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Everything posted by Vilecat

  1. Didn't someone make a forum for the project somewhere else? It could be there =P If some people want to hear THAT bad what the remixes sound like, just browse around. A few clicks never killed anyone from what i know. btw i gave some comments about the few last WIPs that have been posted here (just in case somone would accuse me of only procrastinating too), except Helium Stairways... I just don't know what to say about it ^^;;;
  2. Once again, could the whole discussion about whether or not the project is doing good, and if yes or not KFC is doing enough for his project to give results, be put aside? Geez guys... Gimme WIPs to comment on, not a silly debate of opinions like this one >:0 Rexy, the small changes you did to your remix make it sound better. And the only points i'd comment on have already been mentioned before, and in a better way that i'd have been able to tell. I hope you'll be able to work as much on your remix as you've planned to.
  3. Ok, phew. That's good to hear
  4. Ok guys, lower those flame-throwers. Instead of spending energy at "bashing" on each other like that, why not use it to improve the project quality, or the lack of it, whichever you think is the current situation. I don't wanna know the answer to that for each person, because it's not what will make the project advance. Constructive criticism will be, by far, most welcome compared to procrastination on one's opinion. Back to the project : KFC, got any news from Beatdrop yet? I saw your post in the Rise of the Star thread, and you got me worried =x
  5. Eew, that sucks. I wouldn't wanna have that sort of things to do for my job, i always hated paperwork =_=; Don't worry, i understand many people are being buried under work, for their job and/or their studies. I'll have to get into a drawing spree starting this weekend for the next month. I was more wondering why there wasn't anyone around to poke the project from times to times =P sith, you haven't had any news of Beatdrop either for your project? I hope nothing bad happened =/ (btw, what do we call you now? sith? KFC? @_@;; )
  6. ... <.< >.>; Where's everyone? This project's been eating dust since the last 6 days minimum, without any real signs of life.
  7. Does that mean we'll get an orchestrated version of it in the song choices? Sweet
  8. True, Hydrocity and Sky Sanctuary are crowded, and Ice Cap is freezing alone in the corner. That surprizes me in a way, i doubt the song has been too over remixed yet for people to not be able to innovate on it. It's usually a very popular song, and i thought there'd be as much people giving it a try as for Hydro and Sky Sanc
  9. Wooooah! My net died on me for almost all last week, and i'm surprized how much work and WIPs appeared in that time. It'll probably be hard to choose between remixers once the songs will all be finished, the remixes all sound so great, even though they're still in progress. Great job as always guys! Don't give up <3!!
  10. Nope, and for the record, I said something to him I saw the post you made right after me in his WIP thread, that's why i was wondering if he gave you any feedback He doesn't see to show up so often though. Too bad =/
  11. Ooh, new person to this project Oh btw sithlord, i'm asking again because i think you haven't seen the question last time, but have you recieved any news of MusicallyInspired? For those who don't know him, go listen to his mix in the WIP forum
  12. Kanjika, your song still makes me go wow each time i hear it. It's so energic, i can see Sonic run the last "straight" line to the final boss with determination like he never had before. I love the new parts, it's really refreshing. With the flute part around 2:04, i was expecting a 2nd flute to accompany the 1st before the violin would come in (it'd make the part slightly longer though). For the percussions at the end : ever thought of going crazy on timpani? I can't think of anything else to say about the song, it's put me in a state of wow-ness tat keeps me from hearing if anything could need to be fixed or so. Keep up the good work guys! I can't wait to hear more of the project.
