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Posts posted by kamoh

  1. I had my two optionals against Keegan. He was bloody efficient, to say the least. I wasn't expecting the games to be over that quickly. Two wins for him, and some ineffectual attempts at defending myself which he batted away like the blows of an infant.

    Very graphic way to explain it, but thats about how it happened. I was just really on the ball yesterday.

    Great games anyhow.

    EDIT: Happy belated Thanksgiving! Mine was waaayyy back in October, so I'm kinda jealous. I enjoy my turkey.

    Happy Black Friday. Bahamut is reeling.


  2. Eek, I'm gonna have a hard time playing my games this week too (Black Friday shopping/camping + hanging out with two special OCR people + Twilight Princess addiction + most of Saturday travel). :(

    Again, you guys, this week doesn't end until December 1st, which means you have 12 days instead of 7 to play your matches. I already told Bahamut.

    Good luck :)

  3. Interesting bit of trivia: according to IMDB, the voice actor for Basch also voices Bloo and many other characters on Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends. That's serious versatility. 8O

    Notice in that list, way down the way is Phil LaMarr from MadTV - didn't know that he was a voice actor primarily.

    And of course, John DiMaggio, with a significantly limited role compared to his usual (Wakka and Kimahri in FFX, notably Bender in Futurama, among many many many others).

  4. (14:04:03) You have just entered room "chess."

    (14:10:45) RainmanDX2 has entered the room.

    (14:10:50) RainmanDX2 has left the room.

    (14:25:21) cnidog has entered the room.

    (14:25:23) cnidog has left the room.

    (17:20:30) John Derrilll has entered the room.

    John Derrilll (17:20:39): 134340

    (17:24:36) John Derrilll has left the room.

    (19:16:16) BayareaThug650 has entered the room.

    (19:16:21) Superrr DANES has entered the room.

    (19:16:23) kevbolicious has entered the room.

    (19:16:24) LiLgIrLiNlove has entered the room.

    (19:16:26) shortyblue115 has entered the room.

    LiLgIrLiNlove (19:16:30): hi...

    BayareaThug650 (19:16:38): who is metgerism

    (19:16:40) Bay area rap 3 has entered the room.

    LiLgIrLiNlove (19:16:45): iduno

    (19:16:50) DiSduDe415 has entered the room.

    LiLgIrLiNlove (19:16:51): HI ANTONiO :]]

    Superrr DANES (19:16:58): hi LIGER =D

    LiLgIrLiNlove (19:17:00): Hi TERRY

    LiLgIrLiNlove (19:17:01): HI

    LiLgIrLiNlove (19:17:02): DANES

    LiLgIrLiNlove (19:17:05): :]]

    kevbolicious (19:17:06): who the fuck is metzgerism

    LiLgIrLiNlove (19:17:07): TOTS!

    LiLgIrLiNlove (19:17:08): HAHA

    BayareaThug650 (19:17:09): iono

    DiSduDe415 (19:17:15): hello

    Superrr DANES (19:17:16): whos that.

    BayareaThug650 (19:17:19): who is metgerism

    kevbolicious (19:17:22): iono hahahah

    Superrr DANES (19:17:23): metzgerism.

    Superrr DANES (19:17:24): wtf

    DiSduDe415 (19:17:26): whos that

    BayareaThug650 (19:17:29): iono

    shortyblue115 (19:17:32): hello

    BayareaThug650 (19:17:35): who invited him or her

    DiSduDe415 (19:17:38): who made this chat room

    kevbolicious (19:17:41): aye METZGIRISM

    kevbolicious (19:17:45): who the fuck are you?

    DiSduDe415 (19:17:51): haha

    kevbolicious (19:17:53): michael invited me

    Superrr DANES (19:17:54): who started this chat tho

    Superrr DANES (19:17:57): mike invite dme too

    BayareaThug650 (19:17:57): me

    BayareaThug650 (19:17:59): ahahah

    DiSduDe415 (19:18:03): yeah mike invited me too

    kevbolicious (19:18:04): hahahaha

    Superrr DANES (19:18:05): then who invited metslkjfaslkdf

    shortyblue115 (19:18:12): cool

    BayareaThug650 (19:18:12): i never invited that guy tho

    DiSduDe415 (19:18:17): i think its will

    kevbolicious (19:18:17): hahah

    kevbolicious (19:18:18): stalker

    kevbolicious (19:18:21): status

    BayareaThug650 (19:18:22): yeah

    Superrr DANES (19:18:24): howd they get in tho!

