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Claado Shou

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Posts posted by Claado Shou

  1. Good start, SirRus. And yes, I understand the need to study for finals and all that stuff. My condolences.

    ((BTW, you're not gonna get kicked out if you don't have a WIP ready. I just want to see some progress, that's all.))

    Knowing your skills are a bit cramped at the moment, I won't even begin to critique the piece, since you will undoubtedly revise it when you have the chance. So, nice start...very evocative, very Zeal-quality, and very nice orchestration.

  2. Sorry about the double post, but I just recently got word from both krispy and GrayLightning, two of the unconfirmed mixers in this project, and they had to drop out, due to time and activity constraints. So our total is now two mixers lower, but considering that we've added two mixers since the project's beginning, it all evens out in the end.

    Reminder: post your stuff on deadline. Plz.

    BIG EDIT: Unknown has finally joined us! He took Scene 22, so watch out for some awesome orchestral coming our way quite soon.


  3. Very awesome opening, man. That takes the cake when it comes to emotional charge, so far. And the rest is very good as well. I can most certainly imagine this being the song playing during Frog's intervention. End it off with 20 or so more seconds of music, and you are at 'completed' status.

    BTW, is that the name you'd like to keep for the piece? Or is there something else you'd prefer more, Mr. Wu?

  4. Denadoro Climb - good base, dude; though I have a few ideas for both how you can make it better and how you can increase its length. First off, the very beginning should be a few high pizzicato notes and then about 20 seconds of happier music, then it could degress into the solemn climbing music, and then get more fevered as Marle/Lucca fall and Crono has to save them. Then it'd be cool if it got slightly more upbeat when they reached the platform/summit and start to go inside the tunnel.

    Lavos Battle - for this one, let me just remind you to 1) keep going, cause you have a great WIP, and 2) at about the 3:30-4:00 area, Lavos erupts and then the rest of the music is the party escaping and watching the palace crumble. So keep that in mind and continue with your amazing work.

  5. Alright...instead of posting suggestions, let me just think this over. So please, stop making your own titles. It's far too confusing with everybody voicing their opinions at one time.

    Let me sort it out, and for the moment, let's forget about the entire thing. I'll get back to it later.

    Anyway, in regards to the music...

  6. From two pages ago...

    EXPLANATION: The Tesseract is the place in the Chrono series where discarded timelines are sent. Something changes in time, the old dimension is tossed here and a new one is created. Since in the movie, Crono & Co. are constantly changing history, several revised timelines are made, meaning that every previous one goes to the Tesseract...meaning that the story itself is a Chronicle of the Tesseract. Every song, then, would be a way of telling that story, meaning that they, too, are Chronicles.

    And I'm still working out the title. So thanks for the suggestion.

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