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The Joker

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Everything posted by The Joker

  1. Myth should have, if all goes well, my final today. Hopefully.
  2. I'm glad you caught that little thing I mentioned. I actually meant it that way. If this project starts to fall apart & Sith can't handle it, I'll be one of the first people trying to keep it alive. I'm sure a whole butt load will as well. But for the time being, Sith is the director, & until otherwise, we just have to bare with him. It's a big load to lead a project.
  3. Well Rexy, it's sounding better, & I like the structure alot in the revision. It's a shame to hear you'll have less time to tweak this mix, at least until summer that is. But the things in my opinion that need to be strengthened are the latter parts of the song. The darker tone needs to be a little more... moody & somber. Side b of your mix, 3:36 or so, needs more... ominous flava. Maybe get rid of the backing notes, the rapid fire melody that accompanies the lead. Maybe slow down that part, just that part while leaving the overall tempo of the song intact, & maybe even switching thsat instrument with a delayed dark piano would do the trick. Changing the happy sounding drum beat would also help this sections intended mood. I guess what I'm trying to say, is if your gonna make the last section sad & moody, take it hardcore sad & moody. Oh, & I completely agree with haydn about 2:11-2:27-ish. It messes with the flow. And, while I'm at it, how do you guys (& gals)like the newer direction I'm taking Hidden Palace?
  4. Wow... just wow. I can't believe how far this whole thread degraded. And all due to a few guys thinking that negative reinforcement is actually productive. If you don't like a song(s), then quit whining & offer some advice on how to fix it. Not this totally Elite sounding jibberish,i.e, "I think you smell bad & you mix does too, like a big pile of...." You know what I'm saying. I remember the Doom project fell through after the guy in charge of it dropped out. Myth took over & heck, it's become something that will rival, if not surpass KiC. So, get off your hi horses, & too the people invloved in actually mixing the project, take whats good in the negative posts, move on, & stop giving oxygen to the fires. The End.
  5. Wow... there's a lot of crying over milk not yet spilled. Anyway, here's a demo of my mix. To be more specific, it's the b side of my mix. Which is still unfinished. Oh yeah, it's Hidden Palace. http://joker.paletteswap.com/Remixes/S3&K%20RP%20-%20Beyond%20The%20Horizon.mp3
  6. Good to see everyone's mixes are going well. I haven't posted an updated version of my mixes (by the way, I deleted the original WIP from my site). The reason being... crap, that was in parentsthesis... oh well, the reason being, I scraped those versions in favor of newer better ones. I got the Hidden Palace theme more akin to Christopher Heral's BG&E soundtrack. And I'm goign for a more soundtrack-ish symphonica for Doomsday. I should have updates soon enough. So... p00t!
  7. Yeah. Rict. Every time I try to upload, it goes hella slow. Like... takes forever slow. And for some reason, my connection shuts off after a while automatically, thus making whatever progress I have, mean nothing. So, yeah, I need to get a cable connection. Edito Bonito: After further analysis, I have concluded that me connection just sucks in general. It uploads at minus 2 kbps, shich sucks oval objects. So... I'll have it to ya myth on Ricts FTP. But exactly when, I don't know. But you'll have it soon, like this week sometime. In Flac.
  8. Okay, here's the thing, I need someplace to upload meh Wav file. I RAR'd it, as too shrink it's girth. But I gots like Dial up, so I need temporary access to an FTP with a reasonable speed. At least 3.50 kbps. Then I'd be a happy camper. If anyone can help me out, send me a PM. It's be much appreciated.
  9. Time for teasing people! It's probably ready in like 1 to 2 weeks, but you won't hear any of it for like a month or so after that. Yup. Hopefully Myth will give all the mixers a special pre release hearing thing. That would make me a happy panda!
  10. Great Song Nuts. But here's the thing, unless I got Lava Reef & Hidden Palace mixed up... I could swear that's the lava reef zone melody playing, not hidden palace. So, yeah, I may be wrong & have a messed up GYM file. But it should be listed under Lavae Reef Zone.
  11. Tell you what myth. I'll upload a wav to a place that will be fairly hidden, keep it on for a day, then delete it. Mostly because I have 56k. So, there. And remember to bikini wax. Wearing a bikini without a wax... is uncivilized.
  12. I've really been working on my Hidden Palace mix moreso than my Doomsday mix... I got stuck on Doomsday figuring out a way to continue or end it. But expect an update soon of Hidden Palace soon.
  13. I think we should make Myth in a bikini the DSoP cover model! But on to the business at the hand. Are we still doing th peer review? Or are we just finalizing the tracks in general. Either way I got a newly mastered version of my mix. I'll have it too ya on Friday or Saturday.
  14. ... This thread need something. An update maybe. Pointless jibber jabber. Heck, even a link to myth in a bikini.
  15. Was there. Am I even on the right site!? I came to OCR, but ended up getting propositioned by EA. I said no by the way. The carrot & hot wax was just asking to much.
  16. You know what, I accidently had it on wrap. I don;t remember putting it there, but it was. So thanks you guys. Oh & a quick question. If any of you have listened to my mixes, could you help me out. The help being, can you tell what songs they are? Are they too liberal? Basically, do they sound different enough, while still sounding similiar to the source material? Any help would be appreciated.
  17. Yeah, I'll probably be only moderately better. If any better at all... :vomit: I feel better. I just vomited out the truth... no matter how much it hurts me.
  18. I was thinking the same thing Sadorf. So, now that I have someone else giving me the same solution, I'm gonna try it first. Thanks dude. And yeah, I use FL Studio 5.
  19. Alright, I've uploaded a newer version of my doomsday WIP, as well as a Hidden Palace WIP. Both have a slight quirk at the beginning, I'm trying to figure out exactly whats causing them, but they are there for now. Anyway head over to the topic here: http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=1499898#1499898 And gimme some feedback!
  20. Wooo. I just wanna say I love the Dark Side Of Phobos... & Industrial Strength is my favorititist track ever. Waiting for that to be said is what keeps me going. *sniffles*. Why must you deprive me of such nonsense (for right now) Myth? Why!? Anyway, if Larsec does drop out, who gonna do the deed(le)?
  21. Forested Flakes.... They'rrrrre Greaaaat! OH & yeah, the whole song is done in a way in which it's off beat. Done in that fashion purely for the bass. And I'm glad you likededed it.
  22. You can put me down as a maybe in Hidden Palace as well Sith. Oh, & I should be uploading a newer version of my Doomsday mix... like in the next week.
  23. Oh yeah, I barely remembered you asked for drum help... somewhere in the boards. I wish I could help you USF. But I really can't without knowing what program your using... what sound your going for, your actual mix sounds like.
  24. Upthorn, your mix is great... though one thing strikes me as a bit odd. Your mix sounds a whole lot like a reworked "Dark Corners" by J.Cuts off of a FL demo song. So... hmm, I don't know, I'd start over or at least make some maojr tweaks to set it apart from said demo song.
  25. Upthorn, your mix is great... though one thing strikes me as a bit odd. Your mix sounds a whole lot like a reworked "Dark Corners" by J.Cuts off of a FL demo song. So... hmm, I don't know, I'd start over or at least make some maojr tweaks to set it apart from said demo song.
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