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    United State of Texas

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. I was afraid of that
  2. Ive been playing some multiplayer with a friend of mine and somewhere along the way our targeting system on one of us gets knocked out. When that happens its pretty much over for that person. How do I stop this?
  3. I want to find a game that will scare my ass. So far I hve narrowed it down to Eternal Darkness or something from the Silent Hill series. Suggestions?
  4. Do you need to play the first two silen hills to understand the third?
  5. Hellya, thanks to a little bit of lazyness I didn't level my guys up and this guy dropped me in a single move. As for bosses I managed to beat would prolly be the flying fortress defense system boss from FFV or that transformed commander guy from Xenosaga. If I may say as for the easiest boss by expectation would be the Emerald Weapon in FFVII. I killed em in like 5 minutes. Two 4X cuts and a slash all all doing 9999 dmg. God I loved that game
  6. PerLichtman, I just listened to a Xenogears remix of yours and was wondering if that beat in the background was from the anime Berserk? Oh and nice music
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