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Posts posted by Dexie

  1. has anyone else noticed that literally every time a champ comes out the general populous is like "OMG OP" and the only legitimate time it was true was for graves

    Not entirely true. Fizz was pretty OP on his release and is still really, really strong.

    Ahri's definately not OP though, just really strong as well and annoying to play against.

    Riot's getting a lot better at not releasing champions who are completely OP on their release. For a while there, nearly every champion that came out was just nasty.

  2. Ahri is a blend of Akali and Mirana. I'm in love. I don't care if she's getting nerfed she holds a special place for me cause of the sheer amount of skill shots.

    Also all of the winter skins this year are awesome. I picked up LeBlanc's and Heimer's.

    I picked up Gangplank's skin. The new animations are silly (in a good way!) and I've been waiting for him to get a good skin like this. I'd love to get Leblanc's, but I already have her magician skin and I never play her enough as is.

    Also any opinion about Viktor?

    He looks interesting. Riot's casters are usually more interesting and have better mechanics then their melee characters, so he should be pretty fun.

  3. And if the match up is wrong, tell your teammates and switch. You don't have to stay silent, some champions are just better against other matchups. Lord knows with a well played Anivia, a Tryn / Akali combo isn't really a threat and you can rake in the gold from under the tower.

    Trust me, I tried that. But when you're stuck with a pair that duo queued together and won't break up their lane, and a mid that was from brazil, not much you can do.

  4. keep in mind that jungling is for the sololane, ganks are just a pleasant side-note

    if a guy can spend all of early game in the jungle and the laners can not be dumb and feed, good on him

    volibear is a really good jungle, too


    sorry riot games but I'm giving up on dominion until you either balance the champs or increase the number of bans

    When I'm 2v1ing against Akali and Tryndamere and can't leave my tower at all without getting blown up, it would be nice to get a gank or two here or there. Just saying.

  5. I think the problem also stems from the fact that the player base doesn't really explore each skill set, but that's something in every game.

    You get wikis, and pages saying "do this to win" but all that means is that everyone is cookie cutter in the end.

    Using similar abilities in different characters is one way to force players to adapt. Just having an ability scale off of life instead of AP or AD is good enough to spawn a new approach to the game and a new playstyle. But they can't very well have a character change to allow that variety now can they?

    They do try that though. Vlad's W scales off of life, Rammus and Malphite have abilities that scale from armor, Ryze scales from mana...I'm sure I'm forgetting someone here.

  6. I actually enjoy LoL slightly more than Dota2 right now but again, really, these champion designs are not good. The new champ's abilities are VERY very rehashed. There are so many other mechanics they could be using. They've proven with certain champs (Orianna, Brand, Twisted Fate, Shaco, Heimerdinger) that they can use some unusual mechanics, but they prefer to release very bland champions instead. I guess people prefer the dumbed-down ones like Wukong over interesting ones like Ori.

    Two of those champions (TF and Heimer) are in a really bad place right now, and until recently Shaco was right there with them. Orianna on the other hand, was extremely OP until her nerfs, now she's just pretty average. Brand, I don't think there's really anything that unusual about him.

    If I had to guess, I would say Riot sticks with their tried and true mechanics because they're honestly not that great at balancing as a whole, and it's just easier for them to attempt to balance someone who's got blander mechanics as opposed to someone with wilder ones.

  7. http://na.leagueoflegends.com/news/volibear-patch-preview-gameplay-changes

    Oh boy. People are all up in arms about this patch. Sivir's finally getting her remake (The removal of dodge kind of forced them to finally look at her). The jungle changes should be interesting, I want to wait and see what exactly they're doing before; I think people are bitching over nothing right now.

    The laning changes though, urgh. I really don't think minion damage needs to be lowered. If minions damage is lowered too much, what's the point of even having them, other than meat shields for towers?

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