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God's Debris

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  • Location
    Edmonton, AB
  • Occupation
    Collecting bellybutton lint

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Happy Birthday Coop
  2. I know, I've read the book, that's why I thought it was so awesome

  3. Thank you :)

    I can't take credit for it though, I ripped the name off one of my favorite books. If you're unfamiliar with it, it's nice and short (144 pages) and designed to make you think, pick apart all the inconsistencies and give your brain a bit of a workout. Here's a PDF if you're interested.

  4. I dunno who you are, but your forum handle is major awesomeness

  5. Maybe it's a sign? Whatever the reason for everyone's return may be I'm loading my shotgun and gassing my chainsaw. No sense in not being prepared.
  6. Thank you, Walan and Coop, for the welcoming. AWW, BIG HUG!! Nice, nice. I've (<memory lane>and in the case of those Caption Contests with the cookie for a prize, also my friends who would read over my shoulder</memory lane>) always enjoyed your sense of humor, I look forward to reading your works once you've completed them. Do you have mainstream publishing in mind? You have me intrigued about the trilogy project you're working on, it sounds really sweet. I wish you great success with it.
  7. I encourage you to choose this path. Include maple syrup and silk ropes and record this in high-definition and Fed-Ex the original video and all copies to me. I'll use it purely for academic and research purposes and not for selling the video to a Canadian BDSM website for profit and a free year-long membership, I can assure you.
  8. You're simply going about it the wrong way is all. Still, I'll admit there is something extremely soul-fulfilling and uplifting about doing (pre-Burning Crusade) Lvl.60 Undead Priest-only WSG runs. That was a very, very good day. <3 Mind Flay, Vampiric Embrace and Shadow Word: Pain. I almost felt bad for the Alliance we would face on Shadowsong. Almost.
  9. Oh, nice. Do you have any particular themes for your books and stories? When you're finished I'd love to check that out. As for my plans, I'm sticking around for a while. I long ago grew up and got over the animosity from uh, certain events from the past *coughcoughahem*. However I do miss that picture I made of the Sidebar destroying a city Godzilla-style while bi-planes buzzed around because it was one of the first Photoshops I made that would eventually lead to a small source of income for me. Too bad I didn't back it up before dad reformatted his hard drive after I moved out. >_< I was originally going to return ages ago but then the sweet, sweet virtual crack that is World of Warcraft entered my life and well, that was the end of any socializing I did for a looong time unless it had "LFG" or "WTB" at the beginning of the sentence. *tweak*
  10. Things have been pretty good, I've been keeping myself far too busy and occupied. How's about yourself?
  11. I... I don't. But that may change after I've gotten some sleep and am not staring slack-jawed at the screen and drooling on the keyboard. It's not very different from what I do every day only now I'm using it as an excuse to cover for my inadequacies.
  12. Heh. I remember back when RuneLancer was the first to hit (I believe it was) 1000 posts and how it was such a HUGE deal at the time. I also fondly remember RuneLancer's massive Catgirl thread. <3 I immensely enjoyed taking the trip down memory lane reading everyone's posts.
  13. Wow wow wow. 10 Years? Wow. I'm upset that I'm this late in coming here to pay my dues to this magnificent website. Congratulations, DJP. I've enjoyed seeing the site flourish and grow over the years and am glad what was once an idea in your head has grown into not only a healthy community where people may share their creativity but one the news media and video game companies themselves taken have notice of. What you (with acknowledgments as well going out to the judges and friends who have helped lend a hand through the years) have accomplished with OC ReMix is truly incredible; in providing an outlet for those who have a passionate love for the truly beautiful music in an interactive medium that has evolved just as the site has, you've brought joy to many. You've also provided a stepping stone into the video game music industry for those who have aspirations of being the next Nobou Uematsu or Koji Kondo. In the community through the years there have been tears shed, friendships made and lost, and many laughs shared; no matter the differences everyone may have on the forums, at the end of the day we all share the same bond for our love of what was once a secluded and overlooked genre of music from an ostracized art. I've grown up with this website... When I first made my OCR account I was a know-it-all smart-ass teenager who was entering high school. I'm now creeping up on my 25th birthday this year and trying to start my own business. My, how the time flies. I thank you and the many artists who have contributed over the years for helping draw recognition towards the art form and showing the depth and emotion that music has. I wish you and OC ReMix all the best for the future. May I further grow old with this dear friend and listen to the remixes of songs made by artists who had once contributed to this website, who have since gone on to become well-known and recognized in the industry. And so shall the cycle continue through the ages. ...And it puts a warm smile on my face that, after all these years, there are still very few Pokémon remixes on the site. I remember way back when I was a regular visitor the joking of there being no Pokémon remixes on the website. (And I can't wait for Soul Silver in March!) < Joyful reminiscent tear wipe > Cheers to friends, success and the future.
  14. I bought this game about a month and a half ago and have been playing it non-stop whenever I get the chance. I found that the game starts to get tedious during the 20-30 levels, unfortunately. But after you hit the 30s and are close to recieving a mount all while unlocking horribly more powerful skills and talents through your talent tree, the game picks back up again. I can't wait until I can make myself some Truefaith Vestments and pick up the Benediction staff. I will definately be one sexy undead manbeast with those. Oh yeah, you can't forget about those Night Elf babes either. They're all ...babe-ish and stuff.
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