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Posts posted by Saunders

  1. Hmm. The intro seems to be taking it's sweet time. There we go. Although this doesn't really sound like the song has gotten started yet either. There's not really a whole lot going on. Drums and bass line.

    I find the mix itself to be.. well.. boring. It's not bad otherwise, but if there was a little more going on then it would be a lot better I think.

    Also the ending is kinda bleh.

    Vote: No

  2. Agh! What on earth is this?

    It's too loud for me. I've got my volume down at 13% now just to hear it without making my ears bleed. Hmm. Although I must say, it doesn't actually sound that bad. The drums are sorta repetitive, but not boring really. And the synth work is good, although the mix doesn't seem like it's really going anywhere. I don't know how to describe it really.

    The intro is really awful, I didn't like it all. When the staccato lead comes in it's much better.

    One major suggestion I have for this is to drop down the volume a chunk.

    I was able to comfortable listen to it at 50% of my Winamp volume, and most stuff I listen to at 100%

    Arg, I really don't know what to say about this. I like it, but I don't like it at the same time. And I don't think it's quality is horrible...

    I'm gonna have to go with my gut and say no. Maybe fix up the volume thing and it would be great.

    Vote: No

  3. Are those violins at the beginning? Cus I don't like them.

    The piano sounds good, although nothing remarkable or different from the original.

    The drums right at 0:50 are boring. With the way the bass and the piano is going, it should have been a little more exciti- WHOA! Ew, that organ is gross man. I don't like that at all. Aww, then the violins come back. Then they go away. Hmm, then we basically have a shampoo song: Lather, rinse, repeat. ;)

    Okay, my suggestions: Do something about the violins. I don't know what, but something. The organ, it just sounds sickly. A better sample should clear that up just fine. Do something exciting with those drums at 0:50 too. "Bam-piff, bam-piff, bam-piff" for close to half a minute is grating.

    Sorry Suzu, I know you've been working on this for a while, but I'm gonna say no here.

    Vote: No

  4. Hmm, the those initial synths are quite annoying. The synth that comes in, doing the lead I guess, is alright. I really think those annoying synths could be taken out and the mix would sound a bunch better, especially when the drums come in.. except uh, the drums need to be uh.. in time.. to the song. They sound pretty bad.

    Vote: No.

  5. Well, I've always been a fan of the Magitek Factory theme, even though I barely played FF6 (yeah yeah, so shoot me) and although I'm not the biggest industrial fan, I find that this mix doesn't journey too far in a direction that I dislike.

    Hard metallic sounding percussion, very reminiscent of a factory, is a driving force behind this mix.

    The bit at 1:50 is interesting as well, less hard and factory like, but still has it's own type of cool. "Kefka: trumpet, General Leo: drums."

    By 3:00 it's gone back to the very factory like industrial stuff, and this part is a little less of what I like. One of the things that will really make a mix unliked by me is static. And the percussion here is very loud and staticcy (that a word?) sounding, but it doesn't last long so I don't find it unbearable.

  6. Hmm, no replies. Did I do bad?

    If anyone's waiting for me to vote, I'd just like to note that I'm holding off on voting here. Basically because it's from a friend of mine, and I've liked the mix for a long time so I don't know how objective I could be (some people have told me that they didn't like the mix, I couldn't see what they were talking about) so I'm not gonna vote on this unless I'm needed to do a tiebreaking vote I guess.

    *awaiting replies*

  7. MSN Conversation:

    Saunders: and.. actually, did you ever try submitting it to OCR?

    Dejin: Naw, I dont have the time to wait for it to do that. But you can submit it for me if you want :-)

    Saunders: hmm.. well i suppose i could do that, i'm on the judges panel

    Dejin: really??

    Dejin: hmm...

    Saunders: yup

    So here's his mix, if you need the name and password for the address, it's at the top of the forum.

    Also, he showed some interest in becoming a judge. Dave, if you have any interest in getting another judge in here we can discuss that further, but for now it's unimportant.

  8. The drums sound too echoey and background. The sound panned right annoys me. It's really deep and just.. ugh...

    Is that a duck? I could swear I heard a duck in the background..

    No.. okay, it must just be me. Sorry.

    I must say at about half way through the mix I kinda start to enjoy it, but arg! I don't know...

    I'm gonna have to go with my gut here and choose no.

    Sorry Mr. Flores.

    Vote: No.

  9. Secret of Mana 'Wandering the Wild Forest'

    Ah yes, I really liked this one when it came to us judges.

    I think I'll post my basic comments from the judging thread first:

    1:20. That flute is a little loud/piercing at times. Although points for it sounding like the original flute from the game.

    1:52. The guitar sound was icky. I personally didn't like it. I was happy when it stopped.

    2:25. Then it comes back. :(

    3:16. I like this part. That guitar is hella better than the previous bits. :D

    So as you can see, I wasn't fond of the sound of the guitar at first, it.. I dunno.. just the tone or something. It seemed sort of sickly and whiny. When it came back it was less whiny, but still sounded ugh.

