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Posts posted by shikigami

  1. Programmers are at a lower level. Think of the screen writer as a "project" manager, and programmers would be the equivalent of copy editors and proofreaders.

    wow, ive never heard anything more inaccurate.

    the project manager does not in any way make the product. they manage the time in which the developers create it. ultimately, the developer is the creative force, just like the writer. the management says "we want this" and the developers create it. to say we do something as mindless as copy editing or proofreading is insulting.

    The thing is that the whole situation is simply unjust. The studios and networks hog all the money and they treat the writers and the actual creative staff (arguably THE most important aspect of any show: the writing) like trash and relegate them to a barely surviving salary, and they expect to get away with it.

    welcome to life. name an occupation in which this DOESNT happen.

  2. I've always been under the impression that if you work at a place like Microsoft, the pressure can be really fucking on. Programmers have release dates and deadlines. While it isn't an every week thing, projects can be large enough where hitting the deadline can be scary with 80 hour work weeks.

    dont listen to Nicholas, hes probably the guy whos script was rejected.

    other than that, yeah software development requires an immense amount of work and dedication. i recently worked 2 weeks straight, no weekends, 12-13 hour days to roll a server out.

    oh and i didnt get paid any fucking residuals.

    not to mention were constantly changing companies, especially contractors.

    Microsoft though is a different story. they are slave drivers. ive heard nothing but horror stories. i believe they actually try and make you live on campus so that youre always there.

    Unless you program Halo 3, or maybe World of Warcraft, then you would have no where near the impact that these writers will have. How many Americans watch televsion. 200 million? How many use your software? 1, maybe 2? Not trying to be an ass, but you get the point.

    yeah, and writers are already making more than me. not to mention i really doubt 200 million people watch the same show.

    the lower class has their labor unions, the upper class have their representation, and the middle class gets shit on once again. i have no sympathy.

  3. one would assume that you are trolling this thread because you got your script denied, and to that i say tough beans suck it up

    and you call me stupid. i suppose one would infer that i am a software developer since i make it quite explicit, but not you my friend. youre quite the quick one.

    all i can say is, until i see the same benefits they do with the gross amount of money they make, i am not going to feel sympathy.

  4. Yes. Writers are really not that rich, and not just the middle-class ones.

    rich enough to be living in places like LA or Manhattan.

    aw you feel underpaid? welcome to the lives of normal people. makes me wonder why white collar jobs dont have unions.

    I don't really get this logic. I worked for a year as a programmer and to me it would be crazy to expect the company to pay, despite the fact that they currently are and will be using my code for a very long time as they see fit, me in perpetuity for that code. Why are writers of TV scripts more deserving of this sort of royalties than any other creative job? Guys who work for companies and make patentable ideas usually only get a $1 for it.

    because theres a union muscling the corporation into it.

    i am a software developer and barely get bonuses for shit i release. if you ask me these people shouldnt complain. i should be getting a check for every VOIP call going through my old companies service.

  5. Yeah because it's so much harder to port a game to a platform that uses the same processor.. O.o that reason actually promotes porting

    ...you dont need to port it to a mac when its using intel and running windows. not to mention that if your compiler supports intel, it doesnt matter what OS it is its still using the same instruction set.

    Mac development would not make make sense for a relatively small developer like FSS. Also, Mac is pretty much 99% workstation.

    mac development only makes sense if the money you put into it doesnt exceed the money youll make from it. knowing the convoluted architecture of the g4/g5/ppc, this will probably never happen unless you hire really good mac developers, in which case theyll probably want a huge salary and it still wont happen.

  6. And since they're the ones making the music, they have the right to charge what they want. Paying $20 voluntarily isn't being robbed; it's choosing to use your money in a manner you deem to be less than efficient.

    but whats the other choice? oh right, stealing it for free.

  7. I hate Flagship for not doing it for Mac too. Especially since they have a history in Blizzard and Diablo, that actually was for mac too..


    i guess since macs can now use intel they found no reason to go through the painstaking process of porting it to the mac.

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