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Amayirot Akago

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Posts posted by Amayirot Akago

  1. So I just learned of this game's existence today (well, almost existence considering it was never released) and despite its crappiness, it actually has some pretty sweet music. I'd love to hear a remix of the 2nd stage music especially, maybe done in the style of a cheesy 80's action movie soundtrack.


    Found an SPC rip right here for reference:




    And made an MP3 rip as well:



  2. 477964fc16988ede69e566fd719b7551_large.png?1417376745

    A good friend of mine has set up a Kickstarter for an puzzle adventure game he's hoping to make, where you play as a dog and follow his life living with a family throughout several years. The goal's only $1,500 for a Unity Pro license, and there's several nifty stretch goals, including donations to animal charities. So please, spare every little bit you can :) The goal's shown in kroner because of technical issues, but it's otherwise legit.


  3. I thought it was harmless fun, mostly enjoyed it for the action and Electro (particularly cause of his awesome - if somewhat cheesy - theme music). Kinda miffed that Rhino was relegated to a last-minute cameo even though he's on the fricking poster.

  4. Some of my favorites right now:

    Caddicarus: a hilarious and insightful British reviewer focusing mainly on PS1 titles. Very much in the same vein as JonTron and PeanutButterGamer.

    IkiFoo: Exceptionally under-appreciated adventure game reviewer from Glasgow. Needs more love, his reviews are excellent.

    Lazy Game Reviews: Great laid back reviewer who focuses a lot on old-school PC stuff, and has a penchant for anything related to The Sims.

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