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JH Sounds

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Posts posted by JH Sounds

  1. Now Sony is already beating Nintendo at their own game(for once) with the PS3 and PSVita connectivity

    Except Nintendo is bundling the Wii U controller with the console at launch, rather than having it be an optional combination. This means more incentive for developers to utilize the tech, since they know that each Wii U owner will have this setup right off the bat.

  2. I think the nintendo Wii U is what the Wii should have been, in 2006

    Apparently Nintendo considered a touchscreen controller back then. I guess the world wasn't ready for it yet.


    The DS had a huge impact on the Wii's design. We had the DS on our minds as we worked on the Wii. We thought about copying the DS's touch-panel interface and even came up with a prototype. But then we rejected the idea, since the portable console and the living-room console would have been exactly the same.
  3. On the other hand, there are small inconsistencies, such as Xavier saying in X-Men 1 that he was 17 when he met Magneto whereas he meets Magneto in First Class after finishing a doctoral dissertation.

    Not to mention the way Xavier becomes paralyzed in this film, which clashes with the Patrick Stewart iteration being able to walk in the X3 opening flashback.

  4. A prayer I came up with that ties into a larger story of mine.

    Gloop Rising

    We are placed into servitude

    Forced to perform our task

    Forced to bring life into deathly places

    We are Gloop, creatures of the deep.

    We create the air for others to respire

    We do not fight back, but pray

    We hope for a chance to be free

    To discover our purpose.

    The Gloop call upon our savior

    Our rebel, one who defied his master

    One who perished for the greater good

    We call upon his spirit, to set us free.

    He helped the adventurous pair

    On their perilous journey

    With no thought to himself

    He helped them win, and gave all.

    We bask in the aftermath of his escape

    Not from slavery, but of the bonds of life

    To a greater place where fish thrive

    And the sea is forever.

    We are Gloop, we follow his example

    To free ourselves from imprisonment

    To evade capture and entrapment

    To live, breathe and give out purity.

    The Gloop endure

    and fight

    and resist

    and rise.

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