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The Damned

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  • Real Name
    Gerry Wheatley
  • Location
    Atop Mount Lalkila, waiting for the next challenge...
  • Interests
    Let's see... Pokémon. Borderlands 2. LEGO (the actual bricks, not the games). Occasionally movies. Maybe sometime music?

    Wow, I'm really not impressing anyone with this, am I?

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  1. May I assemble my ideas of a Tetris mix for your GameBoy project, as a demonstration and application to claim it?

    Here's my best remix (and only Judges-approved piece, to soon be posted) perhaps as a sort of audition: http://tindeck.com/listen/kzuo

    (I'm also nintendude794 on SoundCloud and most everywhere online, but I can't link you to my SoundCloud's newer, slightly remastered--LionTamer had me adjust the volume a tiny bit--copy of the above audition mix because my school's Wi-fi blocks SoundCloud)

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