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Posts posted by FiremanJoe

  1. Man, you guys have some great speeds! =O

    We only just upgraded to 1.5mbit, so I can get a max speed of about 160kb/s

    Anyway, I've been seeding the OCR torrents for a while now... but what do I do now that the torrent's been changed? I've already downloaded the new songs from supertux, so should I just put them in the folder, rename it and continue seeding? Surely there's a way to keep seeding without redownloading, right?

  2. Australia continues to get the short end of the stick.

    In Paris, $50 buys a 24 Mb/s connection with unlimited downloads and unlimited VoIP. Japanese customers pay $45 a month for more than 50 Mb/s with unlimited downloads. Telstra Bigpond's $49.95 ADSL plan is a 1.5 Mb/s connection with a mere 400 MB of downloads.
    (Prices in AUD)

    Hardly seems fair to me. How much do you guys pay and what do you get for your money?

  3. Does violence in video games affect a person's behaviour?

    I think it's fairly widely accepted that it does, to different degrees depending on the individual.

    One of the main I wonder is- where does one draw the line? At what age does a person know the difference between reality and fantasy?

    If you've got any links to research papers done on this or other good sources, they'd be greatly appreciated.

    Miyamoto Wants Happy Games

    Violence in Video Games - Sirlin.net

    An assessment of the ESA's research on gamers

    Sorry to bring up the topic for the millionth time, but yes, I've got a school report to write on the topic. =P

  4. School year in Australia is a bit different to the USA. The year starts at the end of January and finishes just before Christmas (makes sense, really, unlike your silly system =P)

    At the moment I'm flooded with work, but the term ends in a fortnight. (I'm surprised I managed to stick that mix together) Then we have a two week break and the third term starts. (So I should be able to put some good work into my next entry or two)

  5. I've known about a couple of these for a while, particularly SSH. Good stuff there, always interesting to see new Doujin work.

    I have a single Hellion Sounds track, not sure where I got it from ages ago, but I'm having a hard time finding a full album (which I'd /really/ like).

  6. Here's the lyrics for my track =)

    Fireman Joe - Funky Triad Rap

    Rhyming to my beats, yeah I made them myself

    They're not from a box full of loops on the shelf

    Rhyming funky fresh like DJ Kong

    Rhymes like this, you know they won't last long

    I don't have fashion nor do I have style

    To write these flows it took a while

    Nerdcore rap yeah, nerdcore hop

    Double-dip ma chip in the salsa-red slop

    Party round the house wearing nothing but my shorts

    I don't like teams and I don't play sports

    Gaming is my life and for school I don't care

    If I ever get a date I don't know what I'd wear

    World of Warcraft shirt? Will I comb my hair?

    Will I bring my PC, headphones and chair?

    I'd kick her arse and shame her good

    She'd never kiss me even if I've got wood

    Small as a twig, but my e-penis owns

    It's real huge like Attack of the Clones

    My hero is Big T, or maybe Jack O'neill

    Or Colonel Carter's breasts, Oh how I'd love to feel

    Like one of the team, part of SG-1

    I'd like a uniform and a standard gun

    I'd kill the Goa'uld and save the world

    I'd rescue Danny boy from the evil girl

    I'd love to visit Hogwarts, although I never read

    I want fictitious candy from the store in Hogsmead

    I fucking hate Ron, he should be in a tomb

    But when it comes to Hermione, the magic word is womb

    Ginny's hand in marriage of her father I'd request

    Prepubescent girls are the ones I like best

    Meals from Mickey D's and deals from the pizza place

    Less grease in a bite than on my face

    And that's quite a lot, oh don't you know

    Some hair on my chin, I'm waiting for a beard to grow

    White as snow like my buddy Gandalf

    Or maybe brown like that ET Alf

    I'll fuck you on the forums, flame you well

    God knows I'm going to a goatse-ridden hell

    A place full of shock and a place full of porn

    I was the first in line to buy McDonalds processed corn

    I eat fast food and take-away

    Grease, fat, oil, salt, sugar all day

    My diet's shit and I'm unfit

    But I'd kick your arse in Top Spin Tennis

    I wake up early to watch Dennis the Menace

    Digimon, Sailor Moon, Pokemon, you know that tune

    Seaking, Jolteon, Dragonite, Ghastly

    Why do I know all this? Why do you ask me?

    I'm a geek and I'm unliked

    Nelson took my lunch and stole my bike

    With schaudenfrade he laughed at me

    Now I'm as lonely as can be

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