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Darth Lime

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Posts posted by Darth Lime

  1. GTA IV - PC (been screwing around with the in-game editor)

    Dragon Age: Origins + Awakening -PC (I have only beat the game with 2 characters... and I have 14)

    Various Genesis ROMS (nostalgia hit me full force last week)

    Tried playing Morrowind for PC but Vista x64 and Morrowind do not like each other. I can't play for more than 30 minutes before it locks up and I have to close it via task manager.

    I was playing Titan Quest: Immortal Throne with some friends, but after reaching Legendary difficulty, we all stopped playing. And we barely made it into the second act. :sad:

    I am itching to start playing some of my games I haven't touched in a couple of years. FRAPS and boredom equate to something to tide me over for a couple of hours.

  2. I don't know how many times I've Stumbled that video. Its a good one, but I've seen it way to many times to care.

    Also, any notice the cliche of Donkey Kong on the Empire State Building?


  3. I just finished it, it was a pretty satisfying journey. I don't know if I'll replay it many times (since I've lost a lot of sleep with the game, and also because when you start getting to some of the end battles where it's like 15 vs 4 it's annoying keeping your men up) but it was definitely a fun first time through. My finish time is something like 65 hours.

    Indeed. I don't know how many times I had to revive my rogue after she went off trying to tank 5-6 baddies while everyone else was concentrating on the boss.

    Other than that, I am currently replaying the game as a dps/debuff spirit healer/arcane warrior. Throw an affliction hex on a group, curse of mortality on a high ranking mob, and go to town.

  4. Alyx Vance was a good female character in regards that she didn't have 34 DDD boobs and thighs the size of station wagons. She couldn't rip a man's head off and slap him with it. She was just as human as Gordon, Eli, Kleiner, and the rest of the Resistance. Showing damn realistic emotions and facial expressions, you really got attached to Alyx as you played through the Episodes. I think that is what got so many people to like the Episodes more than the story and game play. Valve did a tremendous job implementing a partner that isn't a mindless drone with a happy trigger finger; a partner that displays raw emotions and facial expressions to match it, along with some impressive fighting techniques that aren't over-the-top.

  5. Anyone figure out where the last 3 are? I got to the final area with GLaDOS and I still need only have 23/26 signals received.

    Also, anyone think the places you find the radio and signal are rather ingenious? I put one radio through an infinite portal and I got the signal in mid-air. There was also a radio in a rather high place that I couldn't figure out how to retrieve it. After some more thinking in an already head-scratcher of a game, I got it.

    Hope this ties Portal and Episode 3 together in a neat package.

  6. I remember when I stumbled upon this site back in 2003. Trolled the ReMixes and listened casually. Fall of 2004 I got more involved with the community. Got into the TF2 server a couple times I think and I wouldn't trade it in for the world.

    One of the few communities I'm glad to still be a part of.

    Happy 10th, OCR. None of this would be possible without you, djp.


  7. I'm not surprised at the jacked up pricing, but what I am suprised is that Brazil had actually been left out of the gaming scene for a good while.

    Had no brazilian over there EVER imported stuff or read gaming websites? That's what I want to know.

    I've seen a good number of Brazilian people playing San Andreas Multiplayer. I think it is a little out of line for Sony to charge that much for one system, when people are still buying PS2's in the US. PS3 had it rough this generation, but the PS2 is still running strong.

    Better Business Bureau, anyone?

  8. I was wondering what happened Hiro last Monday. Good episode, delved deeper in the characters we know little about. Although I really want to know what happens to Sylar/Parkman. So many holes to fill, especially Mohinder.

    Also, anyone notice the gun Noah was holding looked rather fake? The barrel was solid.

  9. Haven't most of the FF worlds been destroyed/brink of destruction at the end? IDK, haven't really played them to the end to find out.

    inb4 shitstorm

    On topic, why both a Nintendo AND Playstation release? Square-Enix seems to like all companies evenly, seeing as Chain of Memories was on the GBA and a FF coming to the 360 soon. (fact check?)

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