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Posts posted by nohero

  1. Lies and slander. For FFVII there was plenty of prequel room but basically no sequel room, given that the game tells the story of the very END of an eons-long conflict between Jenova and the Planet (vis-a-vis the Ancients). For FFVIII there's tons of sequel room but very little prequel room (as Cid and Edea created SeeD not-too-long before the game started).

    Touche, sir. Advent Children was visually impressive but added nothing to the story for precisely this reason. They had to revive about four different people from the dead (Sephiroth, Jenova, Rufus, and Tseng), completely invent some other things (the antagonist triplets, "geostigma"), and ignore stuff that actually happened in the games (why are Zack and Aeris still hanging around? Shouldn't they have 'returned to the Planet' by now? Didn't Midgar get all blown up at the end of the game?) in order to make it work at all.

    I really don't understand why they took the path they did with Kadaj, Yazoo, and Loz. For the first half of the movie (and the entirety of the movie when I first watched it in Japanese), I just assumed they were leftover Sephiroth "clones" that avoided death at the Northern Crater. Hell, that would have made way more sense. Clones in the game carried Jenova's head and were able to mimic Sephiroth. Kadaj absorbs Jenova's head and becomes Sephiroth. The whole "remnant" business was pure silliness.

    Then again, I stand almost completely alone in my enthusiasm for Dirge of Cerberus. While the gameplay mechanics could have used a lot more finesse, I felt the story was rather original and intriguing, unlike Advent Children.

  2. Maybe not quite what you're going for, but this fucked with me nonetheless.

    I had a mild panic attack when visiting my family once during my little sister's party. They were playing Guitar Hero and one of the little dipshits got the whammy bar stuck so that "When You Were Young" was being played on one guitar an entire half step down the whole song. I found this shit so unnerving that, combined with being yelled at and trying to talk on the phone at the same time with a bunch of loud ass 16 year old girls in the background, I started to freak the fuck out.

  3. Yeah, I didn't really like that. But what bothers me more the blatant disparity between that and Sylar's power. He figures out how things work, but how does poking at someone's brain get him these specific genetic markers? Maybe I missed something from a previous episode explaining that.

    Do you mean Echo? DeMille, I think was his last name. Interesting idea and definitely... interesting acting. But yeah, it just sounded stupidly obvious they were trying to be dramatic with that line.

    Although Echo did destroy an agent's brains by yelling into his ear, which was pretty badass.

    At least they put an end to the stubborn "Slyer eats peoples brainS!!1!" fuckers. I always figured he took powers by observing a brain as he would a watch, but yeah, that makes no sense on a genetic level. I'm probably just a little harsher on the bullshit science reasoning since I study science and genetics, though.

  4. I agree with nohero on the science aspect. It was probably better off as a mystery. The Star Wars source of the "force" revelation was similarly disappointing (to me, anyway).

    Still, I'm glad it's back. Something to look forward to on Mondays.

    Is it just me or has Maya's English improved dramatically?

    Yup. It must be from hanging around with Mohinder, who went from a somewhat Apu-ish Indian accent to a British accent to passable Harvard-esque English.

    I'm also wondering where she buys all her expensive clothes from, and how she avoids being deported...

  5. Hmmm, I clicked on this topic expecting to see a lot more criticism and harshness directed towards the show.

    I personally thought the two new episodes were chock full of cliches and unoriginality. Admittedly, a show about people with mutant powers can't really create a plot without having it parallel some existing plot (Peter = Bishop, Mohinder = Hank McCoy), but still...

    Oh, and I love how the writers pretty much crapped all over what little semblance of believable science the show had with Mohinder's new discovery. "It's not in the DNA, its in the adrenaline!!!" Oh boy...

  6. A better question is what the fuck is with eyeliner in general

    I think that fucker wears eyeliner in every single movie/show he's in (Lost City, Cane, Lost, Smoking Aces) and it's almost always out of place.

    My only gripe with the movie, and a little one at that, was the seemingly pointless inclusion of Scarecrow at the beginning. His behavior made no sense, and it was a waste of a decent character/actor.

