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Posts posted by HalcyonSpirit

  1. When I fought him in CT, I timed it so that I attacked with all three characters in a row. The first two would use their most powerful magic spells (which would be stronger than their physical attacks), and then the third character would attack with a physical strike. (I believe I used Marle and Lucca for the spells and I definitely used Crono for the physical attacks.) By doing it that way, the only attack the golem could use was that attack which would only take away half your remaining HP. As a result, it would do less and less damage each time, and you could heal yourself at your own leisure without any worry of dying. It was too easy.

  2. OCR has enhanced my life in several ways. But I think the most important one to mention is that it kept me sane.

    I was introduced to the greatness that is OCR in mid-to-late 2003. I downloaded everything I could off the site (using dial-up, no less) and listened to it constantly. I had never really been a music fan until OCR came along. It was only then did I start listening to music so much. Well, come mid 2004, I suffer a huge blow and fall into depression. You know what kept me going through the first few weeks? OCR's music. I could listen to it and either escape reality completely or use it to lessen the feelings of loss I was having. It allowed me to get back on my feet far more easily than I could have without it, and I don't want to think about what could've happened had I not had that pillar of support.

    I still use OCR's music (along with music from other sources now) to do the same thing when I'm feeling down. But the site became even more helpful for my well-being when I stumbled upon the n-th iteration of the LRS&Se thread in Unmod. The people in that thread (especially Mahaboo and Wacky)... I have few words I can use to describe my appreciation for their help when I asked for it. They helped me get through many difficult situations that I could not figure out and/or endure alone, and helped me to become more experienced socially (and become a better person as a result). They continue to help me today when I need it, but I need it so much less these days because of their help in the past. No amount of thanks is adequate to express my appreciation.

    In other words, OCR and its community has played a big part in who I've become today, all of it for the better. :mrgreen:

  3. I love these kinds of shows. Anyone who just wants to relax should watch ARIA the Animation, Haibane Renmei, or Kokoro Library [uNDERRATED :V], then read the Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou manga [then watch the two OVAs for that, and download the totally chill and awesome soundtracks for all of these things I mentioned]

    "Slice of life" anime is one of my favorite, if not the favorite, types of show. If you're saying that's what those are, then thank you very much! I shall go find them immediately!

  4. Lucky Star is amazing, even if you don't get HALF the references. After the first few episodes it hits its stride. It's a bit like Azumanga Daioh meets Family Guy: a cute quirky slice of life show about high school girls that makes use of a LOT of referential humor.

    Except unlike Family Guy, it doesn't start sucking.

    Couldn't have put it better myself. It really is like that. And you get to really know the ins and outs of the characters and care about them in a way. That in itself is a big thumbs up in my book.

    ... That and the numerous Haruhi references. :-P

  5. On the topic of bad animes, I haven't really watched any that I hated. Though i tried to watch Lucky Star one time, and i wanted to blow my brains out. But i'm sure it's a rather good anime (for stupid people).

    Or people who like the "slice of life" shows that don't have 'storylines'.

  6. A Star Wars fan I may be, but really, this doesn't make me all too excited. Maybe it's because they really don't fit the game well. Putting characters from a futuristic setting into a game clearly anything but just doesn't work for me. I'd rather see them in a game they can somewhat fit into. Oh, sure, Star Wars is "a long time ago" and there's always suspension of belief... but whatever. I'll play the game and use those characters, but it's not a huge deal for me.

    ... I hope the other characters weave some cortosis ore into their weapons, or else we'll just be watching them get sliced up. :roll:

    And since when does vader have corduroy pants and sleeves? Time to get your character model designer some glasses or something.

    Since, oh... the beginning? Yup.

    *hands over some glasses* :<

  7. The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

    I'm just going to say that if you haven't at least looked at this series, you should go do so. Now. Not everyone is going to like it; it's a bit hit-or-miss. But it typically hits pretty hard when it does. :-)

    As for production values and storylines... yeah, there have been a few recent ones that are poor in those departments. But not all of them. As far as animation is concerned, Haruhi was superbly animated for most of the series. It wasn't extremely detailed with the artwork all the time (though it was when it was needed, like during the "concert" scene), but it flowed really well and the little things were paid attention to. Its story, I think, was pretty good too, but then again, it was based off the novels and not produced first as an anime. So I'm not sure if that can count.

  8. I don't exactly know why you're looking at that particular model. There are more direct car adapters for the ipod. I would look into something like this. My sister has something like this that plugs directly into the cigarette lighter and the iPod itself. A lot less bulky, just a wire and two connections, compared to the one you posted. It is slightly more expensive but worth it.


    (I don't really suggest this site to buy from. I'm just giving it as a reference.)

    Well, with that one, I see nothing in it as far as playing the iPod through the car stereo, just a power adapter. I need the FM transmitter because I don't have a cassette player in my car and my CD player/radio doesn't have a jack for plugging in the iPod directly. The model I'm looking at has that as well as having a power adapter for the iPod at a good price. I have seen others of variable quality and features, but they are all in the $65-$90 range.

    I don't have too much experience with in-ear phones; I'm personally against ear canals. Though, I do own some Sony earphones (came with an old CD player) that I use occasionally and they are fine. If you go to any electronics store and find out their return policy, then maybe you could just test some out essentially for free. If you're really set on finding earphones, then I wish you luck. If you're willing to settle for headphones, the Senn PX-100 are great in quality and foldable for portability.

