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Darth Lime

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Posts posted by Darth Lime

  1. Has anyone ever listened to a particular song while in a situation where that song played an important role or next to no role and somehow whenever you listen to that song, you remember that moment? I feel a sudden rush of emotion and I can picture where I was and what I was doing clear as day when I listen to certain songs. Am I the only one making these connections?

  2. I remember playing Oregon Trail on Apple computers at my elementary school as a kid. I remember getting an iPod for my birthday and thinking "wow, this is some fancy tech. how did this guy think of something like the click wheel?"

    RIP Steve Jobs. May your innovations inspire others.

  3. Eh, some games have rather lengthy or boring 100% portions, such as the Grand Theft Auto series. I try to complete as many quests as I can in most RPGs, but FPS I will only play once. Except Half-Life 2, which I don't play to beat it; I play to enjoy it.

    Multiplayer FPS 100% can die in a fire.

  4. Half-Life 2: Continued the story of Gordon Freeman and also delved into Black Mesa's history prior to the incident. Physics-based combat and a story that is (in some ways) better than most sci-fi films*.

    Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas - Vice City ate up my time, but San Andreas ate it, puked it up, and then ate it twice more. No game has taken more of my hours than that one.

    Bioshock 2 - Bioshock was already a head spinner, but Bioshock 2 really turned you on your ear. Looking forward to Infinite.

    Age of Empires 2 + Conquerors expansion - AoE was my first introduction to RTS games, and AoE 2 took a major placeholder in my RTS life. While AoE 3 had physics and better graphics, the units and environments were not as diverse as AoE 2.

    *Totally my opinion. Don't flame/rage/whatever. Plz :shock:

  5. I have no idea how my LEGO Universe Beta game play videos got so many views, but I guess it was because of the amount of advertising done on websites as well as general interest in a LEGO MMO. In about a month, I had quite a number of views that I was not expecting.

    So I guess its all about targeting an audience and pleasing them. And yes, encouraging subscriptions and comments will help you get more viewers. My GTA IV videos got me some followers, but I've since stopped uploading only GTA IV vids and made it into more of a gaming channel.

  6. Shalebridge Cradle theme from Thief: Deadly Shadows.

    I can't really EXPLAIN how uncomprehendingly creepy that whole part of the game is to people who've never played the game. You're one man, lightly armed, entering a burned-out husk of what was once an insane asylum and orphanage at the same time. You spend much of it sneaking around and hiding, fearful of every single noise and scared out of your whits.

    It was voted on numerous gaming websites* as one of the scariest moments in video game history.

    *Cannot recall which specific gaming website, but Google is your friend.

    Portal - No Cake For You

    Portal was a game that was both fun and intriguing. Fun because you get to mess with physics with a portal gun, and intriguing because you end up thinking "where is everyone? what happened to this place?". As you get deeper behind the scenes, you start to realize something seriously messed up happened. And the guy (known only as the Rat Man) leaves you hints and other helpful markers on your journey to GLaDOS' room. I got an eerie sense of "I'm the only person in this complex alive" while playing that game and listening to the music.

  7. The Boogyman's Theme from King's Quest VII (PC)

    No matter who played that game, whether it was me, my older sister, or my mother, whenever that music started playing I freaked out. I hated that bastard.

    Hell, I got goosebumps listening to that song and remembering him rising from the ground, slowly approaching you before pouncing on you.

  8. Dhsu, I still have my wishlist from the Thanksgiving sale. On it is;

    Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition

    Divinity II - The Dragon Knight Saga

    Left 4 Dead (love the second one, but I wanna play the original)


    Just Cause 2

    I may add more to that list, but those are my most sought after games. The Ultimate Edition of Dragon Age because I don't have a bank account or access to the BioWare store to get BioWare points. I have the Collecter's Edition of DA:O and the Awakening expansion, though.

    Oh, and I have two Steam accounts. The one I have most OCR members on is my Orange Box account. The other one I use more and play all my other games on. Please add that account at your leisure. n0fxftw is the account name.

    Tensei; holy shit! Can you track account value or are you just estimating? Steam is a master at getting its users to purchase games, that's for sure.

  9. I swear I saw an ad for some cellphone was a Halo commercial. The characters looked like Master Chief and the other soldiers. Hell, even the enemies looked like the ones from the first game, and they were flying in spacecraft that fit the series. But it was advertising some cell from Sprint that was the first to have an HD screen or some bs.

  10. Already a thread. Merged.

    Might play...maybe.

    Aww. I guess I didn't search deep enough.

    On topic, I have to agree with everyone about resisting the urge to play another MMO. Just started the LEGO Universe closed beta, and I have also been playing APB. Hopefully it won't end up being another game-of-the-month. It does have potential, but City of Heroes/Villains had the same amount.... so... :neutral:

  11. Lately I have been playing;

    Dragon Age: Origins (Bioware finally patched it, yay!)

    Modern Warfare 2

    Left 4 Dead 2 Mutations

    Borderlands (when I'm in the mood to continue my missions on Playthrough 2)

    And right now, I'm downloading the beta for LEGO Universe. Finally got my beta key, so I am rather excited to start playing.

  12. My CS:S clan, MaCK, has been around since 2006. With the new update CS:S just got, our server has been packed every day and night. We don't allow AWPs, flashes, or auto-snipes.

    Just make sure to get admin set up, as well as all the latest exploits and hacks patched so you don't get invaded by hackers. Maybe think about banning AWPs because they take very little skill to use. The Schmidt Scout takes a lot more skill than the AWP, and is a lot more fun to use than an AWP.

  13. TES Oblivion

    inb4 Morrowind is better, etc.

    As far as the shear amount of detail put into the written dialogue, quests, and keeping it true fantasy, Morrowind could be considered better, as Oblivion was lacking character depth and kinda leaned into the knights-in-armor more than pure fantasy. But they are pretty equal in terms of enjoyment.

    I'm level 15 or 16 in Morrowind. Doing some Bloodmoon quests after just finishing the Fighters Guild.

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