  7. I think the only other way is 300 Brawl matches.

    I got Sonic long before 300 matches. He just randomly appeared as a challenger after a vs match, but it couldn't have been greater than the 60th match played. Something about distance, maybe?

  8. I just want to find out what happened to Zack after they got to Nibelheim before the start of Final Fantasy VII.

    I could be wrong, but I think Crisis Core focuses on the events in the years BEFORE Zack goes to Nibelheim with Cloud and Sephiroth.

    Look for the FFVII: Last Order OVA if you want to see what happened after the Nibelheim incident.

  9. It could very well be a final smash instead of a down+b. But regardless, why would Zelda turn into Midna?

    Given, it would be a pretty big stretch, but she DID give her life/soul to save Midna about halfway through TP.

    I dunno... I just can't see Midna as a character on her own, as much as I'd like to.

  10. I wouldn't count out seeing Midna as Zelda's down B.

    If they go with the TP vibe, Zelda's alternate identity (assuming she has one) will either be a very touched-up Sheik, Midna, Cloaked Zelda, or Zelda w/sword.

    I hope she still has a transformation.

    As far as other female characters go, the fanboy side of me wants to see Celes Chere (FF6) or Sheena Fujibayashi (ToS).

  11. Are you fucking kidding me? I'd given up hope on this one.

    I sure as shit wouldn't make him the same weight class as Bowser though. Fuck, is he gonna be able to fly?

    This renews the hope that was extinguished with the DK video that K. Rool might make an appearance too :D

  12. omg tetris block confirmed as ds universe rep

    Well, if Sakurai's gotten bored of the OCR boards and been looking over at GameFAQs, I wouldn't count this one out yet...

    So now it's up to this...

    01 - Smash Emblem

    02 - DK Initials [Donkey Kong Series]

    03 - Starfox Insigna [starfox Series]

    04 - Star [Kirby Series]

    05 - Falcon Icon [F-Zero Series]

    06 - S Logo [Metroid Series]

    07 - Mother Symbol [Earthbound Series]

    08 - Pokeball [Pokemon Series]

    09 - Triforce [Zelda Series]

    10 - Mushroom [Mario Series]

    11 - Yoshi Egg [Yoshi Series]

    12 - Sword [Fire Emblem Series]

    13 - ?

    14 - Eggplant [ice Climber Series]

    15 - Leaf [Animal Crossing Series]

    16 - Wario's W [Wario Series]

    17 - FOX Unit Logo [Metal Gear Solid Series]

    18 - Pit's Bow [Kid Icarus Series]

    19 - ?

    20 - Hedgehog Head [sonic Series]

    21 - DS Icon [Nintendo DS.. Series?]

    I'm almost positive #11 is going to be Mr. Game & Watch.

    Icons 1-11 are all icons introduced in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 64.

    Icons 12-14 are icons added for Super Smash Bros. Melee.

    Icons 15-onward are the new additions for Brawl. I wonder what else we'll get after 21. I hope we aren't going to have icons without a character to represent it though. That would be sad and against tradition.

    Didn't Master and Crazy have a hand emblem in Melee? If so, that could be icon 13, possibly even 19.

  13. Yeah, you could control Tails in S2. It wasn't technically an official co-op mode, but you could do it and help out your friend playing Sonic. Sonic 3 actually gave you a coop mode though.

    This is pretty exciting. I wonder what that crpytic last sentence means exactly. That sounds pretty cool. I wonder if you can customize characters, or level them up in single player, somehow. Hmm. Interesting.

    The first thing I thought when I read this was that equippables would play a role in the game. Different costumes, different weapons, all possibly affecting character stats. This game has enough RPG elements in it already; it would make sense.

  14. I guess this puts to rest the idea that no new characters would be placed on the characters page in order to keep it symmetrical.

    That being said, Lucas' moves look different from Ness'. I'm gonna go with the "Ness is an unlockable character" idea.

  15. lloyd irving for brawl

    b - demon fang

    forward b - sword rain or sonic thrust

    down b - tiger blade/tiger rage

    up b- tempest

    hed be the only swordie with an original fucking up b rather than that arc up shit

    Seconded! Moar Tales chars plz.

    Although I think Regal would make a much more interesting character.

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