    Superrr DANES (19:18:25): ahha

    DiSduDe415 (19:18:26): becuz look @ the chat room name

    BayareaThug650 (19:18:28): iono

    Superrr DANES (19:18:35): batman returns134340

    Superrr DANES (19:18:36): wtf

    Superrr DANES (19:18:36): ahha

    BayareaThug650 (19:18:38): i put that

    kevbolicious (19:18:39): hahaha

    BayareaThug650 (19:18:44): chess

    Superrr DANES (19:18:48): why are we the only ones talking ahah

    DiSduDe415 (19:18:48): yea

    BayareaThug650 (19:18:51): every1 leave

    LiLgIrLiNlove (19:18:54): HI

    LiLgIrLiNlove (19:18:55): HAHA

    kevbolicious (19:18:56): k make a new one

    (19:18:58) BayareaThug650 has left the room.

    LiLgIrLiNlove (19:18:58): NO!

    (19:19:00) DiSduDe415 has left the room.

    LiLgIrLiNlove (19:19:02): KEViN

    kevbolicious (19:19:03): haha shut up BIG TESS

    LiLgIrLiNlove (19:19:09): HAHA

    LiLgIrLiNlove (19:19:10): SHUT UP

    (19:19:12) LiLgIrLiNlove has left the room.

    kevbolicious (19:19:13): im out b

    (19:19:15) kevbolicious has left the room.

    (19:19:15) Superrr DANES has left the room.

    shortyblue115 (19:19:18): lol

    (19:19:25) baynate650x has entered the room.

    shortyblue115 (19:19:45): nathaniel

    (19:20:00) Bay area rap 3 has left the room.

    baynate650x (19:20:03): hey

    shortyblue115 (19:20:09): ch. 9 1-9

    (19:20:12) baynate650x has left the room.

    (19:20:23) shortyblue115 has left the room.

    (20:13:16) damathacus has entered the room.

    damathacus (20:13:28): so was this buddy chat like five hours ago?

    (20:28:34) damathacus has left the room.

  5. It doesn't state in the rules that you cannot play a halfmatch against someone that is in the tournament but does not have scheduled matches. In fact, in every schedule I leave the part open for halfmatches for everyone who is not playing fullmatches that week. You may only play halfmatches against players who are on my schedule, though.

    All that being said:

    Halfmatch Game 1

    (white) Loning 0-1 kamoh (black)


    Top Score (four weeks): Keegan (54 pts)

    Top Score (week five): Keegan (16 pts)




    Bahamut sent me a message last week saying that it would be very difficult for him to do his match against Snerrak for Week 5. I tried to get Snerrak to play in time, but hey, we're on the West Coast. So the effect is that Bahamut and Snerrak will play 3 matches this week, and the one between them will be logged into last week's results.

    Also, in honor of Thanksgiving and everyone leaving town (and their computers), Week 6 will last 12 days, ending on Friday, December 1st. The end of reporting will be two days before that, on Wednesday, November 29th.

  7. For anyone who knows:

    I just traveled through the Sandsea (first time) with characters aroudn level 12. I think I'm underpowered cause I'm just running my ass off trying to progress through the game without losing characters. I just got raise but I want the gambit to use it. I'm at the boss at the tomb with these Level 12 characters...should I level everyone up? It's gotten to the point where I just wanna make sure that Vossler is okay and my party is just healing.

    Uh, yeah. You're gonna get raped by that boss. Get your guys to at least level 15 or so.

    With the bosses in the tomb, but the Bird and the Demon Wall that you have to fight can be wasted pretty quickly with a single mist attack. The end boss, on the other hand, may be a little bit more difficult, though keeping your characters spread out, healed up, while keeping a nice stock of Phoenix Downs should be enough at level 12. Note that there are no save points in that dungeon, not even right before the last boss, so you'll have to exit the place a few times.

    I restarted the game after playing for an initial 10 hours. Got to the Leviathan, and decided I wasn't leveled up enough. Right now I'm at level 20 and I'm pushing it up to Level 30 so I can just start rippin' the hell out of the rest of the enemies I'm going to encounter from here to there.

