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Darth Lime

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Posts posted by Darth Lime

  1. Jeremy
    even with a ten foot POLE!


    Seriously though do give a chance to the alleged "big dudes" in classical music. There are even obscure composers that, while not as well known, their work are very much in the face of every one as the more renown ones are.

    Edit: if any one actually sees each link entirely, don't be thrown off by the last one as I put it there as emphasis. :wink:

    YES they are work safe... unless you have speakers on full blast with no head/earphones.

    I practically cried because all those songs were amazing. While listening, I thought "what will become of video game music in the archives of human history?"

    Beethoven, Bach, Mozart, etc all made their mark in the history of music as pioneers of musical advancement in their time. The piano was just invented when they all became famous, so they had to learn the instrument through many performances. With that comes skill and knowledge of musical genius rarely seen today, when anyone can make "music" with just a touch of a button.

  2. My definition of casual gamer is someone who plays games on Pogo or similar browser game sites.

    As many have said before, good/great games have existed along side shitty games since the dawn of the industry. Sometimes, a gem shines through the muck and mire. Like the economy, the video games industry is similar to a roller coaster; it goes up and peaks, and then it falls and has a period of suck. Just wait for that coaster to go back up. It's only a matter of time.

  3. Very few games hold my interest these days. I think because in the past, there wasn't a lot of gamer magazines and the internet to do previews and shit that could possibly spoil any of the fun of playing a new game. That was the appeal; a new game to play that has introduced a new concept.

    Now we have GTA clones up the ass and really bad RPG's.

  4. From a gamer that hasn't really played any of the new consoles, I'd have to say the 360 has the strongest base as far as how many solid games they've released. Seldom has a game been released that totally bombed (with the exception of those BK games). They took a hint from Nintendo's early days, looking of over the games and making sure it isn't a worthless mass of software only released to gain a quick buck.

  5. This completely blew my mind.

    After having the Star Wars "Rule of Two" for the Sith explained to me (As I was never a fan and know the series only in passing- but strangely enough because they are awesome games I know the KotOR universe far better than I do the movies) The thought that Anakin Skywalker, that is, Darth Vader, would bring "Balance" to the force strikes me thus:

    1. Assume there are 2 Sith at any one time.

    2. Assume there are >2 Jedi at any one time.

    Through episode 3, Anakin Skywalker goes nuts and kills every other Jedi except for Obi Wan and Yoda and turns to the Dark side, that is, turns Sith, so:

    2 Sith = 2 Jedi by the end of the 3rd movie.

    Where the next 3 go,

    2 Jedi vs. 2 Sith

    1 Jedi vs. 2 Sith after Obi Wan Dies, but because of Vader's actions, Luke becomes a Jedi, so

    2 Jedi vs. 2 Sith

    And then in Return of the Jedi Yoda dies, so

    1 Jedi vs. 2 Sith

    Vader kills Palpatine, so

    1 Jedi vs. 1 Sith

    And then Vader dies, and can't affect the number of Jedi vs. Sith any more.

    Anakin Skywalker has, indeed, brought Balance to the Force! Every time he's acted, he has balanced the equation!

    You would think when the Jedi outnumbered the Sith by several thousand they'd not want Anakin around, but clearly they don't teach enough Jedi discrete Mathematics or Logic systems and instead teach them kumbaya and that "balance" is always good.

    I figured it out after leaving the theater after watching Episode III.
  6. Katamari Damacy, Kingdom Hearts(1 and 2), God of War, Shadow of the Colossus, Dragon Quest VIII, and The Mark of Kri.

    Katamari for the sheer brilliance and quirkiness.

    Kingdom Hearts for their stories.

    God of War for the brutality.

    SotC for its awesome battles.

    Dragon Quest 8 for its intriguing story.

    The Mark of Kri for its innovative combat system

    My $0.02

  7. I wanted the Orange Box because of Half-Life 2.

    I think the Halo games are over-rated.

    Never beat any Mario or Sonic game.

    I dream that I'm the character in the games I play most. (eg. Oblivion, Counter-Strike, Half-Life 2) Not that I'm ashamed of that, I think its fucking awesome.

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