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Posts posted by HalcyonSpirit

  1. Congratulations to the winners and runner-ups, and nice work to those that entered!

    One more thing before I'm done today. How would you guys feel about splitting the competitions? I'm proposing having separate poetry/short story/freeform competitions so that we can focus on a single type of writing. I know that I personally would like this because I never have time to do both a short story and a poem, and in the last three competitions we've had a total of three freeform pieces. If this were to happen, I'd probably hold them a little more often.

    I LIKE this idea! I'd let me focus on one at a time. Dooooooo eeeeeeeet! :)

  2. I guess the sarcasm was a little too light, there.

    Actually, I just chose to ignore the sarcasm in an attempt to give my post a little more relevancy to the topic than just the link. :P

    And in general, the only thing they need pre-rendered scenes for these days, are because they still suck at doing facial expressions in real-time, without making it look like shit.

    Yeah... facial expressions can really make-or-break the immersion factor when it comes to cut scenes. You could be watching a scene and be perfectly fine, but if a single expression is screwed up, it can throw people for a loop. Brings them back into reality and whatnot.

  3. And half of those textures are some shade of brown.

    Yep, because real is brown.

    Rendering movie-quality cut scenes in real time seems a little out of its league, even after developers learn how to use it. Last I heard, it takes a decent amount of time for the computers at Pixar to render a single frame of a movie. Unless the PS3 is insanely powerful, pre-rendered cut scenes are still required, at least when it comes to cut scenes that are comparable in quality to movie scenes. The PS3 is powerful, but unless it's got power in there that we don't know about, it's not that powerful.

  4. Thanks for the information so far, G_D. Looking forward to seeing the gritty details!


    I have told you before that I feel I can relate to Damian, and I feel that his character is progressing along nicely. I also like Ann, though she isn't a very deep character. I was really disappointed that the other guy died (sorry, haven't read the story in awhile and I'm bad with names), and that his story wasn't developed any more than it was. It seems to be a very abruptly ended character (though that makes it really easy to write a prequel...not that I'm suggesting it). As for the other characters, none of them seem terribly deep or dynamic (deep does not mean the same as mysterious), but the story still seems in its beginnings so that may change.

    Ann's character is something I hope to really expand on in the next few chapters. She originally wasn't supposed to be a main character, to be honest, and as a result I didn't really go into her much. Now I have to make up for that lost time, which brings me to my question: what pieces of Ann are missing that's making her less deep? I have Ann's character fairly fleshed out in my mind, which is making it harder for me to see where she's been lacking in the story so far.

    As for Ganner... well, can't say much about him right now. All I can say is that I understand how you feel about him being underdeveloped, but fear not! His character will be developed further, especially regarding his more recent past just prior to meeting Damian and Ann.


    The plot is good, and seems like it's pretty deep. I'm getting a little afraid that it will at any moment fall apart or become cliche, though I can't tell you why I feel this way. One thing that bothers me a little is how cliche it is for there to be a male/female duo traveling together. Just so long as it doesn't play out that she gets captured and he rescues her, this should be fine. Remember that you walk a fine line of originality vs. same old same old.

    Well, I certainly hope it doesn't fall apart! I know about the dangers of the cliché, but as a teacher used to tell me, it isn't the cliché that's bad, it's how you use it. Used properly and in moderation, a cliché doesn't harm the story. A cliché used just for the sake of using it is simply bad (and is how I see a lot of people do things in stories, unfortunately).

    And no, I don't plan on having Damian rescue Ann at any point. :P

    One other thing about the plot that bothers me is all of these flashes to other places. Something about it doesn't seem very well done; it seems out of place and almost immature in styling. That may just be personal opinion, though, so take it with a grain of salt.

    Yeah... it's something that I have a hard time with at times. However, I can't really come up with any other way to do it without revealing too much at one time. There's a big world out there... and a lot of shit is going to hit the fan in different parts of it. :cool:

  5. Wow, what the hell? It's getting way too hard to follow all the changes on OC Remix without a home computer.

    It's getting way too hard to follow all the changes on OCR with a home computer. I can only imagine what you're going through.

    In other news... Drum roll please. *insert drum roll here* Ahem...

    Eternal Legends: Chapter 8 has been released!

    Author's Commentary: This one was a little trickier than the others, if only for the fact that I'm starting to delve deeper into the going-ons of the world. Future chapters will be equally difficult for this reason, but all the more satisfying to write. ;) One of the things I learned when writing a particular portion of this chapter is how hard it is to describe something when the only way you can do it is by how the character seems to experience it. I know exactly what happens, why it's happening, and what it's supposed to be and mean, but I can't go into it because the character doesn't know what exactly it is!

    I certainly hope this chapter begins to pique your interest in what exactly is going on in the world. Things should be getting more interesting from here on.