    Level 20 at the Leviathan? I'll bet the Imperials are running away from you.

    I had everyone at around 17 at the Leviathan - it WASN'T too much, and now I haven't even started to cross Giza without getting as many marks and magicks as possible - including level 20 mans.

  8. Since Thanksgiving is next week, I will extend the schedule to the following:

    Week 6: Nov 20 - Dec 1 (12 days)

    Week 7: Dec 2 - Dec 10 (9 days)

    Something even more extreme will likely be used for Christmas/New Years.

    Kamoh, don't forget.
    Dama 2, Setz 0.

    Thanks for the reminder. I'm kinda bad about this stuff now :P

    That's gonna give you 36 pts.

    By the way, I have no idea how the points system works. What's everything worth?

    In scheduled fullmatches:

    Win = 4 pts

    Draw = 2 pts

    Loss = 0 pts

    In optional halfmatches:

    Win = 2 pts

    Draw = 1 pt

    Loss = 0 pts

    For reports:

    Won report: +2/4 pts

    Lost report: -2/4 pts

    (value exchanged is at my own discretion).

  9. For anyone who knows:

    I just traveled through the Sandsea (first time) with characters aroudn level 12. I think I'm underpowered cause I'm just running my ass off trying to progress through the game without losing characters. I just got raise but I want the gambit to use it. I'm at the boss at the tomb with these Level 12 characters...should I level everyone up? It's gotten to the point where I just wanna make sure that Vossler is okay and my party is just healing.

  10. Ok, I'm going to have a hard time playing Snerrak unless it's tonight since I am going to be camping out the PS3 launch tomorrow and then I will be heading off to NY to my alma mater, so unless I can play tonight, I'm going to have to request a postponement of sorts.

    I shall text him I shall!

  11. BTW I have to again retract Bahamut's score and give JD the 1/4 point victory for week 1-4's 1st place award...because...

    Dama your halfmatch against Grayfox9996 will stand.

    You were unable to play Bahamut because you had played a halfmatch against him in week 2. Rotation time is always 4 weeks.

    Yeah, I know. And again, I'm sorry Bahamut for making you play a game that didn't count. I wasn't trying to have a second optional, I thought we were actually scheduled to play that week. I already had played the first game of my optional match against Greyfox at the time I played you. I'll pay more attention in the future.

    It's just weird to award 3 different people the best-of-month award over a span of about 30 hours. I have no issues as long as everything is correct.

  12. BTW I have to again retract Bahamut's score and give JD the 1/4 point victory for week 1-4's 1st place award...because...

    Dama your halfmatch against Grayfox9996 will stand.

    You were unable to play Bahamut because you had played a halfmatch against him in week 2. Rotation time is always 4 weeks.

  13. John got two quick wins on me.
    U dident write down my 2 Wins last week
    Done, in next update. John in 2nd place with 9.75
    Thanks for the updates, Kamoh. So just a note of clarification - does the score changing from the former post to the latter post imply that every week we drop our previous fourth-week's record? I wasn't aware we were doing that. If that's the case, that's fine, but are we keeping track of cumulative totals as well? I just want to know what to expect in the future, I guess.

    P.S. How is Bahamut leading?? You mean Keegan? Or did you start accounting negative points for losses again?

    1) Yes. EVERY WEEK, I will tabulate the last four weeks, and give first place an award. You'll notice that goes to Bahamut (I had some serious tabulation issues that were brought up right after the post was made, and had to fix the results).

    Then, I will scoot the oldest of the four weeks over, and enter a new week with a new schedule based on the previous three week's standings. This means that your max score going into any week is 15 points, and max score ending any week is 20 points.

    I will be keeping all the old results, because I may want to do a few other awards later on (cumulative over 13 weeks, cumulative over the year, etc), as well as playoffs.

    I don't see us doing a "playoff" week until at least week 7 has passed, so don't play to that at all - just try and get as many points and awards as possible.

  14. Hey guys.

    So I think that I've dug myself into a huge hole by trying to make the standings look nice and also have those theme colors I had you all choose.

    The theme colors remain in your avatars, which is a nice addition, but I'm probably going to make things look simple.

    I'd also like to bring back the points-for-a-loss system in some way, but likely not 3-2-1. We'll see.

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