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Claado Shou

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Posts posted by Claado Shou

  1. Hey everybody! Rayza and Aurora gave us a plug in their latest installment of "VGDJ'," the new ocr podcast.

    Have a listen:


    w00t w00t

    This has just brought to my attention something of importance...no one knows how to pronounce my screenname. And that, my friends, cannot go unattended.

    So pronounce it like you're saying the words "cladow shroud", except without the "r" or the second "d". Thar yar.

    Otherwise, cool.


  2. That's really cool. When do you leave for Basic Training (boot camp)? What's your rating?

    December 28th, 2005. I'm a Cryptologic Technician (Collective), or CTR. I'm hoping for a CTI position to open up before then, which is the Interpretive aspect of Cryptology.

    In the meantime, I'm working for Amazon.com. Go me.

    Nice. I'm a Nuke (MM3 for now), if you know what that is, and considering that you're a Crypto, I'm sure you do. That's really great, dude. You'll love it.

    Oh, and go team Sonic! Blue-skinned lightning-speed midget furries never had it so good. :)


  3. Whoa, holy jesus. I missed the part where I was being called stubborn and an elitist prick. What Snapple Man failed to mention is the main reason I saw it fit to just drop out of this project entirely. I currently have so many things to do, musically and otherwise, that I didn't see any reason to bother competing with someone over a song when the end result could have been that I wasted my time on something with relatively low importance. As it stands, I'm working a full-time job; I'm in the Delayed Entry Program for the U.S. Navy; I'm working on music for an arcade game; I have TWO albums in the works, one of which is two discs; I'm trying to come up with a rock-solid remix to make my long-overdue reappearance on OCR; and all the while I'm also trying to fit in time to have something that remotely resembles a social life. So from where I was standing, it seemed like a much better time to devote my time to things that I KNEW would make a difference in some manner.

    I'm still going to finish the remix, I'm just not doing it for this project. And even then, it'll still be months before I have it completed. I'm confident that Hatchet will turn out something great in my stead, especially without having to worry about me competing with him.

    So there you have it.

    That's really cool. When do you leave for Basic Training (boot camp)? What's your rating?

  4. I JUST got my internet back after a week without it, and all I have to say is this...


    Anyway, onto the questions...

    blizihizake, the EoT song should be 5:30. You're pretty darn close to it being finished, so yeah. Also, don't do the other EoT scenes. The second one will have no music (dramatic) and the third is covered by Track 17, The Epoch.

    sephfire, the beginning of the piece does cover the Lavos music. Hmm...have you ever seen The Fifth Element or heard its music? "Leeloo Dallas, Multipass"? Alright, well, there's a song on there where the main female character sees a slideshow of human destruction, and it pretty much encompasses the feel I want for the beginning of the song. Here it is, if you want to see what I mean: http://symphonic.herograw.com/Project%20Files/22%20Pictures%20of%20War.wma. That's the opening, the revelation, and then the ending is like the, "We have to do something!" more upbeat portion. Still sombre, but with determination. If that makes any sense.

    Does that answer your question? :)


  5. Re: Liner Notes

    Er, I do not sure what's the rightful term, but I am refering to the piece of paper in the sleeve of the CD case, then there usually the composer or artist will say a thing or two, introduce the project and write some comments on each of the tracks.

    Oh, okay. I know what you mean. Yes, part of the project CD layout is to have the little CD insert, and on it I'll have some text introducing it all, y'know. So yes, the liner notes will be ready-to-print and all. Yeah.

    Sounds good, JPGII/ZeaLitY. Release it at your leisure. I'll be doing some shopping around on CT/CC sites when I get to my old computer, advertising and all, so one more awesome thing to mention in my intro. :)


  6. Hmm...if it doesn't look like you're getting anything, might as well not hold out. So I say, just get rid of the sample pictures put up in some people's places (PLBenjaminZ, BliziHiZake) and then release it when you think fit. Personally, once Monday rolls around, I'll have AIM back, so...I'll be trying to connect loose ends and urge mixers to turn in their pieces. I want to get this finished and ready for launch on 9/27, not only because of the anniversary, but also because I have other...things to prepare for.