    This is one chapter where I'm unsure of the pacing and setup. I'm fairly confident that it works, but I can't be certain this time. I'm hoping I didn't screw anything up. :P

    Read, review, and critique it as hard as possible! It's the only way I can get better! And also, I am interested in hear what your thoughts are on the story so far. Not only just "is it good or not" and "what needs fixing," but also any thoughts you have regarding the characters, the world they live in, and any speculation you may have on it. I've been lacking in that area so far, and it would be nice to see what the readers have going through their heads when reading it. That way I can get a better idea of how I'm doing with leading you guys places. :cool:

  6. A lot of this is really great work. I might even have to come up with a few of my own now.

    ... Of course, my inability to draw might be an issue here...

    Uhhhh... Why would you say that? This is a harmless thread, with harmless contents. It's not going anywhere.

    After one of the mods eliminated the Writer's Thread soon after the UnMod deletion (intentionally or not, we don't know)... well, some of us are a little wary. :(


    Never forget! (Or forget and move on... whichever.) :rolleyes:

  7. Just as a warning: I had a similar problem with my own computer a year ago. It seemed like it was the RAM, since it showed all the symptoms of bad RAM. I even ran memtest, which said the RAM was bad. However, it wasn't the RAM, the RAM was fine. Turns out that the motherboard itself was going bad. When the motherboard goes bad, it can exhibit the symptoms of other hardware issues. Just wanted to throw that out there. Test the RAM first, see if it comes up as bad. If it does, replace it. If that doesn't work, my guess would be you either have a bad power supply or a bad motherboard.

  8. EDIT: Wait, I don't actually think its completely gone... just the last half of it. When you click on the banner in my sig nothing comes up, but the link from G_D's sig has a thread with only 3 pages in it... last time I checked the thread had 7 pages. Hmm.

    That would be because G_D never updated the link (as a matter of fact, I'm not sure if I did either...). His link is going to the old thread on the php forum. The php forum still exists, so his link works. Your link, on the other hand, doesn't work because it went to the thread on this forum, which was deleted. Still haven't heard a reason why.

  9. Sometimes, even if I have read all the threads in a forum, in the forum page, it will show as if an unread message was there.

    I find that if you reload the forum using the same browser window (not necessarily the same tab) after you've read the threads, it'll register that you've read them. It's something with how it confirms you read it. My advice is to just open all the threads you want to read in separate tabs and then reload the forum. That always works for me.

  10. Hey, if you've got any techniques to lower it, please do share them. Everything I tried resulted in a severe loss in quality. I kept it under 300k, which is the total upper limit for ANY sig (in my opinion), so it's not too bad, though I'd like it to be lower.

    And by the way, KOTOR just popularized it, it didn't invent it. This version isn't even the KOTOR version (which has an extra line in it).

  11. 1. Get more friends -- I'm seriously lacking in this area.

    2. Get more exercise -- Again, seriously lacking in this area, but at least I'm taking Kendo these days.

    3. Improve my grades -- This past semester really sucked for me, and my grades suffered a huge hit. I really need to bring them back up.

    4. Write more of my story in less time (ie: write faster) -- It's taken me about 4 years to write 8 chapters of my story (shameless plug), and I really need to pick up the pace if I'm going to get it done in a reasonable amount of time.

  12. As Ab56 said, part of it is the challenge and overcoming the obstacle. We, as humans, love to overcome anything that faces us. We want to be superior. What makes games fun is that you can show that you are superior at something without the physical effort required for other activities. It's easy, the task isn't too difficult, and you know that it is possible no matter what someone says.

    Also, it gives us a chance to be someone else. We can imagine ourselves in a different life. That is fun to us, because we can do things that we normally couldn't do.

    Oh, and Zutnunzor hit the nail on the head with that particular part of it. :lol:

  13. I don't usually post reviews, but this one deserves my attention:

    I must say, I was pleasantly surprised by this song. When the vocals came in when I first listened to it, it took me by complete surprise (I was working on my story at the time, so I really wasn't paying attention), so much so that I had to stop the song and restart from the beginning just so I could hear it properly. I'm glad I did, because I love the song now. It did take a second listen to really get into it due to the vocals, but they grew on me the second time around.

    I have to agree on some points, the vocals at various points did sound a bit nasal, the reverb was a bit much at times, and the pitch changes did throw me for a loop a few times. But it certainly didn't hurt the song enough to make me not love it. In fact, I really like songs that don't sound perfect, so this is right up my alley. It gives it a genuine feel, I think.

    All in all, I think I'll give this one an 8.5 out of 10. Very well done, and I'm looking forward to your next collaboration!

    BUT:Summoner's Love


    You know what? You should put up a joke version: "LESS MOUSECLICK, MORE COWBELL!" 8)

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