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Posts posted by HalcyonSpirit

  1. Man, every time I hear news about SSBB and MP3, I want a Wii more and more. Prime 3 looks like it'll be amazing, as expected, possibly outdoing the first two easily. Brawl... well, it's Smash Brothers. I love the original, I love Melee (and play it all the time), and Brawl looks fantastic. Other games are also looking great, and I can't wait to experience some of them.

    ... Not having money to spend anymore sucks.

    As for the previews of Prime 3... I'm not surprised. But like Bigfoot, I'm not going to read them. I'd rather go into the game and be surprised.

  2. Actually, I think Short Story would be better because it's going to be the beginning of school. If we do Poetry next and SS in November, I doubt we'd get as much participation in SS, because school will be in full swing and, for us college people, exams will be coming up shortly thereafter. Short stories typically take longer to write, so we should do them when the school workload is at a minimum (ie: beginning of the school year). But then again, that's just my opinion.

  3. Yeah, if you can't get anything to actively cool the room, I would get two or three fans going from the bedroom to the living room to form an "air corridor" of sorts. Keep the A/C you have at max power and use several fans to direct most of the air directly into the hallway and right through to the living room. You'll ideally need powerful fan right at the A/C itself pointing to the hall, another at the entrance to the hall, and then a third at the entrance to the living room. And, hey, if you have more fans, even small ones, you can space them in between those three!

    Other than that... yeah, it seems you're out of luck at the moment. Good luck, it sounds like you'll need it.

  4. Evaporative Air Coolers:

    Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't. Unfortunately, whether or not they work when you need them to is largely out of your control, as it depends on ambient temperature, humidity, and what's in the room. Basically, it probably won't work very well if the temperature in the room is extremely hot in the first place, if there is high humidity, or if there are a lot of electronic devices around the room that give off large amounts of heat (the cooling effect won't be able to keep up with the heat being generated). From what I understand, on really hot days, the air simply heats up so fast as the cooler pushes it out that it has little effect on the overall temperature of the room. Also, these units tend to increase humidity levels to uncomfortable levels if the ambient humidity is high enough.

    In short, while it could work for you, there's also a chance that it won't.

    A likely better option would be to get a better AC for the one window you do have access to. Of course, window size is a limiting factor (as is money), but I've seen really small AC units that can cool two or three moderately sized rooms (with a fan or two helping to distribute the air). Could you tell us the size of the window, and what the AC you currently have is? If getting a new AC is an option for you, I may be able to find one that suits your needs without being too expensive.

  5. That would be great, actually. I was working on something two weeks ago, but I didn't get a chance to finish it before I left for my Myrtle Beach vacation on the 13th. I just got back home a few minutes ago. Long story short, I was going to finish it up while I was there, but I discovered I had no internet access while I was gone, and wouldn't be getting back until after the deadline, so I didn't bother working on it. Extending it a week would be helpful, to say the least.

    Oh, by the way, instead of working on the competition entry, I worked on the next chapter for Eternal Legends. Got more of the it done in the past 5 days than I have in the past 5 months! Expect an update before the end of the summer. :grin:

  6. I've heard from various CS majors that firewalls are essentially useless for preventing viruses from infiltrating a system. And also, assuming you're a careful user, the only occasion where you may need a virus scanner seems to be if you have your computers in a network such as a college one - I have gotten a virus before from it jumping through my alma mater's network while I was still attending the school, so it definitely can happen. Otherwise, I have not had an instance ever where I have gotten a virus infecting my computer.

    Yeah, I know. I hardly ever get viruses and spyware, even when I'm at college and connected to their network. Still, I like to keep myself covered anyway. The firewall is less for virus protection and more for infiltration protection. It's not the end-all, be-all of protection, but it helps. Besides, neither program is costing me anything, so I'm not losing anything by covering my bases.

  7. I'm in the same boat as Pezman; I use BitDefender. I used to use ZoneAlarm, but it's gone downhill drastically recently and causes more problems than it's worth. BitDefender uses the same basic concept as ZoneAlarm, but is easier to use, catches more problems, and uses far less resources. I recommend it. Just remember to set an automatic scan schedule for it.

    I use BitDefender coupled with Comodo Firewall. Powerful combination right there.

  8. Well, that's it for me. My trial period ended today, and I can't log back in until I start paying for the game. Which I can't do at the moment. So for the time being, I can't play. :-(


    ... Unless I make a new trial account... Hm...

    ... Or perhaps someone here can pay for my account until I can start paying it myself? :puppyeyes::razz:

  9. This is what it is.

    As for why it's using so much memory, I can only recommend that you restart your computer and see if it persists with using a lot of memory. Sometimes programs can start using lots of memory for seemingly no reason, and the only way to reset it is to restart the computer or exit the program. In this case, I believe this program is Intel's wireless driver component, and I've heard reports of it being a memory leak within the driver, though it has also been reported that the number you see is just incorrect information being reported.

  10. Hm, the Freeform only competition sounds interesting. It's been a long time since I've entered one of these competitions. Let's see if I still remember how to write.

    Jam's back! :-o Good to see ya!

    This next competition should be interesting. I should be able to get something done, given that my summer classes end this Saturday. Hope to see a high turnout!

  11. I don't think it's terrible, but it's so plain that it's almost as if it weren't even there. Think Yoshi's Island DS music.

    The only really memorable tracks are stuff that was taken from older games.

    Point taken. Still, I liked the new tracks as well. Besides, they provided prime material for awesome ReMixes! *brick'd* (Well, an awesome ReMix. I'm still waiting for more!)

  12. I'm thinking about giving the trial a whirl soon. However, in the meantime, I just wanted to mention that a friend of mine has just started the trial himself. He goes by the name "Nanofuture." He isn't a part of this forum as of this moment, but I'm hoping he changes that soon. Anyway, if you see him around in the game or in the OCR channel, feel free to strike up a conversation with him. He knows you guys exist. :razz:

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