    So anyway, it's up to you. We can always add stuff on, y'know. It's not a problem.


  7. I have another update, which isn't too huge, but script updates are finished (for now), and some rather nice improvements have been made.

    1) Edited general dialogue, though not to a great extent.

    2) Included a modified form of Robo, as a "portable robotic assistant" that aids the group at various points in the story, though his inclusion is mainly for the sake of those CT fans that like Robo's character. Lucca wears him like a watch, BTW.

    3) Included a new aerial fight scene with the Epoch, in which Lucca and Robo outgun and outrun several Zeal fighters while Crono and the others battle the Queen within the Ocean Palace.

    4) Provided greater inclusion of some bit characters - Lara, the Nu - and cleaned up some plot points that were a bit sketchy.

    Generally, it's just a more polished script. So, enjoy. :):):)


    P.S. Ayla is still out. 8)

  8. Maybe getting some bittorrent seeds in antipication of the massive traffic your server will be getting is a good idea?

    And would there be instructions for printing out the CD covers and labels for the disc?

    How about some liner notes?

    1) Well, I had at least the OCR server and herograw server planned, but finding another server or two would probably be a good idea. I'll look into it.

    2) I honestly don't have any experience/software that would be helpful in this regard, so I guess I would have to look it up or ask someone else. Unless of course somebody reading this has any kind words...

    3) What do you mean by 'liner notes'? Either it's an unfamiliar term or a term I'm unfamiliar with (big difference...not really).


    P.S. Also, Tracks 1 and 25 (Inciting Incident and To Far Away Times) are back online, for those wishing to hear some of the music. Those are the 'teaser' tracks, I guess you could say. :)

  9. You know... call me a bandwagon jumper onner, but we should do interviews! I read the Chrono Symphonic interviews & I think they are the shiznit! Even include the artist comments about their own mixes in addition to Myth's write ups. Just an idea.

    You already stole pixietricks...and now you want to steal the interviews? *cries in corner*

    Just kidding. I think interviews in general are a great idea. Just make sure to mention that, uh, WE did it first. :)


  10. I have pictures kind of hammered out for discs 1 and 2.

    Disc 1: http://www.worldisround.com/photos/14/573/208.jpg

    Disc 2: http://www.worldisround.com/photos/14/573/209.jpg

    I still think disc 1 looks better, but that's because I just had better results with the source material. Lemme know what you think of it.

    Very, very, very nice. These are definitely keepers.

    Good work, dude. And you too, Flame Stealer. So tight.

    BTW, I like Disc the First better as well. :)


  11. Alright, yeah, I consulted with a few others and the general consensus seems to be that having the songs up for download now is rather counter-active to the big release of the project. Which means that


    That is all.


  12. I just realized something...there are three projects all near completion, all three representative of different things...just like the Next-Gen Console Wars of 360, Revolution, and PS3. So without further ado, a more detailed explaineration:

    -Rise of the Star (Kirby's Adventure) - Nintendo Revolution

    Considering Kirby's automatic connection to Nintendo (duh), and considering the project itself, Rise of the Star best represents the Revolution. While the project is already completed, it isn't telling any of its secrets (all of which are very interesting), and is waiting for just the right time to show itself.

    -The Dark Side of Phobos (Doom) - XBOX 360

    While Doom is for the PC, it's latest incarnation, Doom III, is most certainly an XBOX title, making this the best 360 candidate. While the project is not yet completed, and a lot of its specs are under wraps, more and more of its secrets are being unveiled, as well as the enormous array of parties/songs involved.

    And finally, this humble project...

