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Posts posted by Saunders

  1. Okay that high pitched tone is a little hard on the ears.

    And at about 0:30 the whole thing is virtually cacophonic! (I knows the big werdz)

    The clap sample is annoying, but the melody that comes in at 1:10 is cool, I like it.

    The bouncy, for lack of a better word, sample being used at 1:50 annoys me though, the fake electric guitar is okay.

    Overall I think this mix needs a lot of work, it could use some better samples, the two loud parts need to be totally reworked or removed, I think it has some potential but it still needs some work.

    Vote: No.

  2. Hmm I'm not fond of that occasional record scratch sound or the tinkly sound either. And the bass is awfully deep in some areas.

    It's not horrible, but I'm just gonna have to give it a No. Something about it really gets to me, the bass is too hard and some of the samples are kinda icky.

    Vote: No.

  3. or if I'm just a total ass who lacks taste
    Yeah I think that's it ;D (kidding)

    I must say that I personally loved this mix, it made it's way onto my most recent CD. I'm not as cool with the latter part of the mix as I am the first two areas, but that's because I'm not as keen on that particular theme.

    Either way, an excellent submission by Trptcox (TeeArePeeTeeCOX), and since I accidentally stumbled upon the topic decided I had to add my 2 cents (That's Canadian cents too. About equivalent to a handful of American pebbles).

  4. Thanks for the dedication towards me and well, all those other losers. ;D

    I don't have much to say really, this mix is sub par and shouldn't really be listened to on a full stomach, in case projection vomiting is induced, which is highly possible (it's just that bad).

    Of course I jest, it's a pretty cool mix, love the lead instrument. And to me it seems to give off that sort of heroic, "going off to destroy bad man" feel to it.

    Pretty sweet mix. 4/5

  5. Well I think what Pizza is fearing (if he is indeed fearing it) is mixes of let's say, Kid Rock's Bawitaba because it's [insert wrestler here]'s intro song in [insert wrestling game here].

    "It's in the game! So it's a video game remix!! Really!!!"

    I say maybe we could make a rule that no matter what game it's featured in if it's "mainstream" music we won't accept a remix of it. :)

  6. Oh, I believe that's the "Plucked" plugin for Fruity, Malcos.

    Nothing overly remarkable, basic "techno" stuff, the panning is well used, percussion is pretty good too.

    Not a fan of the samples, especially the sample that starts at ~1:40, and I don't care for the way it ends either.

    Unfortunately, I really don't like the samples, and I think that with some better samples this could be a great mix.

    Gotta change up the Plucked plugin for something better, and the high/med strings throughout most of the mix could sound a lot better.

    And that flute(?) has gotta go.

    Sorry, but No. Some sample switching will make this mix a ton better.

  7. The drums are a bit too quiet I think, I can barely hear them, and that part where the "lead" was quiet was kinda strange also.

    Also when the initial lead has the double instrument going, there are bits where it sounds weird, I think both channels are hitting the same note at the same time or something, not sure.

    Did not like the sample that came in around 0:50 at all, at times it seemed to hit the wrong notes.

    And the fading from background to foreground is a neat effect, but I think if there were some better samples it would sound better.

    The sample that came in at 0:50 killed it for me though. :(

  8. Haha, Vader breathing, neat.

    Hmm, I've always liked the Imperial March, and I never expected to hear a techno rendition of it.

    The panned right clap sample is unneccessary I think, it stands out more than the rest of the percussion.

    I'm not big on voice samples in a remix (ie: when Vader's giving orders).

    My only gripe is that I think some stuff could stand to be louder, the percussion for one, have some harder/deeper kicks in there, I can barely hear them.

    So while this is a good tune, I think I'd really like to hear it with some volume changing up (that's called Mastering, right?).

  9. Well it's better than anything I'll ever do, but it sounds kinda.. flat? Empty maybe. I mean, it's just an boring drum loop with some guitar overtop. Until the organs come in, but it still sounds kinda empty, same with the piano part. Sounds like it needs some more "layers."

    On the otherhand, it's well played, like I said, better than anything I could ever do. But I guess I can't let my own limited abilities be the standard for judging. Gonna have to go with a No on this one.

    It needs more stuff going on, and maybe try changing up that drum loop every now and then.

