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Posts posted by OverCoat


    Yeah, cool spelling huh? Get it, cause of the socket? Well anyways enough about the name. The game and it's soundtrack are REALLY great and I still play it sometimes. I'm seeing a lot of uncommon Genesis remixes lately, there's this and NoppZ's Zombies ate my Neighbors remix. Both are outstanding. What's next? Zool? Bubsy? ...hey that'd be cool :D

    First of all, after I settled down from the excitement of knowing more than 5 people actually bought this game, I started to listen to the remix, and seeing as how I'm really familiar with this soundtrack, I decided to review. Love the intro, it feels like I'm getting pumped for one of the racing levels, but now that the melody comes in, I see you did the weird water level :roll: Oh well, but I would have liked to have seen another song remixed, like the Futura song. Nice variation on the song, too. I like the instrument choice and the style. Not one of your best, however, but I still highly recommend this 1) cause it's from Socket and 2) it's a pretty good take on the song.

  2. Not sure if this is Fruityloops 101 material per se, but I suppose someone here will be able to help...

    Does anyone have any ideas on how to create a "modem synth"? You know, that sound a dial-up makes when it's connecting to the internet. I've been messing around with 3xOsc, but I haven't come up with anything that sounds just right yet.

    Actually, WASP can create a sound like that. Try fooling around with the LFO or something.

  3. I LOVE Zombies Ate My Neighbors. However, I didn't seem to enjoy it much on the SNES as I did on the Genesis. NoppZ mix does well to remind me of those days when I tried to get past that hedgemaze with the Jason ripoffs :D I dig the samples used, and even though it sounds near like the original song, I love it.

    Next you should remix the mall music! you know? with the little dolls that go "WOOHAAAH!" :D

  4. The window is completely empty.

    You don't have the SF player? :?

    Well, if you can load a .sf2 into FL, then you have the player. When there are no instruments in the soundfont, that means it is an incomplete file. A lot of times when I download from www.thesoundsite.net only 64 KB of a soundfont will be downloaded, and therefore there is no data inside the soundfont. Try redownloading the same file.

  5. Question about FX

    Hmm... On the channel properties (click on the channel name) there is an 'LCD' display that says 1. That is the FX channel that the sampler channel is assigned to (1 is default). Move the number to whichever channel you want, I usually start with 2 and work my way up, if I want that channel to have effects (and I do. A lot.) Then click the FX button on that toolbar with the 5 large buttons, and that is your FX window. You can select FX channels here and add, depending on your FL version, up to 16 different VST or Fruity Effects each. As for the whole "at different times" part... I'm stumped, I think you use one of the 4 Send channels.

  6. You have to set up midi first. in FL, press F10. I also have a problem with MIDI though. for SOME odd reason, Midi will not play even when I have the correct device selected to port 0! (I use the creative PCI sounds, not GS wavetable) Logically it would've worked, but I have problems with this.

    EDIT: Nope, no answers! Help!

    do you have soundblaster? no right? well, go to that sound icon in the system tray if you have it. double click and make sure MIDI isn't on mute or at low volume. I had this problem, thought i couldn't play MIDI's for ever and then I found out when i hooked up my guitar :D

    I so have a soundblaster, and midis will play in winamp, just not FL. it's definitely not muted.

    Could anyone that actually has midi working just tell me exactly HOW they set it up. Like, which buttons should be on or off or whatever...

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