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Posts posted by shikigami

  1. And for Wii fans: the Wii isn't designed enough as a multimedia platform, so Microsoft's edge over Sony is more threatening than Nintendo's.

    except whether or not it comes with a dvd player is irrelevant to me when im buying a VIDEO GAME CONSOLE.

  2. Maybe they should focus more on everything but the gameplay "experience" for PS3 games, and try to rebrand it to fit in with the set-top-box ideas? Go for a TiVo idea, but with the ability to do a LOT more. Record your shows, while using a fully functioning, fully featured Linux OS, or record while watching a DVD or BluRay movie, so you don't miss out on your favorite program.

    Or, if they were to do something so you could record your program while actually playing a game.. that might earn them some good cred, there.

    youll never get a job at sony because you have good ideas.

  3. Sony in general has been doing badly. The battery thing really ruined their reputation with many people.

    Think about it, if they can screw up a 20$ battery, they can screw up a 700$ console.

    i dont know maybe they have shitty business analysts who think a $700 console that provides a gargantuan amount of processing, 80% which will never be used before the next generation of consoles, and a pure lack of development interest will sell OK.

  4. My soon to be step-dad just moved in with his LCD TV. So I thought,

    "Sweet, I got a new home for my Wii!"

    So I told him about it and hes like,

    "No, No video games on this TV"

    his excuse was that VGs make LCDs die faster.

    Is that truth? or is it just a lame excuse?

    you should know by now that anything your parents tell you is a lame excuse.

    burn in only affects plasma screens, and even then youd have to be letterboxing CONSTANTLY or leave a game on pause for months before it even becomes an issue.

  5. Thankfully the new computer games arent dx10 exclusive but that may only be a matter of time.

    i love how microsoft monopolizes their own shit.

    No backward compatabilty forcing everyone if they want to play certain games to upgrade.

    i dont know why people deal with that bullshit.

    Vista sucks royally but gamers may be left with no choice unless Apple/Mac finally gets it through their heads that they can wipe microsoft off the map if they open up to gamers.

    that deserves a big LOL.

  6. "I don't know, its just that the Wii just doesn't perform up to everyone's expectations."

    which obviously explains how its the dominant console.

    That's strike 2 for EBgames, strike 1 was selling me a used game saying it was "new".

    wow thats pretty low. those small game stores like EB and gamestop are really managed poorly. how they are still in business is anyones guess.

    Also, there was something weird this week-end with my Wii. I brought it at a friend's place and well, the pointer kept jumping up an down. Look in the settings and somehow there were 4 white dots on screen no matter what I did. Is it possible that the backlight from his LCD screen messed up the pointer?

    there have been reports that extreme sunlight could mess with the pointer. does it just act funny at his place? was there any extra light that has an abnormal abundance of infra-red?

  7. So why is it that Sony went from market leader with a huge lead over the other two guys, to a distant second and getting comfy with the gaijin console in only a few years? How can any company screw up so badly so quickly in their own region?

    by marketing to the base which has the fewest amount of people.

  8. Well, they denied making a 2D Metroid. [/hoping for another Metroid of any kind]

    Also, goodness people, stop the pointless arguing already.

    EDIT: Oops, beaten to it already.

    actually now that i read it, yeah, retro isnt doing another metroid. someone else is probably. ill leave you all to guess what retro is doing next.

  9. But Metroid has had shooter elements since the NES. Samus does a lot of shooting. The shooting may not be the primary focus of the game, but you have to at least admit that shooting occurs with some frequency and is a key function in the Metroid series.

    samus does more shooting at doors than enemies, and thats to open them, not kill them. can you enter combat and shoot things, yes, but that in no way defines the game.

  10. Edit: To I-n-j-i-n, you seem more concerned with extolling the various attributes incorporated into shooters as your main argument for Metroid as a shooter. I don't think anybody here is saying shooters haven't a great deal of variety and offer different shooter experiences. But whether they're frag fests, tactical, or stealth based, they're still shooters. That's the foundation all of their elements are built upon. Shooting things and avoiding being shot is the essential experience of these games and can not be replaced without changing the game's very foundation. That's the one thing they have in common, and Metroid just does not share this common thread. Metroid would still retain its foundation elements if Samus didn't have a gun at all. Metroid is not dependent on its shooting combat.

    i said this briefly a couple pages ago, but since noone seemed to listen and you elaborated on it a little more, im quoting this for truth/emphasis.

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