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Posts posted by HalcyonSpirit

  1. BTW, purchase a joypad. Playing the game with your keyboard is not as flexible as it can be with a joypad.

    Why do you say that? I mean, sure, there's more buttons right at your fingertips to use for Force Powers and such, but then you don't have the luxury of using the mouse for aiming and turing. Which, I might add, I find quite useful when fending off either multiple people at once or one really good opponent.

    Also, I hate those green laser things. LOL

    Which green laser things?

  2. ???

    Did you miss my post? It sure sounds like it's what you're looking for...

    It's not. It most certainly is not. That song is one of my favorites, and it doesn't even sound like the same kind of piano.

    I haven't heard anything like that piece you have there anywhere on OCR. Sorry, jojodi.

  3. Jedi Outcast... man, this is one game that I've always wanted to play, but never was able to find in stores once I found out about it. However, I saw one of those "collections of games in one package" things at Wal-Mart a few days ago, and this game was one of those included.

    If I can gather up the money to purchase it, you can bet I'll be joining you guys!

  4. First, have you tried both disks? SimCity 4 comes with two disks, and if I recall correctly, it'll play using either of them. Also, which version did you get? If you got Deluxe, I believe the play disk is disk 2, not 1 (might be this way for all versions; I haven't looked in a long time). Try the other disk if you haven't already.

    Second, if that doesn't work, do you have any emulators (Alcohol 120%, Daemon, etc.) running? Sometimes games won't work properly if something like that is active. Turn off any virtual drives and shut the program off and see if that works.

    Third, try downloading any updates off of the SimCity 4 website and installing them.

    Fourth, I've heard turning off the Autorun feature and running it manually (double-clicking on the disk drive with the game in My Computer) sometimes works.

    Fifth, did you upgrade to Vista? If so, try updating the device drivers from the manufacturer's site. Vista may have loaded its own device drivers by default, which may not support your drive properly.

    If none of the above work... well, there's always EA Tech Support... :-?

    I'll try thinking of other things for you to try if those don't resolve the issue.

  5. Okay, so, has anyone got a good plan just to startup? I really messed up when I played the trial and maybe if there was an introduction (like which skills and what type of character for what action) it would be nice. However, I think that the approach is a lot more forgiving than in WoW or some other MMORPGs where a single mistake means you have to either change character or change style of play.

    Well, I don't know exactly what you have in mind, but this might help a little; it's towards the bottom of the page. Then again, it might be useless to you. Like I said, I'm not entirely sure what you're asking about.

  6. A different storyline progression in any future Zelda games would be nice. Same could be said about the temples. I sorta groaned when I realized that in TP, the first three temples, once again, were of the themes Forest, Mountain/Fire, and Water (in that order). And of course, the Master Sword after the first three temples.

    I suppose it could be a case of "if it isn't broken, don't fix it," but that tends to lead to something becoming stale. Personally, I don't want that to happen to Zelda. I think it's good that they're going to go in a new direction with the games, whatever that may be.

    That's all I'll say for now, since I try not to form any opinions of what should be in the next Zelda game until I've finished the current one. And unfortunately for me, I can no longer finish Twilight Princess right now unless I want to restart it from the beginning. You see, I inadvertently became the victim of the "cannon room bug" earlier today. I keep hearing that there's no way to fix it... I hope it isn't true, because I really don't want to restart my game after all the stuff I just got finished doing in it. Talk about bad luck.

  7. This is a really nice thread, and good for those of us that don't listen to "mainstream" music. I don't have anything to contribute myself right now, but I do have a question.

    Does anyone have a copy of Children of the Monkey Machine's album Septic Dreams? I really want to listen to it, but his website has been down for many months. I've been waiting for it to come back up, but to no avail. Nothing is coming up on Google, either. Can anyone help me out?

  8. Also, this is just me, but I kind of like seeing the vote spread. It gives me a good idea of how much a victory is achieved or if a piece (most particularly my own) wasn't well received, which is in my opinion very vital feedback. If we're not going to do open votes, then perhaps we could at least receive a more comprehensive coverage of the results, like how many votes each piece received.

    If nothing else, this would probably be the best option. I agree with Imagery that knowing how well a work is received is one of the big factors for feedback.

    I don't really care either way whether the vote is open or not. However, you can count another vote for the totals being revealed at the end.

  9. I'm too poor. I would seriously be playing if I had the money to do so! I've been wanting to for the past year and a half. But as a poor college student without the time to get a job... argh!

    ... Anyone want to pay the monthly fee for me? ;-):-P

  10. Dude, that sounds totally reasonable to me. Hell,I am still feeling impacted by this *watching the bullshit by the media doesn't help much*.

    This isn't a cheap way for students to get good grades at all. It is totally understandable for a student to not be able to concentrate after what happened.

    That was my point.

    In any case, I'm going to talk to my professors individually and see where I stand in each of my classes. I know that I'm doing fairly well right now in three of my classes, two are up in the air, and one is borderline failing (well, not failing, but later courses require a C- or better and I believe I'm right below that cutoff mark). If I'm right about that, I'm going to keep going to all of my classes for the rest of the semester (so I can still learn the stuff) but only continue submitting assignments to the classes I need to do better in (so I can focus what little concentration capacity I still have on those classes). For that last class I'm borderline in, I'm just going to pull myself above the cutoff mark and then stop; I don't want to screw it up afterwards, which I very well could in the final for that class.

