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JH Sounds

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Posts posted by JH Sounds

  1. I have a question.

    Are we allowed to trim down the remixes to make them shorter, or do the music videos have to be "as-is" for the songs?

    I made a short edit of analoq's "sonik metro" remix for my video last time. Not only was this a non-issue, but analoq actually liked how I shortened it. :)

  2. I've noticed that as the seasons go on, the show became more reliant on its own continuity to build new stories. This is something that Star Trek has done, and it got to the point where the franchise ground itself to a halt because of it. I hope this doesn't happen to Futurama.

  3. This was originally written to accompany a compo entry of mine this past Tuesday.


    Tranquil thoughts gave way to rapid falls of unceasing water. The liquidation of all that had been still and serene had disappeared, the silence ended. Roaring fists of waves pounded against the coastline, displacing the calm sands and bringing in the tide. The ocean trudged in like a lazy beast settling in a new home. The wetness turned the beach from dry gold to sopping brown as it bore within the floor.

    Minds at ease slowly gained visual stimulation from the rushing crests. The people laid there at the beach, precariously situated between the heat of the sand and the coolness of the water. Even still, the flow would rise to meet them. The moisture ran over the feet of the lackadaisical sunbathers, inciting mild startles and low gasps. The sea bounded upon them, its presence at once awe-inspiring and irritating. It came with great speed, but the vastness of the looming body of water made its movement seem incremental.

    Toward the horizon, the men in undulating boats saw the waves hitting the arid edge. From their perspective, the beach umbrellas dotting the landscape made it look like a brightly checkered blanket. As the rising sea level went on, the sailors gazed at the people on land gradually moving upward to distance themselves from the salty wash. Abandoned bags and refuse were left behind, sodden. Soon most of the ground would be drenched, and the bay would be left empty, on its own, soaked.

    An ominous eye opened within the center of the harrowing storm. The sense of impending danger grew throughout the town that day as the funnel approached. Unlike the tornados that commonly hit the area, this one eerily gave the impression of an animal-like cunning. It drove into residences as if on a deliberate rampage. The storm mercilessly laid waste to dwellings all over the surrounding county, uncannily avoiding barren plains in favor of innocent homes.

    The local news played up these unusual circumstances whenever possible. Reporters began the phrase “the beast with the wandering eye” to describe the storm, playing up the situation for entertainment. The region affected generated next to no stories of interest aside from its current weather. As such, the producers made what they could of the unfolding event. While the anchors chuckled with merriment at the peculiars and tossed in colorful puns, the tornado destroyed entire neighborhoods.

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