  10. Secret of Mana 'Dyluck, Come Home'

    A sweet tune by jaxx. I don’t remember this one off hand, and I liked a lot of Secret of Mana’s music. I nicely orchestrated work, this is jaxx branching into a style that I haven’t seen him do before, but regardless, he does it very well. Very well indeed. Short though. And not good short, but “I wanna hear more” short. Great piece otherwise. 3/5

  11. Ducktales 'The Amazon Session'

    Accordion? Cool. I love the instruments used in this mix. It gives it a feeling. What feeling I’m not sure, but it’s there none the less. The only thing that bothers me is that the right panned instrument (some guitar of sorts) was muffled. I’m sure that was done on purpose, but I didn't care for the sound myself. When the acoustic guitar comes in around the middle of the mix (~1:35) it sounds a lot better than the previous muffled guitar. The percussion solo at ~2:05 is really neat. The long drawn out ending suits the mix I found, along with the collective sound hit at the end. 3/5

  12. Final Fantasy VI 'Terra Tripmachine'

    I don’t care for the way this one starts out, the notes sound off and out of sync, I suppose that’s possibly how it’s supposed to sound, but when it gets into the main song it’s a lot better. Deep heavy bass, and light melody samples, this is a really dance happy mix, ending in the same fashion that it started. Unfortunately outside the beginning and end, I detected nothing outstandingly special or mentionable about this mix. It’s good, hell it’s great. But it’s still Terra and Techno. 3/5

  13. Donkey Kong Country 'Diddy Evolution'

    I like the sort of hollow sample at the beginning, but I love the guitar that kicks in after the intro. This is one of my favourite DKC mixes. I like the quiet part around 1:15, and the wiggly (for lack of better adj.) samples that come in during that quiet part are pretty cool, strange, but cool regardless. Overall, this is a pretty sweet-assed mix. 4/5

  14. Killing Game Show 'Prime Time'

    This is the second Killing Game Show mix on the site, and also the second one I get to review. The tune sounds like it’s going to start out slow, but then it picks up the pace. The high speed action of this tune is definitely much better than it’s intro. Around 1:00 there’s another bunch of vocal samples that the mix probably could have done without, but they don’t detract that much. A nice short mix. 3/5

  15. Mega Man 3 'Get Down'

    I love the part right after the initial intro, where it’s just the bass. The samples that come in (~0:30) after the percussion, are really good, I’ve always liked Disco Dan’s sample choices. I also love the sample that comes in at ~1:00 for the main melody. Oh dear, there are so many different samples in this mix that are just amazing and perfectly suited to this mix. Also, I just don’t know what to say about this tune, it’s exceptionally well done as is all of Disco Dan’s stuff. Unfortunately I find myself totally speechless, I just don’t know what to say about this mix. Maybe if I knew more technical aspects of music I could critique this better, but at the moment I’ll just say that this song is great, and leave it at that. 5/5

  16. Blazing Lazers 'Industrial Bubbles'

    This starts out sounding like something from the Demon’s Crest soundtrack. Didn't care for the samples that start at 0:18, they remind me of breaking glass or something. The percussion is okay, and the main “bow” sound is annoying, but the background choir sample is nice. The sample that sounds like a turntable is annoying also, but the pinging sound that starts at ~1:10 is as good as the choir sample was. Otherwise the mix just sounds like noise to me. The beat/bass only area at ~1:40 is okay, but soon after it starts that “breaking glass” sample is playing again, and I just find that annoying. Overall, I can’t say I liked listening to this mix. 1/5

  17. Blaster Master 'Dancer Master'

    Whee, this is definitely a happy tune, which is of course it’s intent, being a dance tune and all. I love the voice sample used at 1:20 also, it’s perfectly placed, and makes me giggle as well. The area at ~1:35 with the strange sample really reminds me of the game’s original tune. And well, there’s not really a whole lot else to say. 3/5

  18. Chrono Cross 'Time Scars'

    I love the Time’s Scar tune from Chrono Cross. And FFmDj’s rendition here is well done. Nothing special though really, it’s trance or techno or some such thing, I’m never sure when it comes to this genre (I really need to learn my genres don’t I?) It’s well done techno, like all of the stuff I've heard from FFmDj, almost professional sounding. Not much else to say really. 3/5

  19. Mega Man X3 'X-Buster MK-17'

    Right off the bat, I don’t like the sample used, it’s a little too high/sharp for me. But when the bass/beat kicks in it’s a lot better. At first a fast paced remix of (I believe) the intro stage to Mega Man X, and then going into a theme I’m not too sure about, this mix isn't one of the best ones out there, but I don’t think it’s that bad really. I didn't care for the area around 2:10, the constant sample used there and beyond really started to annoy me on it’s 100th loop or so. In fact, without the bass and drums, I believe a lot of the samples used here annoy me. The really heavy bass areas near the end weren't good either though. Maybe it’s the overall louder volume of the tune (which increases even more at about 3:05) but I can’t say I was overly fond of this mix. 2/5

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