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Posts posted by kamoh

  1. I just saw your first votes, guys. And I know for sure I'm seeing a great chunk of potential on you both. Reminders of Harmony and GrayLightning respectively come to mind for the way you present your votes and whatnot (not saying that you guys are replacing them or anything but I just wanted to point that out), which isn't much of a bad thing at all.

    Nice work :D

    You just no these two no their way around a judges panel. The noledge they show is...

    Okay the joke is over. Point is...you're fitting in.

  2. DJpretzel only has two rules. Everyone fights. No one quits. :x

    Would you like to know more?

    Also, good to see OCR still getting recognition.

    Before taking the field for the pre-game show this weekend (Marching Band for the uninformed), my linemate muttered:

    "Remember your training!"

    Me: "And you will make it back alive!"

    Starship Troopers is a B-movie because it gets an A for nostalgia and a C for effort.

    EDIT: It's a shame that the forum doesn't get more credit for being such a timewhore for so many of us.

  3. Yeah... also... do whatever you want. The rules are basically to help things sound more formulaic. They help people read and interperet but basically it's only their as rule structure. Rules are meant to be broken.

    It's possible that the thing a song you might be writing could need is a fifth line added on to the chorus so that it doesn't sound to predictable... or a chord that breaks outside of the progression to add more character.

    But then again I suck at music.

    QFE! lollylol.

    Understanding music is the key to remixing well. The composers of all the original tracks were undoubtedly steeped in musical knowledge - the best ones went to college studying it.

    Of course, I don't remix at all even though I know music, so don't ask me for advice either :D

  4. Could I get a sig that is 48x400 sig with a theme of Chrono Trigger. Please put a 3 pixel border like the one on my current sig. Thanks.
    Thought I should bump this...

    Yes, please bump something that was just asked yesterday and was the second to last post up to a few minutes ago.

    Here's your sig.


    Sorry about that, I need to learn to be more pateint. I understand if you dont want to do my request anymore, I guess i will find time to do it on my own. Thanks for the sig anyway though.

    Have pride in shitty knockoff work.

    And thank you for the free sig that I embellished, maco!

    EDIT: The shitty knockoff work being what I did below.

  5. Gosh, "bad odor" you say? I always thought that was the ferile smell of Manliness...

    Nice to see you showing up on the boards though, but please beware of the brainless fanboys that will undoubtedly hit on you.

    thanks gray. i've lurked for oh, over a year now...decided to make an honest woman of myself.


    Oh, no. We wouldn't hit on her.

    /wink wink.

    /nudge nudge.

  6. Wish me luck as well...I have final review tonight for my on-air training (although they let me operate the station alone for an hour last week, that was cool, and it's a damn big station as well). Exam is next week...I need a 95% to get on the air or else I have to sit outside until the testing is all over and take it again and then get on the air blah blah blah.

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