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Posts posted by DDRKirby(ISQ)

  1. straying a tiny bit off the main focus here, but what kind of things can I do to improve my perfect pitch? I wasn't born with it and I never had any training in it or anything, I just noticed that I had it at one point. It's not spot-on though, and sometimes it takes me a bit to translate the sound to notes, especially if its with unfamiliar timbres of sound (i.e. instruments that I don't hear all the time).

    I've just been trying to pick out notes whenever I go to recitals and whatnot, or when I hear random stuff like car horns. Is there anything else I could be randomly doing? Also, any tips for hearing chords? They're always a pain...I guess maybe if I learned how each =type= of chord sounded (or for 2-note chords, I guess that would be getting more familiar with how the different -intervals- sound like) then it would be easier, since I could just find the base note or whatever, and then the rest of the chord would fall into place. Whereas right now it's more like I'm trying to discern each note in the chord, =then= put them together and figure out what it is.

  2. not sure. FL can't interpret the actual VST interface so it doesn't know that whatever knob you're turning corresponds to dB, so the best it can do is give you the %. IIRC some VSTs actually have an option where you can click on the value of a knob to enter it in manually.

    In other words, I'm fairly sure you're out of luck. The event editor would probably be the option giving you the most precision, despite the fact that it won't give you a dB representation (though if you really, really wanted, you could do the math yourself...)

  3. Does anyone happen to have the samples that were included in older versions of FL (like FL 4, FL 3.56)? I saved all the old project files but I managed to misplace the samples =(. Seems like I'm looking for a "D_*****" set of samples (see below).

    Here's some of the specific files I'm looking for:






    I just want to listen to the older demo songs in all their glory ;)

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