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The Joker

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Everything posted by The Joker

  1. Alrighty, I've finally finished tweaking Death Egg. It sounds really really good, & I'm proud of it. So, check your PM's KFC.
  2. Reggaeton, I misspelled it. I'm pretty sure some of you have heard that song "Gasolina" by Daddy Yankee. And if you haven't, do it, it's the only example that comes to mind. But, suffice to say, it's basically spanish hip hop music with influences from Reggae. Mostly the percussion sounds. Do a search & I'm sure you'll find samples of it online.
  3. You know, if I had the right samples & stuff. As well as a classical guitar player, I'd totally make a reggaton/spanish guitar mix of Vega.
  4. Holy crap. I just noticed I was off Ken. Which is good, as it saves me from actually contacting you about me dropping ken. I just came to a block on th song & couldn't figure anything out. I'm sure sixto will do it more justice than me. Also, I made a demo of a song I started doing for fun, but came out soudning pretty good. It's a remix of Sagat's stage theme. Though my webspace is on the fritz. I'll upload & let you hear it asap. It's kinda trip hop like.
  5. Yeah, I'm cool with them using my mix. I just hope they plan to offer the individual videos. Dial Up sucks, I really need to upgrade.
  6. Alrighty. Because it's gonna be a while until the 3 weeks wait period, I've decided to share a revised version of Industrial Strength with those following the thread. Industrial Strength (I.M.P. Edit) This is my gift to those who thought I strayed to far from the original.
  7. On an unrelated note. I touched up my mix a bit Snapple/KFC. I'll send KFC the newer version soon.
  8. Whoa... cool I guess. I was kinda looking forward to seeing what you'd do. But, if you think it sounds good as is, I'm all for it. Yippee!
  9. You know. After reading Omega's reviews I too can't hear my mix, nor the remix of it I'm doing, without going, "this would make a good strip club music in some action movie." So, yeah.
  10. *takes out pitchfork from the barn* Anyone want to start an angry mob & head to Canada!?!
  11. I say whatever artwork looks the coolest & most fitting should be on the page regardless of whether it was on S3&K. BTW, Hadyn, that looks quite hardcore. I likes it.
  12. But they're bound to wear boots in some guy's fantasy(?)! But yeah. That is really, really good! Also, I noticed something like 3 DSoP in the judges que... that's fantastic. Hopefully we all make it on. But if we don't... Gud bess 'em!
  13. You know what would be great? Some free money! That & maybe making a tracklisting for the background songs used in the shows. You know, so that in case we like 'em, we know which songs to... "acquire." Yeah, that's the ticket.
  14. Well... it's quite simple actually. This is OCR. Well that, & for some reason peoples minds seem to be in the gutters... &... um... I blame Mythril for the decline in young(ish) peoples moral core. Shame on you Myth... releasing something you know was gonna start a discussion on global warming... I mean sex.
  15. Hey Shael. I'm going to try to get some work done on my mix. But, I'm not sure if I can. So, I may or may not make the deadline. I just can't get any ideas. If anyone has FL & wants to collab & try to expand upon what I already have, that'd be great. Just let me know.
  16. Yay! Another person that likes meh musaks! But yeah, I kinda think the way Elsa Persson sings is rather... opera-like. Not to say it's opera, but it's done in that classical way... whatever that means.
  17. Yeah! All this praise from people is jawesome! I've even gottn some fan mail on my piece... which is super hardcore good! Yay! Now time for some thoughts! Welcome to Hell: Good moody intro.. nuff said. Hangarmageddon: Great rock cover. The Red Moon: Yay! I love this type music. Great stuff. Industrial Strength: Sounds terrible. This guy totally missed the point of this song. Mystery Meat: This song really imporved from the demo that I heard last. Sounds really, really good. Especially that intro. The Leaning Tower of Babel: Whoa, I was toatally surprised by this one. Horde really made a great sound mix. Reprocessed: Beatdrops style totally took this song to the next level. Great Industrial type sounds. Ghosts of Mars: Great ambience. Though for some reason I prefer the older versions. Still a great listen! The Chemical Imps: Good song. I likedededed it. Demon Con Gusto: Nice chilled back groove to give the album a nice contrast. This Can't Be Good: Nice trance feeling this song has. Jade Spawn: I really liked this song. Fitting end of the albums first disc. One of my favorites. Intermission: I like monkeys... *throws poo* Infiltrator: Good song. Nice tribal feel. Guitar & synth usage really made this a unique song. Infected Lab: More break beatish action! Excellent. Secrets and Lies: A bit slow, but it has it's moments. Especially those ominous twinks towards the end. The Glass Moon: Again, I'm biased with this type of songs. Lovd it! Ocean Pollen: Another nice chill groove interlude. I really enjoyed this song. Especially 2:40-3:25. Greatbgreat great. Aria of the Damned: Although this song wasn't my speed, I liked it. The live vocals really made this shine. Iron Cathedral: Bias yet again! Great great great. The only complaint I have is that it's too short. The Dark Side of Phobos: My favorite song from the album. Dang good orchestration. And that piano towards the end... woooh. Beautiful. Darkness Dawning: Great minimal instumentation combined with superb opera-like singing... good stuff! ElectroCute Bunny: I really loved the intro. The rest was great too, but that intro.. man. Pretty good maing. All in all... I think it's great. Whether it bias because I'm on the album or not... I like it. And about sounding like good 80's synth stuff... I take it as a compliment seeing as I got the feeling that DooM's original score was structured like a good John Carpenter movie score. At least that was my impression.
  18. Yeah that's cool. I was having a hard time getting an actual remix started. All's I got was this really hardcore opening which was really just original stuff.
  19. I noticed that Boss 1 was open. If you haven't found somebody yet, you could put me down as a pending. It fits the type of music I've been in the mood to make.
  20. I'm still in. Tohugh at the moment I'm reassesing my track. Deciding on where to take it. I'm thinking more of a Crystal Method type sound.
  21. That should be hOOters new slogan. "hOOters. Come for the wings, stay for the bountiful wangs!" Should go over well with hOOters patrons.
  22. What'd we win!?!? Dang good work guys. I'm really proud to have been on this project with you... I'm getting a little teary eyes. And to hear this thing completed.. well... it's overwhelming... ... But great job guys. I give this project my JTown Seal of Hardcore-dark-mystifizzled-goodness!
  23. hey, you know... if you read the projects homepage... and read the staff & such things... I'm not in the project. And that makes me a sad panda (hint hint). Anyway, I've made some progress on my mix.
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