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Everything posted by Powerlord

  1. The purple checkerboard is the image you see if a texture didn't load properly. Having it for all textures is a bit odd, though...
  2. That is what we're talking about, yes. The only time that I can remember when we've ever loaded our current TF2 server was the evening of the patch, when it was stuck at 25/25 due to everyone on having reserved slots. I've done that rant before!
  3. New TF2 update to fix the (broken) Ambassador hitboxes and stuff.
  4. New TF2 Blog post today: First things first, there's a Bonus Sniper vs. Spy update page. "In the first few hours after the release yesterday, we had some issues that prevented the system from working properly, so that timeframe was not indicative of the system as it's designed." Presumably, that's what the patch last night was to fix. Here are upcoming features: - Item trading. This is why you're finding duplicates. - Giving players a method to influence the system so they can work directly toward getting specific items. - Adding more rare items like the hats.
  5. Unlocks are now completely random. Not only do Spies and Snipers have no Milestone achievements, but all the other unlockables in the game ALSO drop randomly. Including ones you already have.
  6. That won't work because this is a server setting. Also, despite being passworded, the server currently has 25 people, all of whom have reserved slots. So, whomever said it would never happen was wrong.
  7. What do you mean we don't get a knife unlockable we get two fucking cloaking watches but not a goddamn garotte P.S. The server has been restarted, but the maplist was wiped. I'm going to modify the maplist in a moment to match what Baha posted earlier, but with pl_hoodoo added to it. Edit: Whoops, edited the wrong file. Fixed the maplist again by adding the new maps and fixed the mapcycle to match what Baha posted earlier, making sure to update the references to plr_pipeline.
  8. Hmm, I'm not seeing the update yet, but the update notes are out: Updates to Team Fortress 2 have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The specific changes include: Maps Added new map, Pipeline. Pipeline is the first map in a new game mode named payload race, which uses two carts in each map instead of only one like traditional payload maps Added new arena map Sawmill Added new arena map Nucleus Added new community payload map Hoodoo Sniper Changes Added new sniper rifle replacement, The Huntsman. Instead of a sniper rifle, you have a bow that allows you to move around faster while firing, and fire more quickly than the sniper rifle. Works better at medium range than the standard rifle Added new SMG replacement, Jarate. If thrown on an enemy they will take more damage for short period of time. Also extinguishes flames on yourself or allies Added new SMG replacement, The Razorback. Will protect you against a single spy backstab, and stun the spy for a short period of time. Comes with a 15% move speed penalty for the wearer Standard sniper rifle now shoots through friendly players Added 54 new Sniper voice lines Added 35 new Sniper achievements Spy Added new revolver replacement, The Ambassador. First shot is very accurate and will cause a critical hit if it hits an enemy's head. Accuracy is poor for a period after that Added new watch replacement, the Dead Ringer. When armed, you will appear in all ways to die to the first damage you take from an enemy. You'll be cloaked for 8 second after taking this damage. Upon de-cloaking you'll make a loud, distinct sound Added new watch replacement, the Cloak and Dagger. Your cloak meter is only depleted when you move, so you can stay invisible indefinitely if you're standing still Spy name tags now show up properly when disguised as their own team Fixed a bug that would cause spectators to see disguise weapons incorrectly Fixed a bug where enemy spies disguised as friendly spies would have cigarettes that didn't burn Fixed a bug where overhealing disguised spies would show the wrong overhealing amount to the medic Made it more obvious on first person view model when your motion cloak is out of juice and you are partially visible Also made it more obvious on first person view model when you're bumped while cloaked Improved the way your disguise weapon is determined to make it clearer and fix a couple of rare issues Spies disguised as enemy spies now get a random mask to help complete the disguise, and their target id will be set appropriately Spies disguised as medics now have an Ubercharge: line in their disguise target info Spies outward facing "disguise health" now matches their disguise target when they first apply the disguise Spies can now pick up health kits for their "disguise health", even when uninjured Disguise UI doesn't show up in minimum UI mode (hud_minmode) Spies that disguise as a player using an unlockable now show that unlockable in hand Spies can now use enemy teleporters Added 70 new Spy voice lines Added 34 new Spy achievements Scoreboard changes Dominations no longer get wiped when teams switch sides Dead players draw slightly darker in scoreboard Converted class labels to class icons All players now display the total number of people they are dominating General Fixed a bug that would cause the scout's ball to regenerate at inappropriate times Demomen can now detonate their stickies while taunting Flamethrower's air burst now extinguishes fire on friendly targets Grenades and rockets deflected by a pyro under the effects of Kritzkrieg will now be criticals The Heavy and Sniper now have new custom death animations Fixed payload HUD not updating properly if you join in the middle of a match and the cart isn't moving Engineer's dispensers now give 20%, 30%, or 40% of player's max_ammo (for each ammo type) on each use, based on the level of the dispenser Added -sillygibs commandline parameter which will allow the non-violent gibs to be enabled Added a new taunt for the Kritzkrieg, which also heals for 10 points Improved the deathcam camera handling used when a player plays a custom death animation
  9. There're WAY too many Jarate achievements (6: Friendship is Golden; Jarate Chop; Jarring Transition; Number One Assistant; Rode Hard, Put Away Wet; and Saturation Bombing). It had better be the very first unlock. Also, 4 achievement names just from one sentence in the Meet the Sniper video is a bit... weird. "Professionals have standards: be polite; be efficient; have a plan to kill everyone you meet."
  10. Toy Fort also has a quirk where the map doesn't ever end unless one team wins, to the point that I forced a map vote to change the stage when I was on yesterday. Also, I finally got one of my friends to try TF2 for the first time... and he ditched because of the constant map downloads. Joy.
  11. /agree 60% of the current maplist is customs. A bit of overkill if you ask me.
  12. I don't know about Bleck, but competitive gaming has no interest to me.
  13. Well, the only map with weather so far is arena_sawmill, so... it's probably map specific.
  14. This is exactly why Valve removed the +50 HP bonus from the backburner... it upset this balance.
  15. I'll be around on Thursday. Also, the Spy achievements list (as well as the official Meet the Spy video) is up now, sans the achievement descriptions. Interestingly, there ARE a lot of James Bond references, just like the fake Spy Update from a while back. Also, Valve earned their own corporate achievement: UNLOCKED - Welcome to the internets: Fail to understand what 'Private' means on YouTube.
  16. Well, now that the web interface lets you sort by date, I did that and looked what was new. Incidentally, didn't we already have pl_haywood_beta6?
  17. Are you still uploading these to the mirror? I don't see pl_repository_rc3 on it.
  18. I think either watch could be interesting... but I was hoping that they'd have new weapons, too. Also, I want to know if these items are added to your weapons or replace something... it would suck to have to give up the sapper to have a different cloak.
  19. er... yeah, the same Psychostats I mentioned like 80 pages back?
  20. ...or would the game report it as a death and you'd get kills for not actually killing a spy? It could work either way.
  21. It seems I am not the only update. Now, the only problem I see is that these items both replace the cloaking watch. Meaning that you only have one of the three cloaking watches. It's also implied that the Dead Ringer watch removes your normal cloaking ability.
  22. The answer is "that depends." The more often Snipers kill my teammates, the more likely I am to go after them for a stab.
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