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Posts posted by HalcyonSpirit

  1. *snip*

    Wouldnt hurt to check recent patch notes though as they recently re-did virtually all of the code in the game. One of the changes was that Windows ME and (iirc) 2000 are no longer supported.

    Figures... The one place I hadn't gotten to yet. :roll: I've been going through that guide, but I haven't gotten down that far... and I didn't see that section. Quite frankly, I would've expected it to be listed under the Installation section, but oh well.

    Thanks a bunch. :)

    As long as the requirements don't shoot up too much, I should be fine. My laptop is a Pentium M 2.0GHz, and I think my GeForce Go 6800 will be sufficient...

  2. 09n.jpg

    did i mention its also a DAMN pretty game. Plus its getting a graphics update soon!

    Pretty... *drools*

    What are the hardware requirements for the game? Like graphics card, hard drive space required, processor speed, etc. I can't find that information anywhere.

  3. I've been meaning to try the trial since this summer. Now that Winter Break is here, I have the time to try it! However... two things are getting in my way:

    1) Lack of room on my internal drive (my external died recently, I still need to replace it).

    2) Unstable Internet connection. I'm in the middle of trying to stabilize it right now.

    How much disk space does the game require? I want to know how much space I need to free up in order to place this, but I can't find the information on the site.

  4. A problem for all you Math people out there.

    I need to find the sum of the following series:


    I know that if the starting condition was n=0, the sum would be equal to e^5. However, it has a starting point of n=1. So how do you find the sum of it?

    ...maybe try subtracting 1?

    Actually, I'm pretty sure that's correct.

    The sum, as you mentioned, looks a lot like the infinite sum representation of e^x. As such, it behaves the same way, but the one you have shown here is missing the initial term of n=0. So you can merely subtract (5^0)/0!, which is 1. Therefore, the sum converges at e^5 - 1.


    You know, this is exactly why I hate this Sequence and Series stuff we've been learning. I just can't grasp how to do it myself, but when someone explains a problem to be, it seems so freakin' simple! Yet when I go to do a similar problem, I still can't see the obvious answer.

    Thanks guys, much appreciated.

  5. A problem for all you Math people out there.

    I need to find the sum of the following series:


    I know that if the starting condition was n=0, the sum would be equal to e^5. However, it has a starting point of n=1. So how do you find the sum of it?

    ...maybe try subtracting 1?

    Unless I'm misunderstanding what you're saying, no... subtracting 1 from n wouldn't do anything. For the series to be equal to e^5, the starting condition must be n=0, and the n's can't be (n-1), (n+1), or anything else except for n by itself. That's why I'm asking about the problem. Either there's a way to get it into a form that would allow it to be equated to e^x (x being some number in the summation), or there's a test that has to be implemented to find the sum. I can't figure out either of them.

  6. A problem for all you Math people out there.

    I need to find the sum of the following series:


    I know that if the starting condition was n=0, the sum would be equal to e^5. However, it has a starting point of n=1. So how do you find the sum of it?

  7. Stop looking for continuity in these games, dammit.


    What he said. :P

    There is a continuity. It just isn't a "continuous" one, if you get what I'm saying. Most of the games don't flow directly into each other (ignoring the OoT->MM->TP->WW streak, and even they aren't completely continuous), but the overall story is connected.

  8. What's interesting to me, however, is that the Song of Healing was in Majora's Mask, not Ocarina of Time. How...odd.

    What is odd about that?

    Everyone keeps saying that the song is in OoT, but I don't remember it there.

    Also, Majora's Mask took place in an alternate dimension. The events that took place in it have never been shown to have had any effect on the main continuity of the Zelda timeline. (I must note that some believe the "Hero of Time" mentioned in the intro to Wind Waker never appeared because he was in Termina, but that is only a theory at the moment.) If the Song of Healing is in this game, then it seems likely that Twilight Princess has some kind of connection to Majora's Mask. This is something new to us.

  9. I don't know if anyone else noticed (maybe it's just my copy), but right at the end, at 4:45, all the sounds stop completely. It sounds like it was cut off. Then it plays the final note of the song about a second later. Is it supposed to do that? It sounds very odd, and doesn't seem to belong in there.

    Other than that, great song. I really liked it. It's very... relaxing. But in a different way than other mixes. I can't place my finger on it, but something about the music and the voices put together in this makes the music very relaxing for me.

    Great job!

