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Everything posted by Vilecat

  1. Fantasmagoric Etch-a-Sketch. Late grats, but better than never I know i totally forgot about this FAC with all the school projects. Again. Not even a doodle *sigh* At this rate, i'm guessing Novemer will be skipped, or will there be something different? Side topic : kinda sucks to see pratically no one enter. I don't get why though. You can't tell me with all the OCR goers, that the amount of artists nears 0%.
  2. Apparently the d00d from Dueling Analogs is coming to MAGFest. http://www.duelinganalogs.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=78221 Kinda cool. Yes? No?
  3. Like you deserve any of it, fatty! kekekeke
  4. You can always ask me for them or something, i can send by e-mail. I hate filefront, it hates me too. Suckage circle.
  5. NOWAI! fgt 10 char limit
  6. </3! You're so gonna get mauled when you get in the hotel room, and i warn you, it won't be in an enjoyable way. Working at MAGFest for free food? Interesting... Edit : Oshit BGC is coming? Doesn't beat Anso, but i guess we'll have to deal with that for replacement
  7. The Laziest Men on Mars - Happy Softcore Juese Belmont isn't the happiest sounding song you can find on OLR, but it can't fail to make you smile, so i guess it's a happy song after all. Also : http://olremix.org/remixes/575 http://olremix.org/remixes/140 There's a lot more, but you'll have to look for them :3
  8. I never got the chance to try that game on PS2. I'll just have to add this one on my "Why should i buy a Wii" list. SSBB thrones on top of it of course. I was half expecting to hear there was an upcoming version for the Wii when it came out on PS2.
  9. stupid 10char limit
  10. AH MON DIEU! C'est ta fête? Eille bon anniversaire le français. T'as aucune maudite excuse pour pas célébrer, avec tout le vin pis la bière là-bas. Santé à une autre année!
  11. That would be hella sweet! Looks like the game will be in some sort of post-apocalyptic US city, from the highway signs and such. Blowing up Hitler's head wasn't enough?
  12. Yesterday AeroZ asked me if i had found a ride from and to Dulles. He probably doesn't know you have a possible spot for him. Just tell him, he'll be happy
  13. My plane ticket ends up being my b-day and possibly x-mas gift from my parents. You better come Anso > Don't give me false expectations just to fail coming at the last minute. BTW, i am now looking for a way back and forth to Dulles airport. I should arrive around 5pm on the 3rd and i'm leaving on the 7th at 8:30 or 9am (too bad i can't get a flight back in the afternoon instead =/ ). Pretty please? or something?
  14. You're all sluts. I KNOW you guys are just planning to get a big roman orgy going on in Baha's room.
  15. You're such a man whore Anso. Don't worry, i still <3 you anyway. IF there still really are people around the 6th in the afternoon/evening or even during the 7th, i'd delay my flight time. But i'd need to know if it's really worth it for me (lawlz sum random n00b chix). Still gotta find a way to go back to the airport once everything's done. BTW Tauce, you can take me off the ride list. I'm gonna take the plane instead after all. Maybe one of these days i'll get to loldrive all the way to MAGFest, but not this year.
  16. Nienna has been married for a year at least now. Lucky girl!
  17. It's the Million Men Mix all over again.
  18. This song keeps reminding me of Jamiroquai. Which i love a lot. Smecksy mewzik <3 Hot stuff right there guys, gj.
  19. Never enough! I say someone bring a mic ftlolz. Maybe not pick the FF prelude again though (MMM anyone?). Maaaaaybe i'll bring my clarinet, but i haven't played it in a good 2 years. I suck at improvising too. But looking silly generally doesn't stop me. And you can always put Sammych on cowbell. There's always space for more cowbell
  20. If i take the plane, i'll get there around noon. I still wish i'd find someone else for a loldriving trip all the way down. Or maybe rent a car or something. lol. Nonsense! Hygiene is overrated.
  21. People DID say the same about Kong in Concert, and even before about Relics of the Chozo. Probably not gonna make it ZOMGBETTAH! but maybe only by having a "crispy finishing touch" on the whole thing, for a lack of better words. LOL @ people still finding a reason to whine, and grats to everyone for making me enjoy every track of a game i came to detest through the last few years(many reasons, yadda yadda etc.). I particulary like how many songs aren't recognizable compared to the source tune and are right away at the same time. GJ and GG guys! (now let's get all those other game remixing projects finished, aight? ) Edit : forgot to mention, but i'll surely seed this for quite a while, like most OCR torrents
  22. You're gonna be decieved. But then again, i'm not as different from my sig since i don't make much sense in general at first glance That could also be blamed on the ADD running in my mother's family for generations ^^; Sometimes i can't even follow my own track of thoughts
  23. lol, Canada with only 1% We now have a better idea of how much frenzy the FF serie generates in the land of the rising sun. That also explains why the torrent had at least 1,3k seeders in the first few hours of the project's release.
  24. PREPOSTEROUS! You will never replace ME! MWAHAHAHAHA~! And anyway it's because he got replaced in his first room setting by pixie's bro. I think.Not sure. But i'll get to -maybe- witness the awesomeness that is Taucer's 'fro. If he doesn't get a haircut before Magfest that is. AnSo : don't worry, i'm never gonna diss Sweden too many cool cats from there. And thanks, it's some peeps from OLR that edited (twice) that .gif. It's impossible to find better <3 :heartlol:
  25. Who visits the Links page anyway? I only did a rare few times to find a link to DoD or such.
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