  11. Well, I've got an update for you guys, specifically regarding how the school is going to handle the rest of the semester:

    Procedure for the Completion of the Spring 2007 Academic Semester

    In short, students will be able to, on a class-by-class basis, either base their grade on what they have already submitted, base their grade on what's been submitted and any other work the student choses to submit, or base their grade on the material that would be submitted upon regular completion of the course.

    I know some of you will probably feel this is a cheap way of letting students off the hook, but you have to consider how hard this has hit so much of the campus. In my case, even though I didn't lose anyone I knew in the shootings, and even though I have a sort of emotional wall I've built up over the years that's keeping me from feeling too much directly, I still have not been able to do any of the work I've been needing to do since the incident. I just can't concentrate anymore. My mind keeps going back to Monday. I can hardly fathom how hard it must be on those that did lose friends and/or family...

  12. If I may, I just want to bring a bit of a personal update while I have a few minutes free, since I have forgotten to do so for the whole day today:

    All the people I was still trying to get in contact with the last time I checked in here have been accounted for. They're alright.

    Now, I sleep. You may resume your discussions.

  13. Is that speculation btw or has that been made official yet? Hmm, though thinking about it, we may never know....

    It's the prevalent theory going around campus right now. Rumor has it that the two people killed in West AJ were his ex-girlfriend and her current boyfriend, but there's no way to confirm or deny that right now. So if that's the case, one has to wonder why he waited almost three hours before going on that rampage in Norris, what with no ex-girlfriend or her boyfriend to go after anymore.

    I'm keeping my eyes and ears open for any news from around campus, since there hasn't been anything new released to the media for hours now.

  14. Concerning letting students go to classes after the first shooting, all I can say is that the police likely thought it was an isolated incident, since it occurred at around 7AM and the shooting at Norris didn't happen until over 2 hours later. I'm sure they considered canceling classes, but since at the time they didn't think there would be a rampage, they decided against it.

    Still not the best choice in hindsight, but given the circumstances, I can see the reasoning.

  15. Oh my god... FOX is interviewing Jack Thompson about this! Of all people, HIM! And of course, he immediately spotlights "violent media." Is it right for me to start getting highly insulted by this and want to throttle the guy? I'm not saying that it shouldn't be taken into account, but damnit! Immediately jumping to conclusions about this tragedy is just wrong!

  16. Still no word on anyone I know yet. I'm starting to get a bit worried.

    Yes, the confirmed number is 31 dead. I believe it's 32 if you include the gunman.

    The police say that the guns used were 9mm handguns. It's hard to believe he killed and injured so many with handguns. I'd be more inclined to believe he was using something like an Uzi.

    If you haven't already noticed, there's a Wikipedia page on the shooting already; it's been up for a few hours.

    Hey GA Jedi Knight,

    What class were you in at 9AM just curious? It would be a small world if we were in the same one.

    Mechanics of Deformable Bodies, Smyth 146.

  17. Reports coming in that the gunman was lining people up in the hallways of Norris and executing them. Supposedly, he was asking the people where his girlfriend was, and if they didn't know, he'd kill them. Also, he supposedly opened up at least one door to a classroom, opened fire randomly, emptying an entire clip in doing so, and then left.

    At least 32 dead, at least 29 other people injured.

  18. Small Update

    First, the shooting at West AJ (the dorm) was on the 4th floor. The student killed there was a Resident Adviser.

    Second, there's been unconfirmed reports that, prior to the shooting itself in Norris Hall, the gunman or an accomplice chained the classroom doors closed so that the people inside couldn't escape when he shot inside the rooms. This might explain why students were jumping out of windows to escape the building. I'm not sure how such a thing would be accomplished without anyone noticing, but that's what I'm hearing right now.

    The gunman is confirmed dead, if anyone is wondering. The police believe he acted alone, but this is not confirmed and they are still investigating the possibility of a second shooter.

    If I recall correctly, this is now the worst school shooting that has occurred in the United States.

    Thanks to everyone for their concern. I don't know the status of the people I know here yet, unfortunately.

  19. As a student of Virginia Tech, and currently on campus, I can tell you that it's been absolutely horrible here. The death toll is at least 21, possibly more, with at least 8 injured. I don't know the status of them.

    I was in my second class of the day, at about 9:30AM, that I heard the first sirens going to West Ambler Johnston, a dorm, where the first shootings occurred. One of the dead was killed there, and I think one or two others were injured. At 10AM, when I got out of my class, the reports were coming in to get indoors and stay there. Sometime between then and 10:30AM, the shootings at Norris and Holden Halls occurred; those are academic buildings with classes running in them. That's where most of the fatalities were. They were mostly students, if not all students. There was at least one professor injured (shot in the arm/shoulder).

    Classes are canceled for today and tomorrow.

    I will keep you updated as things come in on my end.

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