    -Chrono Symphonic (Chrono Trigger) - Playstation 3

    While it would be nice to cliam Nintendo as our homeground, Kirby deserves that particular title more, and we already have claim here with the PS1 re-release of Chrono Trigger, as well as Chrono Cross, its intellectual sequel. So, while the other two projects seem to be going at the goal with no true powers revealed, and while they seem about to be released close to one another, this project is letting it all hang out, also sporting the highest improvement over the original (25-30 times better, if I do recall) and no desire to finish earlier than the rest. :)

    So there it is. Now, onto true business...

    I'm trying my best not to download any of the songs, since I want to wait until the project is out, but...Grrr...Must hold back...

    Hmm...this is a question that I, too, have been struggling with...

    Should I bring down the songs from downloading, until the project is released, keeping these final tracks under wraps until we're ready? Or should I have everything out in the open? I honestly don't know, so I guess I'll ask you guys.

    Any comments?


  13. Another thing...I have just realized that not only is 2005 the 10th anniversary of Chrono Trigger's release, but


    is the 10-year anniversary of its North American release date. Which gives me the sneaking suspicion that


    would be a great day to have this project released. So that means that if you're planning on doing a song, please have it ready to go entirely at least a few weeks prior to


    so it can be released accordingly. Thank you.


  14. Hmm there seem to be something wrong with the downloads. I keep downloading emtpy mp3 files...

    Which songs in particular are you referring to? I just re-downloaded a couple and they all seem to be working fine for me. Hm...

    Also, what browser are you using? That might - MIGHT - have something to do with it.


  15. Hmm...I dunno...I like Flame Stealer's color scheme and all, but I also like your pic of Crono and the title "Disc the First". Cute.

    Is there any chance, LatentSanity, that you could take your picture of Crono and fade it into Flame Stealer's disc design? And Flame Stealer, is there any chance you could change the words on your CD design from "Disc 1" to "Disc the First"? That would be friggin' sweet.

    And then, we can get together again for Disc the Second a little later. Ya know, a little party and all, some cheese cubes, wine, the works. Not really. :)

    Nice woyk, HOWEVER.


  16. Oh, that's quite alright. I'm still expecting a month, two months, or more of getting songs together, so don't worry about it too much. Just GET IT DONE. :D

    Also, I just had a great idea, Flame Stealer. For the second CD, use the same image as the one for the first, but flip it around so it's a mirror-image of the other, invert the color (green and white), and then place the title on it as a mirror-image of the other (one is aligned to the left, the other would be aligned to the right, etc.) That would be awesome, dude. Thanks.

    BTW, you said you had just heard about the project...from where? Just wanna see who's mentioning us, you know...gauge our popularity somewhat. :)


  17. AAAAAALLLLLLLSSSSSSSOOOOOOOO...I'm thinking it would be best to only have one set of pictures for the CD art and CDs themselves, so I've put together what seems like a good setup.

    CD Cover: Eon_Blue's Lavos picture with the logo in the center

    CD Back: Kanjika's picture with the stopwatch on the table

    CD Insert: Kanjika's picture with Frog and Crono in the rain

    Now I just need some art for the first and second CDs, preferably something simple that just identifies the CDs as being Chrono Symphonic. Anything cool and aesthetically pleasing. Just post your stuff here, if you have any.


    Hi. Nobody knows me here, I've just heard about your project and thought I might stop by and try to make some art. Here's something for the first CD (the original drawing comes from Missing Piece) :


    I could have put the track names at the bottom left of the pic, but I don't know what's supposed to be on the disc 1...

    Well, that is definitely cool and aesthetically pleasing. Very nice indeed. And don't worry about having song names and all, that can be added later when we have everything complete.

    Since the first disc is red and all, if you're designing the second one as well, could you please make it blue or green, to have an identifiable difference between the two? That would be really cool.

    And as for PLBenjaminZ and his song, it's nice that you keep working on Denadoro Climb, but what about the Lavos battle? That song is already kickass, and now all you have to do is finish it.

    BTW, the song is nice.


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