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Darth Lime

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Posts posted by Darth Lime

  1. Yeah no kidding. You should make this a sticky and call it "Spam Bot Topics" or something along the lines of pointing out that this thread has to do with Spam Bots, not spam topics.

    Great job, btw mods. You keep my thoughts sane at night by knowing that you are fighting off the evil Spam Bot army so I can a have safe, spam bot free OCR. Thank you.

  2. If by some miraculous means I get a Xbox 360, I would get Dead Rising, Oblivion, Fable 2 (when it comes out), Tony Hawks Project 8, Viva Pinata... there was more but I have seem to have forgotton titles.

    The main reason I would choose 360 of Wii and PS3 is because 360 has been out for a year now and most (if not all) of the bugs and glitches have been fixed. They have a solid foundation of games and most of them are solid titles. The Wii and PS3 are still full of bugs and glitches (according to my knowledge, someone please challenge that) and not a lot of good launch titles, although the Wii had LoZ: Twilight Princess so I don't know. The Wii's strap breaks so I am going to wait untill thats fixed and the PS3's is insane so I am going to wait for a price drop.

    Thats that for that rant. Feel free to criticize my inferior intellect and to make corrections. kthxbye :lol:

  3. Well before I went to my friends house, my internet signal was "Excellent" or "Very Good" all the time and had at least a 54 Mbps rating and hardly ever went off. Now its at 11 Mbps with a "Very Low" rating but yet my internet runs fine.

    I really should update the firmware or have my dad look at it since I know nothing about it. :D

  4. Alright. I have a wireless network at my house. Ever since I went to my friends house and brought my computer there and used his Ethernet, my wireless is been really bad. The speed says like 24 mbps,11 mbps, 18 mbps and signal strength is always low or very low. Internet performance is in no way slow or anything but having low connection and having the internet crash while playing WoW sucks.

    Any help?

  5. I played WoW for the first time friday night and it did not hook me or make me addicted. I'll admit it was fun but not as fun as people make it out to be. If I actually owned the game myself then maybe I would be addicted. Also, if there was no subscription fee then I would play as well.

    *runs back to Fable: The Lost Chapters*

  6. I didn't read all 160+ pages but I saw lots of FF games. Did anyone post about FFX? The fight against that one tank thing on the ice lake and the fight with that one dude with blue hair and a girly voice. He was a bitch. I tried leveling up so much but he whooped me big time. I'm might get FFX again just to beat him. Any ideas?

    Seymour? Which version of him?

    And it sounds like you didn't even see any of the extra bosses in the Arena, and Nemesis.

    Yeah Seymour. The form with the strong summon. The undead dude that shoots crap out of his eye. I can get to the summon but then 2 two hits and I'm down for the count.
  7. With all the posts abot FF7 and how to beat some of the bosses, I just might get this game. Combine my little knowledge on RPGs with your guys' superior smartness, I'll pwn that game in no time. But provided that it's a Final Fantasy game, I'll except long hours and minimal sleep. :?

    I didn't read all 160+ pages but I saw lots of FF games. Did anyone post about FFX? The fight against that one tank thing on the ice lake and the fight with that one dude with blue hair and a girly voice. He was a bitch. I tried leveling up so much but he whooped me big time. I'm might get FFX again just to beat him. Any ideas?

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