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Posts posted by shikigami

  1. Until I see a scan or screen shot from the game, I call bullshit on this. IGN has been making stupid claims on non-existent games for years now (the GBA and now DS Halo game, anyone?), and I don't believe them at all.

    well, theres no more prime...so whats next? id like to see a 2D sequel.

  2. ...and the fact that all the characteristics of a previous beam are inherited by the new one when you upgrade.

    the beam stacking is the same way for super metroid, only in super metroid you were able to turn different beams on and off. can you do that in mp3?

    I remember how fun the last boss battle of Metroid Prime 1 was because you HAD to switch the beams in the first half just to do damage.

    eh, i thought that was kinda gimmick-y.

  3. Areas are very not bland.Music is good. There are some great use of the classic metroid musical themes throughout, sometimes very faint. For example, on the main menu title screen you get the same theme from the original Metroid theme, but I didn't notice it at first. You can also hear the same "item room" music in a few item room like rooms, but VERY quiet. Super Metroid escape music returns for some of the larger battles, the Space Pirate fight music from Metroid Prime is there too.

    i love how most of the music so far is remixed from super metroid, which had awesome freakin music. and yeah the intro had the signature 4 low pitched notes from the original metroid

    Now I have to start this discussion.

    Control Scheme: Basic, Standard, or Advanced, and why?

    The basic setting is recommended for beginners, because the low sensitivity makes it easier to aim at enemies and move without becoming disoriented, and lock-on works like old lock-on, making shots home in on locked-on targets.

    Standard I assume is a bit more sensitive than Basic.

    Advanced has much higher sensitivity and Samus will turn with the gun sooner when aiming on the screen, and lock-on free aiming defaults to on, allowing you to shoot anywhere on the screen when locked on to a target.

    yes lock on/free aim is cool. advanced is good because you can turn quicker, and you get used to the sensitivity. it seems that twitch motions are more accurate with a mouse though imo.

    Lastly, I swapped the A and B button controls just cause I'm a sucker for the trigger-button is your shooting button idea, even if I could probably tap A faster with my thumb and less controller movement. =P

    it would seem more natural to have jump be on the nunchuk with the morph ball on the wiimote, but then the targeting would be difficult.

    I'm just guessing at this, but maybe the control scheme makes the game play different for some than others.

    it influences so much because it becomes a part of the gameplay. thats the genius of the wii.

  4. Why wouldn't one of them be on?

    if youre behind a router youre already behind a firewall. having another one locally, especially one thats too overprotective like windows firewall, hinders more than helps. just use your router settings to control which ports are open/closed/forwarded.

  5. You know.. personally, I have one mark against Corruption.. on the Advanced control method, it's just a little too drifty and touchy, when trying to aim and scan objects.

    youll get used to it. ive already devised an aiming method of strafing the enemy into the crosshairs rather than slightly moving the wiimote.

    i really like the lock on/free aim feature.

  6. So, when it's obvious how to kill a boss, it's too easy, but if you have to put in some effort, it's tedious?

    I really don't think this is to be taken seriously by us gamers. This is clearly written by/for an audience that is a far-cry from ours. Since i'm European, i don't have the game yet, but i really doubt it's a bad game, and everything the reviewer said was just seeing the Metroid formula negatively, instead of thinking positively about it.

    Us:"Yay, freedom!"

    Reviewer:"Lack of direction."

    Us:"Cool boss battles!"

    Reviewer:"Battles where you have to put in effort? Screw this!"

    This guy has his head up his ass.

    that review was in Variety. their review is for the more casual gamer.

    i got maybe an hour or two into the game. its different from our perceptions of metroid, but its interesting so far. id like to see how it pans out.

  7. hat do you mean by this? Starcraft and Diablo are (arguably massive) multiplayer online games... with large single player modes as well, of course. I'm just curious, that's all =p

    depends on your definition of mmo. while its arguable, they both lack a persistent world, which is supposedly a hard requirement.

  8. So I have the game and it is awesome. I just got the OMFG SPOILERZ grapple beam.

    i would guess you get that somewhat early since noone can wait to use the grapple wii controls.

    but anyway fuck yes i found a copy. peace out see you on the flipside. lol jk i gotta go to work and will do posting there like i normally do (i know, GROAN!).

    Oh and Prime 2 is possible in 1:03? Wtf?

    If that's for real I can't not watch it... because i don't believe it. I was pretty pleased with my 14 hour 100% completion. I can't even fathom what the hell you... no.. really.. wtf?

    it is fucked up repugnant shit, but so amazing its like watching Neo.

  9. Yeah, Gamestop sucks pretty hard (especially since they bought out Rhino Games, which was awesome).

    Hey, at least they aren't like Best Buy, asking if you want a warranty on frikkin' USB cable.

    no but theyll ask you if you want to buy the strategy guide if youre buying a game, and ask for a preorder if youre buying a console.


    and at least best buy has a clue on how to do business. the gamestop/EB corporate execs are all "omg whos gonna buy a Wii? its all about PS3 LETS SPEND ALL OUR CASH OVERSTOCKING ON THINGS PEOPLE WONT BUY AND NOT PROVIDE THE THINGS PEOPLE WILL BUY"


    i called they said they had it and i got there 30 mins later they were out f that.

    To say the least :-P. I think you need boost ball in order to get the seeker launcher no? There are other puzzles which also require the boost ball.

    oh i was talking about prime 1 sorry for the confusion. the only thing you "need" the boost ball for is the half pipe in the vent shaft (phazon mines), but quintuple bomb jumping gets you out (its not as easy as it sounds).

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