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Posts posted by kamoh

  1. I mentioned it to kamoh/estevao(identity crisis rofl) but I'm reporting Eppy and Snerrak, they are elusive as easter bunnies.

    I sent eppy a PM, no response back yet - I'm sure we'll see him soon and his report will be dropped very low, probably to a 2-point shift.

    Snerrak - well, we hung out for several hours last night, so I issued him the report notice in person - there's no way that's a full report either though...2-point shift right now as well.

    EDIT: Also, it looks like www.freechess.org is up and running with a VERY pretty chess client. Check it out and register if you'd like - just join as a guest if not.

    Basic client: http://www.freechess.org/javaboard/index.html

  2. checkers : chess :: miniature golf : golf

    word yo.

    SO let's play some minigolf www.jippii.com

    EDIT: Here's an update on the future of the league:


    Starting in January, an integrated 3-2-1-0 system will be put into place, combining the old 3-2-1 with the current optional match setup. Scoring will be done the following way:

    3 points - scheduled game win

    2 points - scheduled game draw / optional game win

    1 point - scheduled game loss / optional game draw

    0 points - optional game loss


    *Scheduled matches and optional matches still give out 4 points total and 2 points total, respectively.

    *The margin for any win over any loss is two points, closing the gap between the highest and lowest players.

    *Only 16 points are available for pickup in a single week, but optional matches are effectively more critical for their increased point value for a win.

    *Records will have four columns (3's-2's-1's-0's).

    *Tiebreakers are streamlined, 3's as the first tiebreak, 2's as the second, etc.

    *An odd score is thankfully no longer a dead giveaway that you had an optional draw game.

    Levels/Experience System

    While things have to be hammered out, I intend to introduce an RPG-style LVL/EXP system, starting on January 1st. What this means is that players can see thier progress over the long term in a unique and creative fashion, and will have some freedom in how they are identified.

    EXP will simply be points won, and awards will probably be replaced with EXP bonuses. Of course, as your level increases the amount of EXP necessary to raise it will increase exponentially - whatever happens I don't expect anyone to be very far in the double-digits after a whole year, if at all. What is certain is that Level 2 will be 4 points, meaning 2-0 in an optional or 1-1 in a scheduled will do the trick.

    Doing this also forces me to stop changing my mind on what certain things should be in the scoring system; I really like the 3-2-1-0 idea above and want to make sure I stop changing things like that.

  3. Why do I have 2 losses vs eppy, and how did I get 1/2 points vs myself? :nicework:

    2 losses vs. eppy: Because last night you said "0-2 versus eppy" and I said "seriously?" and you said "ya srsly" or something like that.

    1/2 win vs. yourself: Typo, it says KeeganTheFox on my latest table (at home, I'm in the radio station right now).

  4. Your mom's impending.

    Also, good to have you again, Arek.

    You at the Capitol One Nothing Bowl is impending.

    Negativo. We accepted a bid to the Toyota Gator Bowl, January 1st, against one of either a) Texas, B) Louisville, or c) West Virginia. While our odds of winning against any of these teams is something short of possible, it will still be easier than any team we might have faced at the Orange Bowl. :(


    ^ Oh, and whatcha tryin' to do, spoil my chances of getting first place? Man, sucks to be me...

    Hahaha...first place plays second & third, provided they haven't played them already in the last three weeks.

  5. Optional games with Jessica 1 : 1

    Excellent games, I think we both had fun :-)

    We played on Playchess, and i think games r saved

    But i dont know how to post list of moves from Playchess game file here :-(

    Scores augmented, but the rankings order remains unchanged.

    By the way, PlayChess is just fine, as long as the time controls are agreeable and moderate - 10/15 is preferable. I do want to mention that the match between Snerrak and I played in the park was not timed, but we agreed to play swiftly and were finished within about 80-90 minutes of starting, and I'm not about to ruin that cause it was really interesting and, thankfully, counted for points.

