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Posts posted by Saunders

  1. Well this song is pretty cool, very pretty and nice. I don't know anything about minor chords or major chords, or.. chords in general, heh. But I know what I like, and this definitely fits into that category. Good stuff from Wingless, always. Can't wait for Pretzel to post his Aphrodite Oceanus *hint hint* it's quite amazing itself.

    Definite Yes from me.

  2. Well, I must say that when I seen DJ Jake branded on this piece I was expecting as good or better than the last DJ Jake piece. But so far (1:30) it has failed to really make me smile the same. It is pretty good, and this music box part it just hit is really cool, I like it a bunch. But now the bass thingy and the horn samples are back, those are pretty nasty (the horns, the bass is pre'good).

    Oh sweet griblopf, this part at the 3 minute mark is rather amazing, I'm gonna have to give a definite Yes for this mix now. 68030 was right about the wait being worth it.

  3. Eep. I'm not caring too much for this one.

    The main melody sounds too.. regular to me.

    It sounds like, the original melody was taken and some abstract drum loops were overlayed.

    Maybe just my preference, I hate to let it get the best of me, but I'm gonna have to say No on this one.

    Note: The ending tipped the scale really. Cutoff ending != good.

  4. Oooh, I'm horrible with style names, but I know that I like this style/genre.

    *Dances, just a little.*

    Hmm, it really could have done without the samples I think.

    My personal opinion: Movie samples in music = suck.

    Overall though, this is a really cool mix.

    My only complaints are:

    1) Length. I think it should/could be longer. Possibly. Or maybe I'm just being greedy because I liked the mix. :)

    2) The part near the end with the repeated samples.

    3) The movie samples overall made it slightly less than wonderful.

    End result: Great mix. I vote yes.

  5. Hmm, the piano is kinda of repetitive.

    Er, whoa that sounded cool.. the part where the second? piano kicks in overtop the drums with the possible wrong notes that Orky mentioned.

    That sounds cool, and as he said kinda creepy.

    Hmm, me likey, and at the same time me no likey.

    But me likey more than me no likey.

    Okay that's enough of that.

    The drumwork is cool, and the constant piano throughout the mix has grown on me now, heh.

    Yes from The Rob.

  6. Actually I've already listened to this tune, it was in that large thread in the General Discussion about remix requests.

    I liked it then, and I like it now.

    I'm gonna have to go with a yes on this one.

    It's fairly short, but still does a good job of keeping me interested. I could listen to this one several times without getting bored.

  7. Hmm, really not liking the way it sounds honestly. Mustn't let personal tastes cloud judgement!

    Drum work sounds kinda plain. Sounds like there could have been more put into it.

    The melody and string work sounds good, but to me doesn't fit with the drums.

    And regardless of whether it's intentional or not that steady popping/ticking sound in the background is annoying the piss out of me.

    Arg, just when I thought it was bad enough to think, "No," the strings and melody come back.

    Hmm, well I don't like the style itself. But I don't think there's too much wrong with it that it doesn't deserve to be posted.

  8. Ooh neat.

    Only seconds in and I'm liking it.

    Lots of different things going on in this mix.

    The guitar sound is really good.

    The main background guitar reminds me of the Mother Brain theme from Super Metroid. :D

    Nice use of samples and such.

    The effect that starts at 2:00 is always cool, I've heard it in lots of mixes and it sounds good here.

    Okay the effect at 2:22 scared me at first, I thought my comp was fux0red.

    But that's really quite cool.

    Overall, a definite Yes to this one.

  9. Haha, I gave him that Kirby sample! I heard an old version of this song.

    Well I'm liking this, nice and fast and fun sounding, eep the sample at 0:33 ain't too great, sounds too short I think.

    *hums along to song*

    Hmm, the ending is kinda empty, and the sample didn't need to be used again. Actually he used it a little too much, but I still like it overall. Some of the samples could probably use a bit of changing. But I like it myself.


  10. :o

    Oh dear.

    Well, I must say that I liked the beginning.

    But after about 0:24 it just wasn't as good to me.

    The panning was an interesting effect.

    I didn't care for the instruments. That warbling [for lack of a better word] effect on the samples in the later part of the mix really got on my nerves.

    I'd also have to say that it was kind of empty, sounded like it was missing something in a lot of parts.

    I'm gonna have to go with a No on this mix.

    Constructive critisism? Hmm, change up the warbly samples, add some more what I think the super music people call "Layers," and it would be much better.

  11. The sample that starts off is nice.

    Oooh, high pingy notes. I like those.

    Ew, I don't like that kick drum or whatever.

    Hmm, sounds better with the other drum elements.

    Ah nice, it's gone. Oh, it's back. And it brought a friend.

    The part at 1:57 is much nicer, I like that string (?) sample in the background.

    It's still got that icky drum though.

    So far the second half of this mix is better than the first half.

    But I must say I greatly enjoy any part of this mix that doesn't have that strange kick drum.

    Hmm, overall I didn't like it.

    I don't think that after downloading this song, I would listen to it again, so I'm gonna have to choose No on this one.

  12. My attempt at a review.

    There's something I'm not liking about the strings, some notes it hits that sound bad to me.

    Otherwise it's sounding good and koolidge.

    That effect at 1:44 is an interesting effect, but it almost seems like it was just thrown in for the hell of it, as it doesn't seem to relate to the rest of the song.

    Not fond of the way it ends. The quiet piano notes are nice, but that strange sound effect bugs me.

    All in all, the good outweighs the bad for sure.

    I give this song a yes.

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