  10. Since there are people wondering about the lyrics (not surprising, some of it is hard to understand completely)...

    The official lyrics, straight from the horse's mouth:

    It’s 3 AM and I’m drifting

    Staring at an illuminous screen, I’m pondering

    What am I doing and why am I here?

    It’s times like these when my future isn’t clear

    In that place between when you’re asleep and awake

    The time that you see yourself so hard to take

    That sleepless while where it all falls apart

    I wonder how in the world did I get this far?

    But then I dream that I am who I want to be

    That I’m successful and I’m free

    Life’s no longer a mystery

    I’m a hero on the big screen

    I’m romantic hopelessly

    I’m a soldier, a pioneer

    There is no pain

    I have no fear

    Dreaming while I wake, I am so free

    When I rise I know my fate, and it makes me believe

    I’m a poet, a Renaissance man

    I’m a lone wolf with a battle plan

    I’m never alone when I’m with friends

    I can look into my own eyes again

    I can throw everything to the wind

    Without any worries at all

    ‘cuz when I dream, I fly so high

    I know I can never fall

    (No worries, no fears, no nightmares, no tears)

    But then I dream that I am who I want to be

    That I’m successful and I’m free

    Life’s no longer a mystery

    I’m a hero on the big screen

    I’m romantic hopelessly

    I’m a soldier, a pioneer

    There is no pain

    I have no fear

    In any case, like another poster said, I never listened to this when I downloaded it, and forgot all about it until it came up on my playlist. I've been listening to it since then (7 hours ago by my watch).

    Great song, great lyrics. Not much else I can say about it. Great job!

  11. Jeez... It's been over two years since this remix came out, and there's only been two reviews!!! WHY?

    This mix is beautiful. There isn't any other way for me to describe it. Absolutely beautiful. And not in the slow, calm way. I'm talking in the upbeat, cheery way. It really makes you feel great when you listen to it, it really does. It's one of the best, if not the best, of its type. And that's saying something. I'll be listening to this for a long time to come.

    Definite keeper. For those of you that haven't yet downloaded this, do so. Now. You won't regret it.

    Great job, Jivemaster. This piece of music is awesome.

  12. This has got to be the greatest mix of this theme ever made! I'm constantly putting this on repeat, I can't get enough of it. I've had it for quite a while now, too, and I still haven't gotten tired of listening to it. It's that good. Never question Star's ability to produce such great mixes. Never.

    Thank you Star, for making this awesome mix.

    For those reading the review: if you haven't already, download this mix right now!!!

    (Side note: The only thing wrong with this mix is the name... it doesn't fit the music. Maybe a name along the lines of "Destiny's Way" would have been better... the song sounds like something that would go along with someone facing his destiny. And if you need some more explanation... it's the stage music for the Skull Castle, and Mega Man is moving along the path (the "Way") and will be facing Dr. Wily sometime afterwards (his "Destiny")... yeah. But that's just my opinion... I'll shut up now.)

  13. To answer the question about the voices, here's a quote from the mixer himself, DarkeSword:

    The opening voice is Dr. Wily, saying something to the effect of Zero being his greatest robot. All of the other voice clips are of Zero from the MMX4 cutscenes. The SFX breakdown in the middle consists of SFX from MMX6.

    Anyway, yeah, I love this song. Great blending of the themes, and great usage of the voice clips and SFX. Awesome.

    EDIT: Aw, I thought I'd be able to absolutely confirm it before he had to come here himself... Damn, I was too slow. But that's what happens when you leave the computer in the middle of a post. Oh well, a double confirmation it is, then.

  14. Hmmm... the description says the remix is 7'22" long, but mine goes for 11:10. Is it the same for everyone else?

    Yeah, same here. This isn't the first mix that I've had a problem with. "Purple Heart" (Rush'n Attack) had the same problem. The mix does go on for 11:10, but only if you hit the 'Seek' bar on the player. Otherwise it just goes until 7:22, then it just resets back to the beginning. There's some sort of value in the properties of the file that is causing the problem. We should E-Mail DJP and ask him to fix the file on his end. Or ask Disco Dan himself to fix the thing and send it back to DJP to put up.

    (By the way, for any mix on this site, if you see on the download button that it says "unavailable" for the track length and "0kbps" for the bit rate, it probably has this problem.)

    EDIT: I managed to fix the problem myself. I just used All Editor, selected the song (it displays correctly in the program), and saved the selection to a new file. Problem solved. Still, DJP should put up a fixed version.

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