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Lithium Fusion

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Everything posted by Lithium Fusion

  1. hey!! Miss Cleo pwn0rz yuor soul!!!1 as for the mix... uh... lettme listen first
  2. I find this piece to be very haunting... I remember how shocked I was at this point in the game Very well done djp *thumbs up*. I like this piece so much I'm including it on a CD of VG remixes I'm giving to my mom
  3. hehe, the Vampire from Final Fantasy... I mean gawd!!! one hit killed all of my guys... It took me days of leveling up before I could beat that guy... I think my d00ds were at like level 18 before I could beat him... talk about a horribly programmed boss... he just whipped me sensless... *disclaimer: the preceding was most assuredly a joke. The Vampire in Final Fantasy has to be the easiest boss in any game, or at least one of the easiest bosses of all time. One hit from Fir3 killed him... One hit!! so I guess this belongs in a thread for easiest boss of all time... but I felt like putting it here, so there *
  4. hehe, I love this piece!! this works great as a loop just keep it going over and over and over... It IS short, yes, but I love the entire thing This piece has convinced me that I need to do a remix of this same theme I really like this tune, it even sounds cool in the game which I am playing again to beat this time
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