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Everything posted by OverCoat

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Q2EtUe1_NE
  2. NEXT WEEK! A_Rival will be on Radio OverCoat. We will discuss his music, his future projects, hopes & dreams etc also he will be performing. HYPE~
  3. TONIGHTS THEME, IS.... JH'S NEW ALBUM I am listening to it right now. Great stuff!
  5. nope            
  6. isn't there an ace combat for PS3?
  7. and when I say a little i mean a little I finished a song called phantom bracelet. you can download it here http://soundtempest.net/soc/single/oc-phantombracelet.mp3 or stream it on youtube here [getting some actual comments on my youtube pages would be nice once in a while!: http://youtu.be/agTUjbz-y4s
  8. The story is actually really good, and despite what one may initially think, it's completely NON-offensive to people with disabilities. Except maybe Kenji
  9. why can't it be both?
  10. It's out. It's really out. http://katawashoujo.blogspot.com/2012/01/katawa-shoujo-released.html http://katawashoujo.blogspot.com/2012/01/katawa-shoujo-released.html http://katawashoujo.blogspot.com/2012/01/katawa-shoujo-released.html
  11. unlocked juggernaut and pathfinder. I always sucked with light armor, therefore... mortars, mortars everywhere.
  12. Hey everyone! Tonight is the last show of the year, so I will be playing all my favorite music made THIS YEAR! Lots of good stuff tonight, including Perfume, Skrypnyk, virt, robocop.mp3, big giant butts, chouchou, and more!
  13. http://kngi.org/p=2834 Tonight's show archived and posted! Also, check that out, I'm hosted on kngi now, with the likes of JMR and TrueStar and Kyle SO LEGIT My archived shows are also on iTunes now as podcasts, if you've got an iPod you can keep updated easily :3
  14. Show's on right now! Got some excellent music lined up tonight.
  15. I know right good games get no luv NO LUV
  16. So I've gotten myself into the beta for this game: http://www.tribesascend.com/ it is a new tribes game! unfortunately they went the way of F2P with microtransactions, but at least after long amounts of playing you WILL be able to unlock everything. I currently have the heavy with the juggernaut loadout unlocked and am mortar spamming the shit out of everything. It really has the feel of Tribes, even though the skiing was like how it was in Tribes: Vengeance [blargh] and there are some things missing. I hope they add in things like the plasma cannon and the blaster, and that awesome bomber that was in tribes 2 :3 I gave my extra beta key to a friend already, but if anyone else here is playing and has extra keys, it'd be great if you could share them so other OCR dudes can get in on this game. It's immensely fun and I am a huge Tribes fan, having played since the 1st game and it's one of the only games I'm actually really good at Anyone else playing this?
  17. I think this album lacks the right amount of excitebike [i ordered the vinyl]
  18. no       ​    
  19. I have a guy interested let's see how this goes feel free to still be interested, other people
  20. OK So I have started a chiptune of "Cue" by Yellow Magic Orchestra. The whole song is done, except for the vocals, which I have tried to do myself and they sound like max butts. I have also tried using vocaloid but it is too difficult to make it sound like english, so I am turning to the ocr boards for help. If you're not familiar with the original, here is a youtube link to the music video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96Qthui5UqE Here is a snippet of my completed work: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/31913315/oc-cue.mp3 it is pretty much note for note like the original, aside from it being completely FM. I would like either a dude or a lady to sing the lyrics for me, which are actually quite simple but very nice. You can get a good vibe from the song. I have more of these planned as well. Please to PM me if interested.
  21. I like both the graphics AND aesthetics of skyrim fuck the haters it's a gorgeous game
  22. I'm doing something special this week cause SKYRIIIIIM so i will be reading select books from morrowind/oblivion. I've been told I have a nice voice, so let me know which books you'd like to hear me read on the air. You don't need to request "The Lusty Argonian Maid" though... But I'll be reading stuff like "Silence" or "The Locked Room" which are actually really cool short stories. Read up on the books here: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Morrowind:Books or here http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Books and pick out one you like!
  23. yes suburbia is a fine album this definitely won't be the last time I collab with skrypnyk it's always fun to work together!
  24. Good news everyone! The Path is now free/pay what you want, joining Gardens EP in that regard, so you don't have to feel bad if you don't really want to pay for it. Of course, you can still throw some money skrypnyk's or my way if you so choose Thanks to everyone who already bought the album as well, you guys are awesome <3
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