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Everything posted by kamoh

  1. My friends care not In other news I saw a woman with a "MUSTIN" license plate about a month ago.
  2. official ocrfgt theme someone please remix active red.
  3. I got an e-mail back from him, he says he wants to play "as long as it's not within the next few weeks" because he's got a joypad in the mail. I didn't say this in the reply, but WTF dude, can't you read? We're quick on our feet and wanna get this thing done - nobody's going to stall the tournament for the British Mail Service. EDIT: Except maybe Cammy and the rest of the Dolls naked on a park bench...
  4. A couple of changes to the table: Color coded based on a "Top6" finals/playoff system. For those of you living in North America, the finals will be like the CFL or NFL playoffs - 1 and 2 get byes, 3, 4, 5, and 6 play quarterfinals. Also the deadline for REGISTRATION has changed to TUESDAY - this also means that the round-robin phase will complete a LOT sooner than previously expected. When 48 matches are done in 4 days, I don't think that ANYONE wants a lull of action - although we WILL see it.
  5. sagatify your life ;D
  6. I'm not sure. I'd really like to get revenge on dPaladin and goldenkrnboi, so at this stage of the game I'm all for it. (although, with my luck, we'd have a finals system and I'd get the first seed, then get summarily destroyed in the playoffs). The benefit I wasn't aware of until the AG tournament was adamant about HAVING a finals system was that we could almost completely eradicate the reporting system with finals. Since the ultimate goal is to find a single winner, the top 4 or 6 players in the round-robin will certainly have the best player (who actually shows up), regardless of reports. I'm going to be looking to codify rules with Mew, Arek, and EasyP so that we can have a fairly uniform set of rules in place for finals. Since the four of us are the heads of tournaments, it'd be nice to use the same guidelines for all of them (or at least most - chess doesn't have quite the grand appeal that AG and EMU have gained so rapidly). PRC and ORC used to have the same voting guidelines and staggered their schedules pretty well until someone fucked it all up back in 2005. Of course, that someone was me, but you live and you learn. Then you get Luvs.
  7. Not without an AIM screen name. I simply refuse to add your name unless you're ACTUALLY going to show up (and in that vein I will be removing some names from the list later tonight).
  8. Keegan: Kamoh is you mackin yet? kamoh: no kamoh: how do I shot web? dPaladin: lol dPaladin: how appropriate
  9. WOO DRACK Beat the shite out of GKB and Fire (not too much though Fire's mah frande)
  10. in hindsight I'm thinking we should have done a simple 3 fights, since you'd have to fight for every point. Then there's less confusion and feeling of getting cheated. If you sweep an opponent, you should play another two or three just for posterity - this IS a social league, after all.
  11. Just a quick asking - do you guys want a small playoff format? It'd either be 3, 4, or 6, just to A) give players off their game a second-chance, and make my life easier when it comes to reports by basically ignoring the damn thing.
  12. Don't you mean...the TWO people with the most points go to the SEMI-FINALS, and 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th places go to the QUARTER-FINALS?
  13. Arek and EasyP: I've changed my mind on the idea of having a playoff. As long as games ACTUALLY get done, it's the best way to find a winner that I can think of, without creating a zillion rules on intangibles like not showing up for matches. Without "reports" like I've had in the past, the players who are ACTIVE and actually play will be given priority over those who are less available pretty naturally. It's now just a matter of how many spots you want (2, 3, 4, 6, 8, etc), and if you want to do some stranger playoff system (hint: you don't).
  14. I am a sad kamoh.
  15. kamoh 2-0 culturekoi (no comments since Arek is kinda dominating that category)
  16. While there's never a "bad" match to play (whether or not you win or lose, just by playing you're screwing everyone else), there are "missed opportunities" that can really drag you down. I lost Mario Circuit 1 vs. Linkspast - that's a blown chance if there ever was one - and only was able to beat him in 5 races. I was down until the very last race in Bowser Castle 2. Great games, and great usage of tools and advantage.
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