    I've got the idea I want for January 2007 and beyond - match scoring is nailed down and is a combination between the current system and the previous 3-2-1 system, as well as a very interesting component that I think you'll all enjoy once I've nailed it down. Finals are impending, though...

  6. i want in next tourny fyi
    I don't know what this means. We've changed the format - there are no more "tournaments" as we used to play them, at least not right now. It's all about league play, and frankly, we're dwindling to the end of the year slowdown - I really don't want to bog people down with a whole lot of chess to play.

    So do you want in on the next week (starting December 11th)? or the next tournament whenever we happen to have one (starting never as far as I'm concerned)?

  7. I'm off to pick up Snerrak from work, go to a posh location in Central/Western San Jose (the city is a blob - Santa Clara lies across the street but San Jose continues North, South, East AND West for several miles in each direction), and play OCRCL's first live (note: cold) match.

  8. I'm looking at changing things up starting in January - we'll finish up the way we're doing right now, and then take that break. Here's what I'm considering:

    *The week-by-week system will NOT change...

    *The clocks may change to something as extreme as 30/0...

    *I may alter or remove the halfmatch...

    *Oh, and fuck Yahoo somewhere along the way, hopefully.

    There's always more ideas in the works, so meh.

  9. Since December isn't the easiest of months, and I'm really liking this whole relaxed-time schedule, here's how the rest of the "season" is going to go:

    Week 7: Dec 2 - Dec 10 (9 days)

    Standard Week, just a little longer than usual.

    Week 8: Dec 11 - Dec 22 (12 days)

    This will be the PLAYOFFS week that I've been talking about - it's coming a little early because of the holiday so bear with me. Also bear with the fact that I'm probably going to some crappy bowl game in New Mexico and will have someone else tabulate the final days of this phase.

    There will be no half-matches in this round, and everyone will have three matches (except the lowest pool).

    The Championship Pool will be the following four players, in this order and seeding:

    1 • Highest Award-Scorer.

    2 • Highest Point-Scorer over all 7 weeks. (second highest if above).

    3 • Highest Point-Scorer over final 4 weeks (second or third highest if above).

    4 • Wild Card (a player who may be second place in one of these categories but isn't one of the top three).

    The Second Pool will be another 4 players deemed appropriate for a 'second-division' championship.

    The Third Pool and all other successive pools will be 3-4 players.

    Your final ranking for Fall 2006 will be based on your performance in this week.

    WINTER BREAK: December 23rd - December 31st

    We'll have a single-elimination tourney or something, so you won't go without OCR chess necessarily.

    Week 9: January 1st - January 7th

    The Winter 2007 season begins with a clean slate - but your schedules will be based on week 5-7 results.

  10. Nobody's keeping you from contacting them... I know for a fact that eppy and grayfox are online fairly often and are willing to play - you just have to ask them yourself.

    As long as you aren't proactive in playing your matches, you'll only play people who are similar.

  11. Alright, JD, all you've got to do is beat Keegan twice, and we share this week's top score. My success this week is entirely dependent upon you.
    Or he could not play and you'd get the week's top score.
    And dangit, kamoh, I want it clear that I've played every game assigned to me - and that includes two wins over Margoute in week 4. I hate to keep bringing it up. Get on the ball! :evil:


    lol sorry...for some reason it's got you at •80 though, which is correct, but you are 51•80.

    EDIT: I know the reason. I have fullmatch standings for you against JD, which isn't right. So actually you will be, at the end of all this fixing, 49•80, while JD will be 47•68

  12. I'm trying to do the marks as I go, as opposed to waiting till the end and just totally obliterating most of the marks. It is amazing in FF12 how long you can do shit that doesn't advance the plot whatsoever and still have fun.

    I reached the 40 hour mark last night and still haven't been to Archades.

    Similar here, I think - I'm in Arcahdes right now with 45 hours logged total.

    I spent like 15 hours yesterday just hunting and levelling up.

    EDIT: Oh, and I got Adrammelech with level 30 fighters.

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