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Posts posted by FiremanJoe

  1. -Not all pop(ular) music is bad

    -People are stupid

    -Hating something for it's popularity/liking something for it's indie-ness is also stupid

    -Hating entire genres is stupid.

    -There's always an exception to the rule.

    The way I see it is this: If you create something that even the lowest lifeform can enjoy, it'll sell well, because there's just so many of that lifeform. Manufactured music is easily digested. Stupid people rarely want to think about what they're listening to. You don't have to listen to the radio or watch Mtv. Searching out new music on your own will do you a world of good, regardless of style.

  2. Speaking of which, anyone still on dial-up?

    I have a couple of friends who are still on dialup, and our download limit isn't very big, so we get capped towards the end of the month, down to 64kbps... almost dialup speed.

    I'm not a huge fan of touchscreens, and I own a DS. Oh well, good luck to them with it.

  3. Summer doesn't start for another three weeks.

    Try six months.

    For the early and mid 90s I didn't have a pc of my own, but at the time, of all people, my grandma had a good-ish pc. I had a stack of demo-discs from which I played most games.

    On to the recommendations...

    The Incredible Machine

    Lego Island

    Age of Empires 1 & 2 + exps

    Civilization 2

    Jazz Jackrabbit series (looking for full games, especially JJ2)

    Railroad Tycoon series

    C&C/Red Alert series

    Monkey Island series

    Hunter Hunted (again, looking for the full v.)

    Banzai Bug (I believe it's a port of a Sega game.. looking for the full v.)

    Also, I have my Zombie Wars (Sequel to Halloween Harry, which I'm also looking for) cd.. but it won't run on Windows XP. It's not a DOS game, so I can't even DOSbox it... I've scoured the net and found no fix at all.. any help there is appreciated.

  4. Don't move it forward. The day it's currently on is the first day of school holidays, which suits me just fine. Any earlier and I probably won't be able to make it; I've got assessments all the way up till then. You *could* move it back a week or two, but no more.

  5. You Yankees, Brisbanites and Melbournians gtfo of our thread. =P

    If someone's got Soul Calibur II or XIII, that'd be great.

    I'll bring GC controllers.. standard or wavebird? I have two of each. I can also bring a stack of GC games... off the top of my head I have:

    RE1/2/CVX/4 (if you've got 0 or 3, I'm looking to buy!), SSBM, TimeSplitters 2, Mario Kart Double Dash, Mario Party 4, FZero GX, Killer7, Eternal Darkness, SF Adventures/Assault, Beyond Good & Evil, Pikmin 1/2, Medal of Honor Frontline/Rising Sun, Zelda WW/OoT, Metroid Prime, Enter the Matrix...

    Also, I'll bring my DS. I have Brain Training, Big Brain Academy, Metroid Hunters, New SMB, Mr Driller, Nintendogs and Mario Kart.

    I *might* get Pokemon Diamond or Pearl before the meet, but I'm not sure. If you wanna chllenge me to Red/Blue then I'm up for that, too. =P

    EDIT: Also, can your laptop copy dvds, V? cos I've got /shitloads/ of stuff I can share. (If you want some, bring blank dvds =P)

  6. I really don't care much for sci-fi stuff, so this doesn't benefit me at all :\ Oh well.

    Says the guy with a Metroid sig... =/

    I played SC for about an hour and got bored. I didn't see the attraction, so shoot me. The only reason I ever really played WC3 was for Dota.

    Wake me when there's a Pikmin 3 kthx.

  7. Hey there guys I'll see you there,

    I just must work out what to wear.

    Who needs drugs when you've got beer?

    I must only wait till end of year.

    Galax-World and Mamma's Kitchen,

    I hear that place is really bitchin'.

    Bring your friends, yeah bring your mates,

    10, June 30 - That's the date.

    Excuse my rhyme and excuse my verse,

    late that evening we'll disperse.

    There's surprise and there is fun

    V's prepared for everyone.

    (His spelling blows and his grammar sucks,

    I know more intelligent ducks.)

  8. I actually heard some criticism over at the Gamingforce forums, but didn't read much into it. Something about subpar arrangements and false advertising.

    They're in Sydney this June, with no special guests to speak of. Bastards.

    Are we going? Meetup thing perhaps?

  9. Asteroid theme plz. ;)

    Recording kthxbai. :P

    ...I wish my school band would do this kind of thing. We usually end up with pretty crappy stuff. Highlights have been the James Bond theme, Eye of the Tiger and some stuff from Beverly Hills Cop (Neutron Dance and Axel F).

  10. Another serious victim in P2P renaming is Weird Al. I'm no great fan of his by any extent of the imagination, but as a musician the guy deserves the respect, you know?

    There's a great deal about this on his wikipedia page, and a few lists of misattributed songs, so at least there are people doing something about this.

    Also, I find it helps not to use shitty P2P clients such as Limewire. Stick with reliable torrent sites, and you'll very very rarely ever encounter this kind of thing.

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