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Everything posted by Sauzer

  1. have these rappers no shame!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtQgyUITAlI
  2. kak kak kak kak kak

  3. thats pretty cool coop - best of luck
  4. *adds stantuna to ritual_dicksucking.txt*
  5. lol stan your sig
  6. gaea moved in with mystico
  7. shuove it up ur ass mon ami
  8. dont post on remod
  9. i used to play second life but was banned
  10. Hey now, let's keep a sense of decorum.
  11. that php image thing was funny i don't even care
  12. yor mad with power shariq
  13. We should be celebrating the death of Manichean universes in fiction.
  14. real gamers don't have girlfriends
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