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Posts posted by Saunders

  1. Sonic the Hedgehog 'Particle Brain'

    Gotta love that bass filled mini-intro, and I can barely keep myself from flailing along to the rest of the mix as well. After the intro, the mix turns into a great bass heavy mix of just outright fun and velocity, and what I like about this mix is just that. There are a lot of different things going on here in this mix, wonderful, cool, jump-around-happy-be-happy things. As I've said before, (and I'm sure I'll say many more times) I haven't heard the original so I don't have room to compare it to anything, but I have a feeling the Genesis version was definitely nowhere near the great piece of tunage this mix is.

  2. Super Mario World 'The Dark Reaches of SMW'

    Must say, I absolutely loved this song ever since the first time I heard it. What I used to think was only a remix of the Ghost House's theme from Super Mario World, turns out to actually be a remix of Bowser's Castle (among other themes that I really can't name offhand). Great use of different instruments going on, and several wonderful uses of in-game samples make this a definitely CD worthy song in my personal opinion.

  3. Okay, right off the bat I can tell it's FruityLoops, the drum samples are default. But as soon as the melody comes in, it lessens the obviousness of that.

    It's a fun little tune, and it smells of default FruityLoop samples, but it's not a bad mix overall.

    I give it a Yes.

  4. I don't like the organ samples used. They just sound bad to me. Like.. not full enough.

    The ending just stops too, that's kind of a downer.

    All in all this mix was a little disappointing to me. :\

    I also like organs, and I also like this theme, but this just didn't cut it for me.


  5. This is over the 6mb limit eh?. Of course it's also 320kbps. If the bitrate is lowered I'd say that it could be posted.. only problem is that I don't really like it myself. I'm gonna have to choose a No on this one, it just didn't grab me the way some of the other stuff here has...

    (Edit) Wait, I've changed my mind. I didn't vote right away, and I left this song on loop. It kinda grew on me after the 3rd time through. I like the beat that hits at :22, there's something about it that's just making me happy now. I don't know why.

    So anyways, ignore the comment above about "No" cus it's now a Yes. (Although we have to do something about the bitrate.)

  6. Panning. Cool.

    ... Okay, get to the music... there we go.

    I don't like that sample playing right off the bat, the buzzy one.

    Once the mix really gets going, piano, more drums, etc. it kinda blends into the background but it's still there, it's really starting to get on my nerves.

    Oh! It's just gone away. Hmm, this part is sounding better. Although it seems like it's missing something. Maybe I'm just trying to find something new and interesting, as I've heard another two high quality Spark Man mixes before already.

    Oh dear, I've just gotten into the 3:00 mark, and I'm really not liking the usage of that electric sample.

    The piano is also starting to annoy me.

    Right at 4:15 I really liked it, but it's gone back again right around 4:30.

    Okay, now that it's over I just have to say that it seems like a well done mix all around, but something that I can't particularly place my finger on made me dislike the mix all around.

    Maybe it's because I've heard other Spark Man arrangements, and this was not up to par.

    Maybe there was too much going on? Above I said it was missing something, I'm thinking now in retrospect that maybe it had too much.

    I'm not totally completely sure. But it couldn't keep my interest, I had to fight the urge to just load up the next song.

    Sorry, but No.

  7. Guitar-y goodness.

    But uhm, 320kbps?? Wtf?

    Anyways, it does sound pretty good. Like, the actual playing and music itself. But as Joe said, it has horrible recording quality.

    ARG, I'm so torn... okay, I'm gonna have to say Yes.

    BUT, we need to contact this good Sir and see if he can't get us a better recording, am I right?

  8. K, Pizza got the tune and sent it to me, I'm hosting it on my server right now (I hope this little bastard stays working...) along with all the other tunes that have come to us.

    My review:

    I like it! It's a fun little tune that I can easily bop my head to.

    But! Is it just me, or do I hear some sort of verrrry quiet clicking? Maybe it's just me...

    If there's anything about this mix to complain about, I guess it would be that it sounds kinda simple. Which to me isn't a bad thing, I like simple. I'm just trying my hardest to see something bad in it.

    But it's hard to find something I don't like about it (except that damned clicking). Yes from me.

  9. 12 minutes!??

    Okay, I'm going to sit here and listen to the whole thing.

    Not loving the sample used right at the outset, but it's still cool.

    Hmm, this is actually really good, sounds nice and.. full? Not empty like a bunch of the ones we get here.

    Ah, very nice when the drum/beat kicks in.

    The flute(?) part is cool. I'm a big fan of that effect, when all the instruments cut out and just one thing plays.

    Anyways, I just caught the tune this is based on. I didn't really expect to hear it considering it's a FF6 mix (I think)*, and I barely played FF6.

    Well, here we are at the 2:50 mark. Sounds like the song might be changing.

    Mmmm, I love that plucked string sound.

    Wow, bam, it just like wow neat.

    Uh, ignore that line unless you understand gibberish.

    *just listens and enjoys for a while*

    (Before and around 5:00) Oooh, sweeping strings and piano. Could it get any better?

    Ah, looks like the drums say, "Yes, it can."


    Sweet, it sped right up there (6:20). Dudeness, I'm really liking this part.

    *hums along with it*

    Aww it stopped (~7:00). Hmm, nice and mellow sound. Finding it hard to get into after that fast stuff, but still very nice and sweet sounding.

    (8:32) *tapping foot to beat* This is all cool sounding too.

    Wow, I only wish I knew music terminology better, saying, "this part sounds cool" is starting to get old. But it's all I can say!

    Ah! Perfect! Just as I was thinking, "Time to give it a change." it switched over to another theme (~10:00). What is this? The opera tune I think?

    Ahh, techno-ey goodness again, very nice, very nice.

    Hmm, almost over, and here I thought this would be a chore. Listening to this mix has been of an utmost pleasure (did I use utmost properly?), submission guidelines aside, this is a definite Yes in my book. And even not aside, I'm afraid I just can't say no. I love it.

    I can't wait to hear more from this person.

    Note: Maybe we should have a listen to his 112kbps version. If it's a meg smaller that's better than nothing.

    Note 2: Although cutting it into separate mixes like Orky said would be able to get it through the submission guidelines, I personally think it would be a shame to have to cut up a mix as good as this.

    * Edit: I'm an idiot, it's a FF7 mix I didn't even notice the topic.

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