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Everything posted by Powerlord

  1. Which, unfortunately, costs a lot more. Actually, does GameServers even offer 32-slot TF2 servers? I only see up to 24 even when I switch the hosting center on the order form.
  2. It seems I am not the only spy! Anyway, I've been meaning to ask... I have some friends who are new to TF2. They are not really members of the OCR community... what's the rule on reserved slots? Also... what is everyone's opinion on increasing the number of slots on the server? Edit: D'oh, Gameservers removed the upgrade option for our server... in fact, they don't offer 25 player servers on our plan any more either, so if we downgrade to 24, we can't upgrade back to 25. As for OCR-only nights, they don't seem to work that well. The highest number of players I remember seeing for one before was 12. On a game balanced for 16-24 players.
  3. Sorry about not being on yesterday... Two of my friends (Cheesy and greymuskrat) were going to join me for TF2, but... electricity was out at my home from 1pm to 1am. You might have seen Cheesy before, but greymuskrat just got the game...
  4. Hear ye, hear ye, Orange Box is only $10 on Steam this weekend. If you haven't gotten TF2 yet... get going!
  5. Stop making me feel old. I mean, damn, Internet Gaming didn't really start becoming popular until I graduated from High School.
  6. sv_pure is currently set to 1. We are, however, using the default whitelist. I refused to fall for it when atmuh blatantly lied to me to try to get me to allow more custom things (this was back before the Steam group incident). Edit: Under the default whitelist, player models are allowed from disk. I'm actually curious to know if this affects cloaked spies... I was under the impression that cloaked spies aren't shown due to invisible spies not actually having a player model. Having said that, I had the same problem before, but with an Engineer by point B on Badwater. I wouldn't even be near his guns and he'd start shooting me with a pistol. For reference, he had a gun by RED's outer door by point B. I could be up on the area by BLU's second spawn (also near or run past him and his guns and he'd start pistoling me every time.
  7. Hmm, already an update to fix issues with the patch, I see.
  8. No, but Forteblast was commenting about that earlier. Have you noticed he's been playing on OCR recently? Now to get Zim to join us, too...
  9. P.S. If you're normally a TF2 player on my friends list and I see you playing L4D, expect me to call you a traitor. Not that I have a lot of time to play either game at the moment... busy busy homework.
  10. The wait... is over. That's right, Survival mode was pushed out today for both the PC and Xbox 360.
  11. So, I'm not the only person who lives in this hellhole? Anyway, I live in Lansing, Michigan. I even work right across from the capitol building downtown. However, I'm not big on meet and greets... which makes me wonder why I posted in this thread anyway... hmm...
  12. I wasn't sure if the server was updated last night, so I told it to update now. I think it was updated last night, though. P.S. Have all CTF maps been removed from the map cycle? The HLStatsX Flags Captured & Flags Defended awards weren't awarded to anyone yesterday...
  13. I'll be honest... I don't think Baha ever removed anyone after they were added to the Reserved Slot list.
  14. OCR only night doesn't seem to work too well. I thought about suggesting a night where you add reserved slots for the OCR regulars, but... I'll update the advertisements to stop bugging people about reserved slots, then. Stats reset isn't a bad idea. Right now, it's tilted against new players simply because of how often some of us play. As a side note, you can download maps either individually or as a complete set here. (Well, OK, I don't have that page showing the 7zip files yet...)
  15. When you say Alpine payload, the only maps that come to mind are pl_cashworks and pl_swift.
  16. I'm typically available Friday and Saturdays evenings (7pm EDT) and late night Monday/Wednesday (11pm EDT).
  17. You mean the tracks that split, go through doors, and other unusual things?
  18. cp_pacman_wtf_normal was OK, although it's a bit biased in favor of Scoots and Pyros, and against Heavies and Soldiers (at least those who can't seem to get rocket jumping down). The Red Ghost is faster than all classes except Scoots, making it a bit cheap. Yes, I'm aware you can check the ceiling for the ghost positions. pl_waste (two-direction cart) was OK, but it could use a short cooldown before it switches directions... or on points, like it does before the cart initially starts moving. tc_meridian... didn't work so well. It's got all the same problems Hydro does. It's not like a traditional CTF map because there are less routes and they have more bottlenecks that you have to pass through. cp_follower was like an odd mix of Granary and Badlands. I'm not so sure I like the way it's laid out, though. For example, I kept forgetting that between points 2 and 3, you have to go to the upper-center(?) or lower-left... lower-right doesn't go through and you have to detour back to one of the other routes. This is in contrast to granary, which has lower-left and lower-right passages. pl_great_heights... didn't care for that one. Part of that may have been the seriously unbalanced teams prior to the forced team scramble. Still, most of the map is far too linear... it's like playing the Goldrush part 3, between points 2 and 3 for an entire map, up until the last cap point of part 2. cp_roundhouse - Was confusing at first, but got better as we played it more. The train really needs the train sounds, though. Side note: You can ride the train. ctf_waterhole - Hated it. Too dark to see anything, particularly in the water. Ended up playing Engy for half the map just to avoid the water area. cp_yukon - By the time this map came up, there were less than 8 people left on the server. Doesn't work well with small teams... which is surprising since it's supposed to be for 6v6. Also, the geometry seems forced... rather than like natural terrain. While that makes sense for bridges and such, it also applies to the rock formations.
  19. Custom map night came and went... it seemed to go OK for the most part, although attendance wasn't that high at the beginning. I personally found some maps that I sorta liked, and also found there's one that I really don't like (great heights). I've restored the old mapcycle (I grabbed it Tuesday), so two map changes from now should be back to normal.
  20. That's kinda what I figured it did... I used to run a UT server that had a setting like this. Although that had both the server max setting and the client setting. As I recall, dial-up needed extremely low settings, seeing as how a 56k modem tops out at 8kbps.
  21. New 684MB All Maps 7zip file. Contains all the non-official maps we have on the server. Might be quicker to use the torrent, though. I'm not sure. Yadda yadda free 7zip decompressor.
  22. ...and that's not counting the messages that got deleted... at one point, I was deleting them nearly as fast as they were being posted. Then I stopped because it was an immense waste of my time.
  23. Most of us have dropped out already and joined the [thread=22965]new group[/thread] that actually has that kind of thing locked down.
  24. Another new 233MB 7zip file of the maps. You can get a free decompressor if you don't have one (WinRAR also decompresses 7zip).
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