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Posts posted by OverCoat

  1. Ok, this starts off really well, with the tribal-ambient and the acoustic guitar/flute. Then comes in strings, and a whole lotta chill. I was kinda mislead by the title, though, I thought it would be like this and then turn into MONDO HELLA THRASH METAL. Oh well, it's a nice remix to be had anyways, it reminds me of some McVaffe tunes. Nice one, Vigilante.

  2. :D Finally someone remixes the OTHER Brinstar song. You know how tired I am of the green one? Very.

    Song is good, it's got everything I like about each artist in here. CotMM's yea scarily sounds, Praslowicz's screaming guitar, and Beatdrop's beats.

    Heh, yea scarily... gotta write that down :D

    Edit: Did I mention that I'm the biggest CotMM and Praslowicz fanboy evar? This remix was like a dream come true!

  3. Hmm. If you did the right thing (I assume you put the soundfonts in FLwhatever\samples\soundfonts for example [i recommend it goes in the samples folder and some subfolder]) then you probably don't have a newer version of Fruityloops. Soundfonts can be seen in the FL browser starting at version 3.4 and above. Also, only .sf2 format can be read. If you are using .sfark or .sfpack, you need an uncompression tool.

  4. This is probably a stupid question, but how do you get FL to export music as a MIDI? I've found all of the options for it, but every time I try, I just end up with a tiny blank file. I think it has something to do with setting my soundcard to the right port, but I can't find a way to determine what it's port is either.

    Are all your channels midi channels? If not, I don't think it will recognize as a midi and will not work. Check other midis, do they work? If they don't, mess around with your card's midi settings until it works. Hope that helps.

  5. I know. There's a VST effect somewhere called Warp or WarpVST or whatever. I found it on KaZaA, so I don't know if I had to pay for it or not. Please tell me if it could have been purchased.

    ANYWAYS, once you get it and install it, start it up, put it in an FX channel, set it to "plexi" or something, it's the middle line. put the effect on a piano and it will actually sound remotely like a guitar. I think. Do it, it sounds cool!

  6. ok. do you know what the playlist is?

    See those 5 buttons at the top? Says:


    You really only need to worry about the first button for this. This is called a playlist for some odd reason. This is where you select patterns and sequence them. Got it? The reason the pattern stops is because you have no patterns down.

    Bah, you sound like a smart guy, I think you can figure this out. :wink:

  7. I am so glad this got put up! I remember another solo he did of the Trial a while back. The old one was more progressive and got better, however, this one starts off with a bang and gets even... bangier? Oh well, this is still awesome. The Trial is one of my favorite off the Chrono Trigger soundtrack and I am delighted that the song gets some recognition.


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