    If I end up getting headphones, I'll probably get those. However, I have headphones already for when I'm in my room; what I want is something small to take with me when I'm going places that doesn't have a band on it. All the neckband types I've tried stick out behind me too much (can't lean back on anything with it on), and headband types flatten my hair to the point that it simply doesn't look good in public. I can fix my hair before going out when I'm in my room, but when I'm not, I want something that doesn't cause that problem.

  9. I got an iPod Nano this Christmas. Naturally, it came with the standard earbuds, but they do not fit me at all and fall out on their own. I suspect that any earbuds of that type would do the same, as my ear structure seems to be rather strange. So, I'm looking for recommendations for in-canal earbuds or clip-on earphones.

    I don't have much cash, so I'm looking for something that's on the cheaper side. Preferably no more than $30 if at all possible. Sound quality doesn't need to be fantastic; I'm not an audiophile. But I would like the quality to be fairly even across the whole range of frequencies. Also, if possible, a volume adjuster on it would be nice, but I can live without it. Comfort, of course, is important. Clip-on earphones have typically caused me discomfort, but they were cheap ones; if you know of ones that are comfortable and not too big, that'd be great.

    As far as in-canal earbuds go, I was looking at these two, but I know very little about these things. I'm sure there are plenty of people on this music site that know about this stuff. Your help would be appreciated.

    Secondary question, just if you happen to know about them off-hand: I need an FM transmitter so I can hook up my iPod Nano (3rd generation) to my car radio. Preferably one with a charger for the iPod as well, since the primary use for it will be for my 8+ hour drives to and from college. I was looking at this one as a potential candidate (especially since it is at a good price), but its size could be an issue (not much room around the outlet). Any other suggestions?

  10. I'm surprised no one's mentioned this guy yet:

    Andy McKee

    Solo Acoustic Guitar

    Andy McKee is one of the most emotive acoustic guitarists I have heard play, if not the most emotive. His music is very detailed and yet so very easy to listen to. He plays both the 6-string acoustic guitar and the harp guitar with superb skill and care. It draws you in.

    Some examples of his music (you can find more on Youtube as well):


    Into the Ocean

    Art of Motion


    His three CDs are here, here, and here.

  11. Kendo isn't self-defense, however. It isn't even sword-fighting in the real sense. The original form, Kenjutsu, is applicable to fighting with a katana, but Kendo is a derivative of it, more a sport born from the ban on the traditional training after WWII. The spiritual aspect is still there in Kendo, but the practice of Kendo as we know it is far from being applicable to self-defense. I mean, no one in their right mind would try to fight with a sword using standard Kendo techniques. :razz:

  12. Well, unfortunately, our club doesn't really get any assistance or attention from VT. We meet three times a week, two of those times being from 10PM to midnight in a room horribly unsuited to Kendo; it's too small for our numbers and the floor is made to keep people from sliding across it (which is what you have to do all the time in Kendo), and we can't get anything better because other clubs have more priority. We also don't get any money from the school, so all equipment, dues, and travel and tournament fees are covered by the members. It's far from ideal. Still, we make do with what we have. Our teacher (who, while a good teacher for us, is still only a 2nd Dan in Kendo) keeps us training. I just know that it hasn't been enough for myself thus far. I'm still lacking severely in skill; I suspect I'm only as experienced as a regular practitioner that has spent half the time I have in Kendo.

  13. Does anybody here practice Kendo? I've been at it for two years. I'm halfway between casual and serious at this point as I try to hammer out a college degree.

    Bringing this up from a few pages back, but I didn't see it until now.

    I practice Kendo. I've been at it for about a year and a half, though I had to take most of last semester off due to lack of time. It also doesn't help that, while I like the training I have gotten, it hasn't been as rigorous as a real dojo's training. There aren't any real dojos in my immediate area, so I have to rely on Virginia Tech's Kendo club. It's nice (and a lot cheaper than the average dojo), but it could be a lot better.

  14. Agreed. If there's going to be a change, that one would probably be the best option given the limited voting pattern. I would also be open to opening up the voting to "outsiders," but I'm not sure it would be necessary. I'll leave that decision up to you.

    Like you mentioned, Imagery, we've been kinda struggling ever since our move outside the main forum. Not many people come to the Competitions forum, especially now that it isn't even listed as a sub-forum of Community. Most just come for a specific thread, and given our less-than-well-known position, it is regrettable that we're probably not going to get much more in the way of participation in anything related to the competition for the foreseeable future. We need a way to get the word out other than just our signatures.

  15. I have the Rock arrangement album sitting on my desk, and the others are in the process of being shipped here. :-) I'll say this much about the Rock arrangements: they're fairly good, mostly. Like Vurez, I like the Yamato Man mix a lot. Some of the others are a bit less than what I was hoping, but I guess I've just been spoiled by OCR itself.

    That all said, I have come across a fansite that has these albums plus previous ones available for download. Even though Capcom has contacted this site and told them that they don't mind too much that they're available for download (as long as they've already been released), I still don't think OCR policy will permit me sharing this link on the site.

  16. 1) I really like the Ice Climbers song. It's nice.

    2) If a Rockman character is going to be in Brawl, I'd prefer to see either X or Trigger. Preferably Trigger. That way people might get more interested in the Legends series and then maybe Capcom will get off their asses and make Legends 3!

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