  13. Pretty interesting WIPs guys I'm impressed already. The ending of your song is a tad weird Kanjika, might be the sudden, ethnic feel from the percussions 10sec before the end. Other than that, i'm still wow-ed like last time. RoeTaKa, that new view of Ice Cap surprized me. I've listened the song on my speakers, and the drums are on the verge to mute everything else (when i walk away from the comp a bit, all i hear is the drum beat and the synth that plays a part of the melody sometimes). Sadorf, each time i hear a remix from you, it gets better and better. It's the usual techno-ish remix of Ice Cap, but it's different from any of the other mixes made on the song. Gotta finish it *nod* I got one question for sithlord, did you get any news from MusicallyInspired? Or he won't give the project a try? I'm thinking he hasn't come online yet, but i wanna know. Imho it's sad if he doesn't, his remix is pretty kickass
  14. I've been listening to the CD 3 days straight when it first came out. I should come here and tell my appreciation at least. Although the CD in general didn't make me go WOAH! as i expected, i'm still enjoying it. I'd first like to congratulate all the new remixing figures that took part in the project. You're not veterans, but the fact that you've been able to make a remix that got accepted on a project is probably an honor for you As for older/more experienced remixers, you still did a great job as always, and you already have more than enough in kudos from other listeners. To everyone, great job into creating and finishing this project. I'm more or less curious of what the new faces from HH will sound like in a year from now, with the experience you'll aquire. Don't be discouraged by how some found the project to be bad (or to suck in less good words), this isn't a project created by veteran remixers only, like they were expecting.
  15. Hadyn, you did a great job in finding a new section. I just love that part at 2:07. The bass at 2:14 gives me a Jaws-like feeling, as if something'd be waiting to chomp my head off :0! Don't worry, that's good... the song of course I still think the same of the violin than before though.
  16. Woohoo! Orchestration like i love 'em. It does have a SSBM opening, Pokemon-ish taste to it. It also reminded me of some SC1/SC2 songs. I'd like to heard more than a sample x3~~
  17. If you're talking about the title/title font style, indeed, it is x_X; I've tried a few times but there's always something wrong it seems. I like the Kirby collage <3
  18. Isn't that the pic of Mike Kirby from Kirby's Air Ride, on the site i gave? Edit : f*cking typos
  19. In the locked DKC project thread, 1st post, the links to the site and the torrent can be found. Both the site and the torrent seem down/dead though. It'd be nice to know why =x
  20. xP I love the paper-looking Koopa Kids you did Pixle. I can't really CG with a computer, i'm used to soft pastels and such. And the cover wasn't horrible, just not suiting the overall feel of the project =P Txai's Kirby does remind me of Perfect Kirby too O.o;;
  21. Well it's one thing to say it, but something entirely different to do it. I'm hoping that this project will have a certain caliber of quality to it. Not just anyone will be able to grab some software and make a tune that can stand among the others as a collection. Sure, I encourage anyone to make a mix of something that hasn't yet been decided upon. However, if you're new to writing music, keep in mind it will probably be a long shot to be included. I didn't think a suggestion would create such a commotion. I do have an idea of how much work it can take to remix a song, and i know working with audio isn't my thing, even post-synchro. I doubt it can stop us from asking around though (there wouldn't be a Requests section on the board if so), out of curiosity. I also agree on the quality part, which is why beginners, or even non-remixers should only be spectators, and not try to accomplish a job we're not good enough at. But a more experienced remixer could do it for us Sorry sithlord-aku, if you got pissed at this. Can i do another suggestion though? When you said you previously talked about the matter... err... where is it exactly? Could you put it on the front page with the other info (big letters maybe)? It might keep people from asking over and over ;;
  22. Aaw =/ I don't know, i like the 3 songs about as much. Kinda agree that they don't have the same "feeling", but i thought remixing them together could work.
  23. I've been lurking in this thread for a while now, so excuse me for my sudden intrusion... But couldn't the different stage bonus songs be mixed together? Instead of adding only one, having all of them in a song could be nice. Of course that's if 1st : someone's up to remix them and 2nd : if it can be added to the project. Or something like that...
  24. Wow, i knew my artworks -and doodles- were ok, but impressive? Isn't it a bit too much? lol Just don't give up guys, it doesn't mean because DarkeSword likes my work right now that i'll be the one to do the CD cover. To help people who wanna try drawing Kirby, there's the picture gallery of Kirby's Rainbow Resort for some models. I hope this site'll be of help for you too guys :3 Edit: Took me about 5 minutes to realize what RotS meant in Darke's post Edit2: Before i forget, if anyone's trying to refer to me as he or she, i'm a she. Just so you know =P
  25. My work? If you looked fully at my post, i've posted a draft of an idea i got. It's near the very bottom StarZander, don't say such things, your Kirby's very cute Oh, btw i prefer the one with the borderless star, the other gives a "heavier" look. And Hadyn, that's simple but great =D I feel defeated.
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