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Posts posted by Dexie

  1. How's Fizz btw? I haven't bought him since he doesn't look like my type of character much (I'm either not great with gankers or I just get fail teams. Or both).

    Still enjoying Vlad, Tryn and Shyvana. I haven't played Maokai since the buffs/nerfs patch.

    Every Fizz I've played against has done well with him. He's got a good kit (And a near broken ultimate), he's just not the kind of character I like.

  2. "guys let's make a champ with huge breasts and then give her two guns and make jokes about her huge guns"

    -riot games, age 13

    "guys let's make a champ who's a sheriff and make jokes about fuzzy cuffs"

    "guys let's make a barbarian and make jokes about jacking off cause he's really strong"

    And so on, and so forth. I'd be willing to bet all of my skins that Phreak wrote most of the dialogue in the game that's like that. He seems like that kind of guy.

  3. E: VVVV

    Exposed midriff, cleavage, high heels. Doesn't seem like something a pirate would wear, especially if they're basically on a battlefield and not in a strip club. I know there are other Champions like that, but Miss Fortune really makes me question whether I'm playing a gunslinger or a hooker.

    Except she's not a pirate. She's a pirate hunter.

    Read her lore, anyway. She dresses like that because she knows all the guys in Bilgewater are idiots and she can use her body to manipulate people.

  4. sion has always been a top tier champ it's just that nobody plays as him because none of the prostreamerpros play as him

    in lol the current 'meta' is 'whatever the streamers do' regardless of whether or not it makes any sense

    I ignore the top streamers and try to avoid the forums are all costs, so huzzah!

    I don't even know who the top streamers are, so. Does Elementz still play and have his silly tier list?

  5. Been playing a lot of AP Miss Fortune lately. Normal games, of course.

    She's not as good as AD, but it's fun catching people off guard with it that build armor against her. She absolutely rips apart people without MR with her E and R.

    Her Mafia skin is pretty awesome too. I hope they add new gun sounds to it like they did Gangster Twitch.

    Hope they fix her walking animation though. The new one is pretty lame.

  6. Don't call it MOBA because that's a marketing buzzword that's been coined by a pedophile (not even joking). Not to mention that it's not even descriptive. Dotalike is a way better name for it.

    I'll call it MOBA because the only one I play is LoL and it's developers call it a MOBA. :P

  7. Good points.

    A lot of people keep bringing up "moba" communities. I have to be honest, I don't think I've ever played those games....

    League of Legends, Heroes of Newerth, Defense of the Ancients, DOTA 2, Demigod, etc.

    They're fun games with friends, but playing them alone is like drilling your own teeth. They're team based PvP games, and one person on a team can ruin the entire game.

    It you're doing well in a game, you'll always get one guy in your team that either doesn't know what he's doing or is playing just to troll the team. If you're doing bad (Hell, if you make just one mistake), you'll always have someone on your team screaming FUCKING NOOB COST US THE GAME YOU SUCK UNINSTALL RAGE.

    It really doesn't help that a lot of the genre's mechanics are weird, outdated, or not explained in game at all, so you have to rely on the community to explain things.

    ...geez, why am I still playing League of Legends again?

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