cross, and that's when you love someone so much that you put yourself or themselves in the position of those that died. That's when sensitivity occurs, in my experience, and I think that's why you're feeling the way you do, Arek.
  22. Va Tech is a big school with a LOT of students - I don't see a lot of people that weren't victims leaving school because they don't think that VT is safe anymore (maybe because they're traumatized). This could have happened just about anywhere - any school, any college, any office, anywhere. To try and up security measures would be mostly useless and expensive. Not to be cold and talk about economics here, but they WOULD be forcing people out through tuition increases if they spent a lot of money on guards and security. This will likely effect enrollment numbers for 2007, but there are still going to be people scholarshipped and intent on going to VT that will still go. Again, this could have easily happened anywhere.
  23. i was watching CNN through my breakfast (we ditched class today), and it just seemed awkward how they reported it. I couldn't hear them, closed captioning, but they were saying things like "we're having such a tough time etc etc reporting this story etc etc we don't know what would it have been like if we were actually there" It's obvious - you'd still be reporters. CNN is full of lamers. In other news, the first thing I thought about was any OCR peeps that might be at Va Tech. Can we get a list going of who we know goes there?
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