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Posts posted by Antipode

  1. In a level of Mario Galaxy 2, platforms appear/disappear every 4 beats. It's the only example (short of perhaps bit trip runner) I can think of of rhythm-based platforming, and I would love to see a game design based solely around having to strictly choreograph your platforming in order to NOT DIE.

    You're going to really love level 7-7 ("Music Madness") of Donkey Kong Country Returns. It's exactly this, except some things aren't right on the 4 - some are on every one beat, some every 8, and so on. Some also move platforms in rhythm instead of hitting them. I feel like it was definitely inspired by that level of SMG2.

    You can watch a runthrough of the level here (but spoilers if you haven't played this awesome game before):

  2. I know right?

    Fuck these assholes.

    Rip off artists. No fucking talent at all. Original artist does it so much better these guys should just quit.

    Seriously terrible thread, though.

    Come on, this comparison doesn't work at all. OCR does what it does with the intention of honoring the original music and talent. What's more, most of the artists here don't find tons of money and success by doing it.

    The same can't be said for many of the examples posted here. Personally, I like hearing some of these examples. Also, anyone ripping on Kanye for using Daft Punk needs to listen to this:

  3. I was kinda pissed off that Wii Sports is the top selling game of all time. For some reason, it seems like it shouldn't count since it's included with the console, but oh well.
    Yeah, because when Super Mario Bros was packed with the NES, that was different, right?

    I actually agree with him. I don't think pack-ins should count at all, including SMB, Wii Sports, and Tetris - just show the copies of those games bought by themselves. I know there probably won't be many, but that's because those games were given away, not really sold!

    Anyway, I got 34 - forgot about Duck Hunt, a couple pokemon titles, and the gran turismo series.

  4. I can't believe I never commented on this mix. I have to say, this is probably my favorite SMB underworld remix ever. At the beginning I wasn't expecting to like it but I was sufficiently blown away. You use some excellent effects, you've got a great solo, and the arrangement was carefully thought out. My favorite part is definitely the transition from 1:53 to 2:13 finishing in that little riff with the guitar - very fulfilling. If I had to pick out any issues, it would be that the mix feels a little crowded near the end and it's tough to hear the low end - but otherwise, spectacular track!

  5. I just recently listened to Calvin Harris' most recent second album Ready for the Weekend and was totally disappointed. His first album had STYLE and was really unique. There were a lot of insanely catchy, funky tracks on there - that's why I was so ready for the new one. But the new album is totally different - it sounds like he completely sold out, and it's all really generic stuff that sounds like everything else.

  6. I think the title is misleading. It's not 3D, it's perspective, if the tech is the same as what we saw in that DSi video and it's based on a camera system. Headtracking ≠ depth. If it DOES have "3D without glasses" like they're announcing, I'm expecting some sort of lenticular, ridged plastic screen. The tech just doesn't exist to do it otherwise! If it DOESN'T have 3D, then they're calling it and advertising it as something it's not.

  7. It's a fun idea but they definitely already have ideas and themes they want to go with for this series - it seems a little late in the running to be thinking about pushing for this. And plus, I mean, as cool as the notoriety would be for OCR to do it, I want to hear what Sega themselves are going to do! I want to know how they plan to evolve the old style of Sonic tunes (as opposed to the style they've used in recent games). I do like the idea someone put forward of making some kinda alternate soundtrack though!

    Incidentally, here's something from a recent Gamespot interview:

    GS: What can we expect from the music? Will it sound like the old Sonic games?

    KB: It will sound like a modern evolution from the original series. Expect to hear very familiar tempos and styles of music that resonates with 16-bit games.

  8. Awesome. This has the Justice sound down pat, and has got to be the outright punchiest song I've ever heard from this site - plus, you made the theme fit naturally! Great work. Hey, I think I'm recognizing a very short sample out of the Phantom tracks by Justice - that echoing background stab you use in the beginning, like at :17 and :25. That definitely adds some authenticity too!

    Shit, the bass is just SIZZLING in this track. You've definitely earned another one of the spots for the remixes I keep permanently in my library!

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