    But when it comes in with some harsher/metallic goodness, it's all better!

  10. Brave Fencer Musashi 'Diet Thirstquencher'

    *Listening while reviewing*

    Mmmm, technoey goodness.

    I believe Beatdrop sent me this a couple months ago to listen to.

    Not a whole lot to say, although I'll agree with Pretzel, it doesn't sound like Beatdrop's stuff. I think it's less harsh than his stuff is usually. I dunno.

    Conclusion: Can't say there's a lot of new, exciting stuff going on here. It's not bad, but it's just regular everyday techno to me. I think I might have liked it more if the bass were a little deeper on the drums. It seemed overall pretty soft.

    My opinions.

  11. Neat. NES style intro.

    Can't wait until the real instruments kick in. :D


    Hmm.. this uh.. this is still part of the intro right?

    What? It's not? Damn. :(

    Actually, it's not as bad as I'm making it out. It sounds rather good. Just.. it sounds like a Gameboy. And I don't mean a GBA, I mean a GB. Remember? Gray plastic, green screen? Yeah.

    Anyways, this mix isn't that long, and I think that's a good thing. It doesn't really sound bad (which surprised me considering it sounds like a GB), and considering with it's length it doesn't drone on too long. Instead of being annoying and bad, I think it gives more of a nostalgic feeling.

    Vote: Yes.

  12. I've heard this before.

    I think I got this one from VGMix.

    Can't remember if I liked it or not, so I'll listen to it now.


    1:20. That flute is a little loud/piercing at times. Although you get points for it sounding like the original flute from the game.

    1:52. The guitar sound was icky. I personally didn't like it. I was happy when it stopped.

    2:25. Then it comes back. :(

    3:16. I like this part. That guitar is hella better than the previous bits. :D

    Overall, I liked this mix. The guitar parts I didn't like were totally personal preference, so I can't allow that to hold this mix back.

    Vote: Yes.

  13. Sounds kinda creepy at first.

    But the sounds also sounded really bad quality.

    And now there's this constant sound that keeps hitting and panning across my ears. It's annoying me.

    If it weren't for that, this would be really good so far (aside from the intro, which I didn't really like at all).

    The drum loop that kicks in at 1:12 is good, although I believe I've heard it a lot before.

    1:26. The piano that comes in doesn't sound very real, but that's not a problem. It actually sounds quite good. In fact, now that the strange panning sound is gone, the mix sounds really goo- Oh. It's come back (2:00). Although it sounds quieter now, so it's not as bad. When I can hear it without the piano though (2:55) is when I found I didn't like it at all.

    3:21. Uhm. What? I don't really like the way this is going so far. Okay, drums are back (3:43) that's better. Although the constant background "bow-bow-bow"ing is annoying. Thankfully by 3:55 it all goes away and back to normal.

    Then ending is a little.. meh. It's a bit of a let down, but not horrible.

    Overall I must say that this mix is good.

    Really good. Only 3 gripes in this mix. :)

    1. The intro has crappy samples. But I assume those are like in game samples.

    2. There's a sample that I didn't really like, but it isn't overly horrible.

    3. That intermission bit at 3:21. Really didn't like that. But some might.

    But to me, that's not enough to hold it back.

    Vote: Yes.

  14. Okay, I don't like the wind. It's too.. there. Like it's going out of it's way to get noticed. I think if someone's going to put wind into a song, it should be more quiet and subtle.

    Not fond of the initial lead thing, music box sample or whatever. Not horrible, though a little piercing.

    The drums here sound like some pre-made drum loop from a keyboard or electric organ. "Hit rhumba, and start groovin!"

    The sample that starts at ~1:14 is uh.. strange. Doesn't seem to fit.

    1:48. Good. The piano sounds good. The horn is nice also. The wind is still annoying. But otherwise I like this part a lot.

    2:37. Also very good. The drums are very minimal at first, but then that snare comes in again :(. The bass line here was good. It really helped the song along. When the drums go out again at 3:48 I like it.

    4:07. I like this part as well. Absence of drums in this mix is good it seems. And absence of that darned whoosh sample.

    Well. I think that this song could definitely be OC quality, if the bits above are fixed up. Although this is my opinion, but I think it's fairly valid (or maybe I'm just an asshole who doesn't like you?).

    Vote: No.

  15. Mega Man 2 'Dr. Wily Haunts Flash Man'

    Maybe I just like Mega Man music, but I really enjoyed this tune.

    The guitar playing is neat, something I always like in a tune is a good sounding electric guitar.

    The synth stuff is okay, nothing new or exciting, a little too quiet maybe even. I like the guitar and drums, but sometimes it's all I can hear.

    See 3:06 for my example. I always liked Flash Man's theme, and you can hear it here, but it's not distinct enough for my taste.

    Overall though, a really cool song.

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